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How to lose weight fast without exercise in a month

Important to know for losing weight

By The_unique_writerPublished 4 years ago 13 min read

If someone asks about, Best tips for- How to lose weight fast without exercise in a month? The answer would be, strict diet and regular exercise are mandatory.

But sometimes it can be difficult to follow a strict plan. So in this article I’m going to show you, how to lose weight and stay fit without exercise.

But first we need to know, why do we gain weight?

Before we know how to stay fit, we have to know ‘why do we gain fat?’ The answer isn’t that simple. Fat can accumulate for various reasons.

For example, irregular and inadequate sleep, eating extra fatty food, not getting enough physical activity and much more.

These don’t only make us physically ill, but also have a detrimental effect on our mental health. So if we want to stay healthy, we need to follow some certain rules. In this article I’m going to tell you some of them. All of them are science-based.

Now what are the rules or what are you going to know after reading this article?

•Lose weight by eating fiber-rich food

• Lose weight of drinking water

•Benefit of eating protein

•How to lose weight by getting enough sleep

•Benefit of eating slowly

•Why we should avoid stress

•Benefit of green tea

•Why should avoid alcohol

•Benefit of eating healthy food

•Why should avoid sweet made food

Disclaimer: I’m a professional powerlifter and athlete in a gym. I’m not a doctor or this is not a bit of medical advice. These techniques have helped me to maintain my physic, so it could help you too. But if you have any health issues, you should consult your doctor or physician.

Try To Eat High-Fiber Foods

Some studies say that, fiber-rich food may fill you up and keep you satisfied. If you don’t have the right amount of fiber in your diet, you may gain weight. Because eating the right amount of fiber-rich food seems to fill the stomach.

Fiber can also help prevent weight gain and promote weight loss. So if you don’t eat enough fiber-rich food, you will always get hungry. In that case you often eat extra food without knowing it. As a result, the weight increases.

There are many foods that are high in fiber such as apple, sweet potato, raspberry, chickpea, oats, orange and many more.

One of the fibers called viscous fiber can be helpful for weight loss. This kind of fiber is only found in plant foods.

Try To Drink More Water

Water has many different health benefits. We know that the majority of the human body is composed of water. So lack of drinking enough water leads us to dehydration. Some signs of dehydration are increased thirst, being tired or sleepy, decreased urine output, headache and dry skin etc. It also decreases metabolism which is a cause of gaining weight.

So how does water help to lose weight?

Metabolism can burn calories more rapidly. It’s one of the best strategies you can use when you are on a diet.

Drinking water helps fill you up so that you don’t eat as much. It is a great way to reduce food intake and cut the pounds if you are trying to lose weight.

Studies have shown that drinking water before meals reduces hunger and cuts food intake. Water has no calories, so you drink as much of it as you want without there being a negative consequence.

Eat More Protein If Possible

We know that metabolism helps to burn more calories even when we sleep. Some research says that high protein intake has been shown to boost metabolism and increase the amount of calories burned.

So high protein diets have a metabolic advantage over diets that are lower in protein. On the other hand, protein reduces appetite and makes you eat fewer calories.

Protein works on both sides of the calories in-calories out equation. It helps to take fewer calories in and push more calories out.

Studies also show that a high protein intake can help prevent weight regain. So protein can help you to lose weight as well as also help you keep it off in the long term.

Remember that, weight loss doesn’t always equal fat loss. When losing weight, muscle loss tends to be lost as well. This is what you don’t want. Because loss in muscle mass leads to a reduced metabolic rate.

In that case, eating plenty of protein can reduce muscle loss which would keep your metabolic rate higher.

Try To Get Enough Sleep

If you want to lose weight in a month, you need to get enough sleep. Sometimes people don’t care about sleep. Because they think it has nothing to do about fitness.

But it has been scientifically proven that, your body needs good sleep to regulate the hormones that affect hunger. Sleep can boost your immune system and increase metabolism.

