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How to get rid of Heartburn?

By satya ranjan sahooPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Get rid of Heartburn

Nowadays, Heartburn is a common health issue you can find among human beings. If you are experiencing a slight hiccup and a burning sensation in your throat or chest, then that is nothing but a heartburn issue.

One of the leading causes of heart burn is nothing but unhealthy food intake. Eating spicy, fatty, or acidic foods can cause severe heart burn.

On the other hand, some people also face heartburn issues because they have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is a typical chronic condition with several possible causes.

No doubt heartburn is quite annoying and uncomfortable. Now the question is, what necessary steps you need to take when Heartburn strikes you? Let's discuss more on this topic in detail.

Here we are giving ten quick tips which will help you a lot to get rid of Heartburn.

1. Wear loose clothing

2. Try counter heartburn medication

3. Chewing gum to aid dilute acid

4. Standing up straightly

5. Avoid cigarette smoke

6. Try Ginger

7. Try apple cider vinegar

8. You can take licorice supplements

9. Try water and baking soda mix solution

10. Elevating your upper body

Wear loosen clothing

When the contents of the human stomach rise up into the esophagus, and stomach acids are latterly able to burn the tissue at that condition heartburn causes.

Sometimes you may experience Heartburn because of tight clothing, and it's only because a tight dress always compresses your stomach.

If that's why you are suffering from heart, burn then the very first thing you need to loosen your belt and wear some loose clothing immediately. By doing so you may feel more relax and comfortable than before.

Try counter heartburn medication.

You can quickly get relief from Heartburn by taking some special over-the-counter (OTC) heartburn medications. Usually, these kinds of medicines are divided into three classes like H2 blockers, antacids, and PPIs (proton pump inhibitors)

When it comes to antacids, this can only neutralize stomach acid; on the other hand, PPIs and H2 blockers diminish the amount of acid your stomach emits.

Chewing gum to aid dilute acid

Can you believe chewing gum can be helpful for your Heartburn? I think most of you may not believe it, but according to research in 2014, health experts found that chewing gum for almost half an hour after meals every day can help you a lot to reduce Heartburn.

As chewing gum always encourages saliva production and swallowing, this helps a lot to dilute and clear acid from the human esophagus and relieve Heartburn.

Standing up straightly

Sometimes your body posture can be the leading cause to your Heartburn. If you are lying down or sitting down for long and feeling Heartburn then try to stand up straightly. If you are standing, then try to stand up more straightly. Now the question is how standing up straight can helpful for heartburn?

So here is the answer! According to experts, upright posture always puts fewer pressures on the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). LES is a ring of muscle that helps to prevent stomach acid from rising into the human esophagus and avoid heartburn issues.

Avoid cigarette smoke

smoking is injurious to health, but did you know smoking can be one of the primary reasons for which contributes heartburn? If you are a regular smoker and feeling heartburn, then don't take it lightly. Avoid smoke, and you will feel better for sure if you are facing a heartburn issue. It's a hard situation for a regular smoker to avoid smoking, but if you have a severe heartburn issue, then you have to avoid smoking to get relief from this discomfort heartburn issue.

Try Ginger

No doubt we all know the benefits of ginger for the human body but do you know people use ginger as a remedy for Heartburn for centuries? Yes, it's true! Ginger can help relieve nausea, which is why many people believe it will also work correctly for Heartburn.

You can add diced ginger root in your favorite recipes or soups. You can also use ginger to make ginger tea.

Remember one thing always try to avoid ginger ale as most of the carbonated beverages trigger Heartburn. Most of the ginger ale prepared with artificial flavoring can lead to more Heartburn.

Try apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is another most common home remedy you can follow to relieve Heartburn as most people believe it can neutralize the stomach acid.

One researcher also recommended that sipping diluted apple cider vinegar after a meal may aid some people's heartburn issue. However, there is no such statistical significance regarding this suggestion, so more research is needed on this statement.

If you want to try this remedy, then add water, apple cider vinegar, and take it after your meal hope you will get a good result.

You can take licorice supplements.

Another popular and most common home remedy for Heartburn is to use Licorice root. Many people believe that it helps enhance the mucous coating of the esophageal lining, which may guard the human esophagus against harm caused by stomach acid.

DGL or Deglycyrrhizinated licorice is a special kind of supplement containing licorice, which helps eliminate much of its glycyrrhizin. This typical compound can be the reason for undesirable side effects.

Remember one thing: DGL or licorice intake may lower your potassium level, raise blood pressure, and hamper certain medications. So it's always advisable to consult your physician before taking DGL or licorice supplements.

Try water and baking soda mix solution.

Water and baking soda mix solution intake is the most comfortable available option to get quick relief from Heartburn. Baking soda can quickly calm down some extent of Heartburn by counterbalancing your stomach acid.

To prepare the perfect solution, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and slowly drink it.

Elevating your upper body

No doubt, lying down always makes Heartburn worse. So during sleep, you have to adjust your sleeping surface so that your upper body will rise.

Mayo clinic says that sometimes lifting your head with the help of some extra pillows may not be enough for the solution, so you need to elevate your body from the waist up for a better and quick result.

In such cases, an adjustable bed can work amazingly for you, so if you have this facility, then set it at a perfect angle and lay down to provide relief. If you have not, you can adjust your body angle with a wedge pillow according to the sleeping surface.

Final Words

If you want to get rid of Heartburn, you may need several treatments, home remedies, and lifestyle adjustments.

Healthy food intake and a healthy lifestyle are two significant habits always helpful to Avoid Heartburn. It would be best if you focused on some things to prevent heartburn issues like

• You need to avoid spicy and fatty foods which mostly causes Heartburn

• Always eat three hours before bedtime

• Never lay down after eating

• Always maintain a healthy weight

Never neglect Heartburn for more than two or three weeks. In such a condition, always consult a doctor because you may need particular medication or treatment.

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