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How to Practice Chakra Meditation

What is chakras

By Amara SmithPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Indian yogic system is full of miracles as it has the power of controlling the mind, body, and soul. There are hundreds of asanas and mindful meditation postures that can strengthen your inner soul and balance your life. The seven chakras meditation technique is one of the best techniques of Indian yogic system that allows you to focus, activate, balance the seven chakras in your body. This article is going to reveal how to practice chakra meditation and what are the benefits of practising seven chakra meditation.

What Do The 7 Chakras Signify?

Chakra is a Sanskrit word for 'wheel', the same wheel that looks like a gear icon in our devices for settings. There are hundreds of chakras in our body that controls our body system, but the most important chakras are these 7 chakras that control all our organs.

1. The Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Muladhara chakra is located at the base of your spinal cord. It controls the way we connect to the outer world and fulfil our basic needs of food clothes and shelter. The root chakra is associated with colour Red and the element behind it is earth.

2. The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

Svadhisthana is located below the navel. This chakra is responsible to control our sexuality and creativeness. The energy in the Sacral Chakra governs both your reproductive organs and your imagination of thoughts. A balanced Sacral Chakra is important for experiencing new things and exploring the world. The colour associated with this chakra is Orange and the ruling element is water.

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Manipura chakra this situated between the rib cage and the navel. This chakra is responsible to translate our desire into actions. The fundamental of this chakra is to regulate your digestive system and activate your mental and spiritual role. The colour associated with the solar plexus chakra is yellow and the element associated is fire.

4. The Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Anahata chakra is located in the middle of your cardiovascular system. This chakra regulates your main organ systems like the heart and lungs. This chakra controls your generosity, companionship and also regulates your emotional wellbeing. An unbalanced heart chakra may result in respiratory problems or high blood pressure. The colour associated with the heart chakra is green and the element is air.

5. The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Vishuddha governs your mouth, tongue, neck, and other organs connected to your throat. It helps us to communicate well and express our feelings skillfully. Your confidence and understanding are also regulated by the throat chakra. Any blockage in your throat chakra may put you in the feeling of isolation and cause infection to hormonal disparities. The colour associated is blue and the ruling element is ether.

6. The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Don’t confuse it with your eyes. The Ajna chakra is located just behind your eyebrows on your forehead. The third eye chakra controls your intuitions, thoughts and insights around the spiritual levels. With a balanced Ajna chakra, you can bridge between the existence of the outer world and look beyond your imaginations. This chakra allows you to see how the world is interconnected and what is your place in this world. The colour associated with this chakra is indigo and the ruling element is light.

7. The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

The place of the crown chakra is on top of your head. This is the primary chakra of all the 7 chakras and rules when all the other checkers are in a balanced condition. A healthy crown chakra can embrace the sense of peace, well-being and empower you with confidence in your life. Sahasrara governs your spiritual consciousness and connects you to the divine. The colour associated with the crown chakra is purple or white and spirit is the ruling element.

Practising Chakra Meditation

Before you start practising chakra meditation, you should identify which chakra is not working for you or blocked. There are several online tests that can identify which chakra is blocked or imbalanced for you. Take out 30 minutes to perform chakra meditation for fruitful results.

Step 1. Sit in a comfortable position on the floor or on the couch.

Step 2. Fold your legs and put your hands on your knees with closed eyes.

Step 3. Perform deep breathing, evenly breath in and exhale after a long hold.

Step 4. Keep your spine straight and strong while performing deep breathing.

Step 5. Keep breathing in and out while focusing on the weak chakra.

Step 6. Focus on one chakra a day until you master the art of focusing on your chakras. Once you are able to focus on your chakras, you can start focusing on all 7 chakras with every breath.

Step 7. Focus on every colour for at least one minute and also focus on its relevant element. The focus should be strong enough that you seem the same colour all the way.

Step 8. Feel the positive energy flowing throughout your body and imagine the balance in your chakras. You can chant or repeat the mantra of ‘Om’ with every breath that you inhale.

How it Helps

There are a lot of benefits of chakra meditation. Chakra meditation helps you to maintain physical and mental balance in your body. From thousands of years, chakra meditation is helping people attaining a peaceful state of mind. Chakra meditation opens up your blocked chakras and makes you more powerful, focused and stable in life. There are beliefs that if you balance these 7 chakras in your body, you can accomplish a peaceful life, a healthy mind and a loving soul. Start today to check, if you have full control over you.


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