So less sleep causes diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

You would think that by being awake, your heart rate is higher, so you are burning more calories. But the thing is sleep changes some internal chemistry, which can make your body more likely to burn fat.

Studies show people who sleep less than six hours at night will eat more the next day. People who have short sleep typically have reduced leptin (hormone) levels and leptin is one of the hormones that help regulate your appetite.

So if you have lower leptin levels, you are actually going to have an increased appetite.

Chewing Slowly

Our life is super busy now. As a result, we don’t always have the time to sit down and eat a proper meal. But a new study should make us all think twice about eating too fast.

Because slowing down when you eat has been linked to a smaller waistline.

Researchers analyzed data over a five-year period and found that 21% of self-described slow eaters or obese that is compared to 30% of people who said that they ate fast.

Overall fast eaters had a higher body mass index and weight waist circumference.

These days too many of us don’t take the time to slow down and really enjoy our food.

So eating slowly can prevent you from taking in more calories and it will help you to feel fuller.

Avoid Stress

Avoid stress as much as you can. The feeling of being stress increases cortisol hormone. It raises hunger and decreases metabolism. Then the fat gathered.

It also has some other symptoms such as headaches, high blood pressure, problem with sleep and sexual life, chest pain etc. Stress can also increase depression and anxiety.

So we should always try to be happy. We can meditate if needed. You can also spend time with friends and even with pets.

Moreover, you can try to smile, it helps lower your heart rate and calm you down.

You also should take you outside. Because being in nature increases energy levels and reduces depression.

Why Should Drink Green Tea

You all probably know about green tea. There is an alternative for green tea to burn fat. Green tea is rich in flavonoids and caffeine, and they help in improving the metabolism rate of the body.

This also helps in the oxidation of fat and improves insulin activity. Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants that promote weight loss.

Antioxidants prevent the accumulation of fat and also increase the temperature of the body to help in the fat burning process.

As we know green tea increases the rate of metabolism which prevents the accumulation of fat. Green tea also increases the total fat burning process during exercise.

But in this article, we won’t talk about exercise, we will just only focus on how we can lose weight without exercise.

So when should we drink green tea to lose weight fast?

Timing of drinking is very important as taking it randomly can cause adverse effects. Drink green tea between meals, preferably at least 2 hours before or after eating to maximize your nutrient intake.

Avoid Alcohol

Heavy drinking increases weight gain. Let’s see how- alcohol has lots of calories. One gram of alcohol has 7 grams of calories.

Research has shown that alcohol increases appetite. So It’s going to help you gain more weight and it’s going to make it happen faster because you are drinking and then you are still getting hungry and you still have to eat.

But if your life becomes useless without alcohol, then you should drink it with some ‘health meals’. Do not mix alcohol with any type of processed food. Because it enters the body excessively calories.

Try To Eat More Healthy Food

Healthy food.

One of the best ways to lose weight is to add foods to your diet plan that will help you lose weight as well as balance your body’s vitamins and nutrition.

So let’s find out some of the foods that help you lose weight by burning excess body fat.

1.Whole fruits– you have probably heard about juicing. Some people drink a lot of juice. Because they think that it will make them lose weight. But that’s not true. You should instead eat whole fruits. Because juice is high in calories.

But fruits provide more fiber and micronutrients, it will increase the feeling of fullness and absorption of calories will also decrease.

2.Whole eggs– stop wasting any part of the egg when you are eating it. Many people stop eating eggs when they find out about their high cholesterol and fat content but the doctor said that, adding a little bit of cholesterol to your diet won’t increase your cholesterol levels in your body.

Eggs are a protein rich food that helps to keep the stomach full for a long time which reduces the feeling of hunger.

3.Broccoli– this vegetable is a very popular item in our daily meal. Broccoli contains protein, fiber and lots of vitamins and minerals. It has much less calories.

Broccoli counteracts two things that are responsible for weight gain. One is physical hunger and the other is desire to eat.

So you can easily lose weight by adding broccoli to your diet plan.

4.Mushrooms– you can get rid of your excess fat by eating mushrooms regularly. Make it a habit to eat mushrooms instead of beef or other fatty meats.

