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🤔 How To Gain Weight Fast?

Gain Weight Fast

By FitnessHealth12Published 2 years ago • 3 min read

🤔 How to Gain Muscles fast ?

🗣️ Regardless of your current level of fitness, gaining more muscle mass isn’t impossible with the right routine. If you’re not working out already, now’s the time to start – you only need about three days per week of strength training to see results in as little as six weeks. If you are already lifting weights and still want to get even bigger and stronger, then try this routine which will bulk up even the leanest body type.

âś… 1- Workout Basics

The key to building muscle is lifting weights that are challenging for you. If you aren’t sure what weightlifting routine will work best for you, speak with a personal trainer or take a class and find out what exercises would be most effective based on your experience and skill level. That said, here are some general guidelines for finding challenging workouts that help build muscles: Work out at least three times per week, choosing from strength training (weightlifting), body conditioning (like pilates) or cardio-focused activities.

âś… 2- What Works Best For You

When you’re new to lifting weights, it can be hard to know what exercises will give you big results for your time. Use these three simple strategies and watch your muscles grow rapidly: Compound Exercises: Compound exercises are multi-joint movements that allow you use more than one set of muscle groups while performing a single exercise. This means not only do compound exercises work more muscle groups simultaneously, but they also burn more calories as well.

âś… 3- Sleep & Hydration

During sleep, your body produces human growth hormone (HGH), which aids in tissue repair and recovery. HGH levels are also known to drop during times of exercise or stress, both of which can interfere with muscle development. To ensure that your body is producing HGH at optimal levels, be sure you get an adequate amount of quality sleep each night and drink lots of water during the day. Getting 8 hours a night will help optimize HGH production.

âś… 4- What to Eat Before, During & After Exercises

It’s important to eat before, during and after exercise for maximum muscle growth. Try eating some carbohydrates about 30 minutes before working out, as it will give you quick energy during your workout. After your workout, be sure you eat a balanced meal of protein, carbs and fats. And lastly, eating protein shortly after a workout will help you rebuild your muscles faster.

âś… 5- Resting Between Sets

Muscle growth is directly proportional to time under tension, or number of times a muscle is contracted. The more often you can contract your muscles—and work them throughout their full range of motion—the faster they’ll grow. To maximize your training results, rest no more than 45 seconds between sets. It may feel too short, but it gives your body enough time to recover and build up strength for your next set. And it will help you reach fatigue faster and stimulate more muscle growth than longer periods of rest.

âś… 6- What Supplements To Take?

Supplements are not meant to replace a healthy diet, and they aren’t going to give you massive results if you don’t eat right. That said, there are still some that can help get you where you want to be faster—protein shakes after a workout for example. Below are some of our favorites. Note: some of these do require prescription. Talk with your doctor before starting any new supplements!

âś… 7- Why Measuring Your Body Fat Is Important

Body fat is often measured for a variety of reasons. For example, professional athletes use body fat measurements as part of their game strategy and maintain strict diets that help them stay at an ideal percentage. It’s also common for personal trainers and nutritionists to monitor their clients’ progress by measuring body fat percentages. Why? Because it’s one way to keep track of your health—and because being overweight or obese increases your risk for diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and even cancer.



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