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How to lose weight fast?


By shan younesPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

Losing weight quickly in just one week is not that easy: In order to lose weight sustainably, without major muscle loss and without cravings, you should eat 300 to 500 kilocalories less than your daily energy requirement. Since one pound of body fat represents 7,000 kilocalories to burn, we can calculate how quickly the pounds will shed.

Without sports: [1]

Variant A: With a calorie deficit of 300 kcal per day, you need around 23 days to lose a kilo of fat . Makes a minus of around 300 g per week.

Variant B: With a calorie deficit of 500 kcal per day, you need around 14 days to lose a kilo of fat . Makes a minus of around 500 g per week.

With sports: [1]

Variant Soft & Easy: With a calorie deficit of 300 kcal per day + 2 x 20 min jogging per week you need about 20 days to lose a kilo of fat. Makes a minus of around 350 g per week.

Variant I give everything!: With a calorie deficit of 500 kcal per day + 3 x 30 min jogging per week, you need around 12 days to lose a kilo of fat. Makes a loss of around 580 g per week.

Note that these are of course guidelines: everybody works differently and calorie values ​​can never be determined exactly. In the first few days, you will also lose weight due to the loss of water that your body has stored. So don't get discouraged if the pounds tumble less after a few days.

If you think these numbers aren't "rapid weight loss," extrapolate them over the course of a year. This results in an annual fat loss of around 16 to 26 kilos without exercise, and with exercise, you can lose around 18 to 30 kilos of fat a year. These are probably spectacular values. This way you can lose weight quickly and healthily because you don't have to go hungry or expect a yo-yo effect.

How to lose weight fast?

count calories

An important tool in losing weight is counting calories. Fat loss requires a calorie deficit . So if you eat about 300 to 500 fewer calories each day than you expend per day, you will lose weight. To achieve this, you should record your total consumption each day and make a note of how many calories you consume . In our article on " Low- calorie foods " you will find a lot of useful information about the calorific value of foods and a formula for calculating your calorie consumption.

To keep moving

Do you want to lose weight fast? Then sport and exercise should not be neglected in your everyday life. If you hardly move, you don't use a lot of energy. Fat is nothing more than an energy reserve that we want to access when losing weight. The often-expressed wish to “lose weight quickly without exercise” is not so easy to fulfill, because in fact losing weight quickly only works really well with exercise.

Being active every day and exercising two to three times a week is enough to increase your calorie consumption. To bring more exercise into your everyday life, you can, for example, walk short distances, use the stairs instead of the elevator and the bike instead of the car. And you can also burn a lot of calories with housework and gardening.

This is how you can lose weight quickly with jogging:

This is how you can lose weight quickly with a workout:

It is not possible to say in general which of the two approaches you can use to lose weight the fastest. In general, both have their advantages and disadvantages: For example, longer sessions with lower intensity take more time, but they don't drain you as much.

Lose weight fast with 11 simple tips

You are now asking yourself "What exactly will help me lose weight?". We have put together 11 simple tips for you that can help you lose weight:

Eat more protein and fiber

Avoid processed foods

Eat regularly

Drink water before meals

Switch to black coffee

Reduce your sugar consumption

Use small plates instead of large ones

Use diet shakes

Train strength and endurance

Get enough sleep

Refrain from alcohol

1. Eat more protein and fiber

What you save on carbohydrates when losing weight, you should pack on top of it in proteins and soluble fiber. Dietary fibers are not only important for digestion, they also ensure that foods have a low energy density. This means that foods rich in fiber are usually low in calories. Also add foods with a lot of protein to your diet, because the proteins they contain help to counteract the breakdown of muscles.

To foods containing protein

2. Avoid processed foods

After a long day at work, you don't feel like cooking in the evening and prefer to put a frozen pizza in the oven? The scales can show a few kilos more in the long run: Industrially heavily processed foods such as fast food & Co. usually contain a lot of sugar, salt, unhealthy trans fats, and many additives. Not only does this make you feel bloated, but it also makes you gain weight over time. Try to avoid ready meals with long lists of ingredients and cook with fresh ingredients as much as possible.

3. Eat regularly

It's also important to fill up on your regular meals and avoid uncontrolled snacking. If you do not only eat for the main meals, you should prefer a natural yogurt with fruit, a few vegetable sticks, or a handful of nuts for the snacks between meals. You can find snacks to lose weight, many other quick dishes, and more inspiration in the nu3Kitchen.

4. Drink water before meals

If you drink a large glass of water about 30 minutes before a meal, you will feel full more quickly afterward because your stomach is already full of liquid. Water also helps as a small hunger break in between meals. In addition, the body consumes additional calories by drinking - especially if the water is cold and has to be warmed up in the stomach.

To low-calorie drinks

5. Switch to black coffee

If you like to drink coffee in the morning and want to lose weight quickly, then it is best to only drink your coffee black. Even without added sugar, milk coffee, cappuccino or latte macchiato are sugar traps and not low in calories due to the milk they contain.

6. Reduce your sugar consumption

For diet success, you should reduce your sugar consumption, because sugar in the form of short-chain carbohydrates provides many calories and influences your insulin level. The result: after a high-sugar meal, you get hungry again more quickly. If you don't want to give up the sweet taste entirely, you can use low-calorie or no-calorie sugar substitutes. Learn more in our article on sugar alternatives.

7. Use small plates instead of large ones

You can trick your brain by choosing the right plate size for your meals. A fully loaded small plate appears to your subconscious as a large portion, whereas the same amount of food on a large plate appears less. So use small plates at your meals so as not to be tempted to have a second helping. This increases the chances of losing weight.

8. Use diet shakes

With meal replacement diets like BEAVITA, you swap out two or more meals for a shake, soup, or other meal replacement. This saves you calories and still provides you with all the nutrients. The diets are particularly suitable for getting started with long-term weight loss. BEAVITA offers many delicious flavors so that enjoyment doesn't fall by the wayside. The BEAVITA 2-week diet package contains enough products to replace two meals a day. In addition to shakes, there are also soups, mueslis, and bars. This way, boredom will certainly not arise.

9. Train strength and endurance

You can't avoid sport and exercise if you want to lose weight. You can achieve your goal of creating a calorie deficit by not eating, but losing weight is much easier with exercise. A combination of strength and endurance training is ideal for burning calories. So get to the dumbbells and weight machines.

10. Get enough sleep

While we rest at night to recharge our batteries and recharge our batteries, our body keeps working. Our cells are repaired, toxins are filtered and transported away. For all these processes, our body needs energy, which it gains from existing fat reserves. A good night's sleep, therefore, favors your project.

11. Avoid alcohol

In addition to being high in calories, most alcoholic beverages inhibit fat loss. When you drink alcohol, your body puts its full focus on breaking down the alcohol. This in turn means that the utilization of proteins and carbohydrates is reduced and fats are almost no longer used for energy production. For the time of losing weight, therefore, do not drink alcohol at all.



About the Creator

shan younes

hi I like to show you who I am in shan from Pakistan and i like to share my info with peoples guys keep my storys and attch with me more

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