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How to Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise: 3 Simple Steps to Get You On The Right Track

Putting on weight is often as much about quantity as it is quality. While some may have the willpower and dedication to exercise, most of us don’t.

By Dushorn FortellaPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
How to Lose Weight Fast Without Exercise: 3 Simple Steps to Get You On The Right Track
Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash

However, that doesn’t mean we are doomed to remain overweight or even obese for the rest of our lives. Thankfully, there are a variety of alternative ways to shed those excess pounds and slim down fast. Wredding isn’t just good for your love life; it has been scientifically proven to help you lose weight quickly and safely. The trick is how you do it. Read on for some useful tips on how you can lose weight fast without exercise, but also without being hungry or sacrificing your social life in the process.

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Change What You EatWhat you put into your body has a huge impact on how quickly you can lose weight. Simply put, if you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. That’s not just a theory, it’s scientific fact. It doesn’t matter if you exercise as much as you can, or if you are genetically predisposed to be slim; if you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. So, if you want to lose weight as quickly as possible, you have to cut your calorie intake. There is no way around it. However, cutting calories too quickly will cause your body to go into survival mode and fight against your weight loss efforts. That’s why it is crucial that you change what you eat. Instead of eating the same amount of food that you did before you started your weight loss journey, you want to try to eat smaller portions and switch to healthier alternatives.

Take A Supplement

Supplements can be a great way to speed up your weight loss efforts, but only if you choose the right ones. There are a variety of supplements that can help you lose weight, the most popular of which is probably a weight loss pill. There are a number of different weight loss pills on the market, but the most effective are appetite suppressants. Appetite suppressants work by making you feel fuller for longer, meaning that you are likely to eat less during the day and therefore consume fewer calories overall. Another type of supplement that you can use to help you lose weight quickly is a metabolism booster. Metabolism boosters like Garcinia Cambogia help speed up your body’s fat burning process, allowing you to shed unwanted pounds quicker than you would normally be able to do so.

Learn How to Breathe

Yes, you read that correctly. Breathing can actually help you lose weight faster. Sounds a little too good to be true, right? Well, the science behind it is actually quite straightforward. When you breathe properly, your body is able to function more efficiently. It is able to use more energy and be more active, meaning that you will burn more calories throughout the day and therefore be less likely to gain weight. If you can learn to breathe correctly and do it for around 20 minutes every day, you can significantly increase your metabolism and start burning calories at a faster rate. This will allow you to lose weight without having to change what you eat or how much you exercise. Breathing exercises are particularly useful if you are overweight and have a slow metabolism. If you are trying to lose weight quickly and don’t have time to exercise as much as you would like, breathing exercises are a great way to speed things up.

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Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark

This one might sound a little strange, but it is actually backed up by science. Being exposed to light (especially artificial light) triggers your body to produce more melatonin, which is a hormone that makes you feel tired. Because we spend most of our time indoors, exposed to artificial light and away from the sun, we are producing a lot less melatonin than our ancestors did. This means that we are less tired, and therefore less likely to go to bed early and get an adequate amount of sleep. Getting an adequate amount of sleep is crucial to your weight loss efforts, as it is during this time that your body repairs itself and burns fat. If you can’t sleep at all, or your sleep is disrupted, you are significantly more likely to gain weight. For example, getting less than 7 hours of sleep has been shown to increase your hunger and slow down your metabolism by as much as 10%. Getting less than 7 hours of sleep can also cause you to put on up to half a pound in a single night.

The Bottom Line

Eating a healthy diet that is high in protein and fiber, as well as low in carbohydrates and sugar, can help you lose weight quickly and easily. Changing what you eat is the simplest way to lose weight and works for almost everyone. Additionally, if you want to lose weight quickly, you can also try switching to a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout routine. HIIT workouts are shorter and more intense than conventional workouts, meaning that you can burn as many calories as a full-length workout in a fraction of the time. Finally, make sure you are getting enough sleep and are not afraid of the dark. These three simple changes to your daily routine will help you lose weight quickly without having to change anything else in your life.

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