It has very few calories and it is very healthy. One cup of mushrooms has only 44 calories.

5.Olive oil– It has a lot of different benefits. Olive oil is good for the heart. It’s also good for circulation. It’s very high in monounsaturated fats. So it makes it very healthy.

It also helps to lower cholesterol. Olive oil improves the function of the liver by allowing it to metabolize fats more efficiently. It’s a great way to lose fat.

6.Lemon– we know that lemons have many different uses in our everyday life. Lemons contain high amounts of Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium. It also contains a small amount of vitamin A, iron etc.

Lemons have strong antibacterial antiviral and immune system properties. Lemons are also used in a variety of weight loss programs due to being an excellent digestive aid and liver cleanser.

Lemon juice is an effective way to reduce weight as it increases the body’s metabolic rate.

For people looking to use lemon for its weight loss abilities, drinking lemon juice with warm water on an empty stomach every morning can produce amazing results. It has also many other benefits as well.

Avoid Sweet As Much As Possible

Average American consumes about a hundred and fifty-two pounds of sugar a year and kids consume even more! This makes nearly one in four teenagers pre-diabetic. This is the reason that 70% of Americans are overweight.

Science proves that sugar is biologically addictive. Sugar and flour which actually raises blood sugar more. Sugar also reduces metabolism rate.

So how do you break the addiction from sugar? You have to consume powerful addiction reversing foods.

We know that healthy fat like whole eggs, fish oil, avocados, coconut butter, vegetable juice etc. are beneficial for health. They also help to lose weight.

But it’s not easy to change habits in one day. So we can follow some rules to change our habits.

1.Eat less food that contain sugar

2.Reducing the amount of sugar in the diet

3.We can try brown sugar instead of white sugar

4.We should eat fruits rather than sugar.

Walk As Much As You Can

I know that you searched for ‘Best tips for- How to lose weight fast without exercise in a month’, so I won’t talk about exercise.

You don’t have to workout if you don’t have time. You just have to walk. Whenever you have time, try to walk a little.

Many studies have found that, those who walk regularly have less body fat that those who don’t walk.

If you walk 30 minutes, you can burn 200 calories. There are many more benefits to walking. Such as, it improves blood circulation. This reduces the risk of various types of heart disease.

Moreover, research finds that, those who walk regularly live at least eight years longer than those who don’t walk.

So how can we follow these rules if we want to burn fat quickly without workout in a month?

It is difficult to stay motivated and maintain a regular routine. So, if you want to know how to stick a regular routine, you can check our other articles. May be you will find something that will help you stay motivated.

Think What You Want

Think what you want

First you need to focus on your mind. Think about what you want, what is your goal. Without selecting a goal, you can’t go far.

At present, our life is very busy. We are passing a mechanical life. We don’t have enough time to give ourselves alone.

One thing that I should mention- mistakes are a very normal part of our lives. We all make mistakes. This is not a bad thing. But when we don’t learn from mistakes, that is bad.

You are wondering why I’m talking about this. It is because you have to focus on yourself. Stay out of negative people.

From my experience as a athlete, I know that people lose both motivation and patience over time. Because they don’t set a goal and don’t focus on it.

But it will be my recommendation for you that, never start anything without a goal. Set a goal- how much weight you want to lose and then adjust your diet plan accordingly.

Sometimes measure your weight. It’s not ridiculous. It will help you stay motivated.

The Final Touch

I know it’s been a long article, but one thing I have to say- nowadays we are facing many types of problem in our life. It is difficult to find positive things around us.

So, “Regularly make sure you know your priorities. Understand what it most important to you reaching your ultimate goal. Every day set aside some time for yourself to jot down everything that’s important for you to accomplish. Always stop and question why you’re doing something and double-check that it’s an important thing for you to do. Never lose track of why you’re doing a specific thing or else you will lose focus”.-wikihow


weight loss

About the Creator


The_unique_writer loves to write and create something new ^_^

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