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How To Enjoy Stress-less Day


By muffle amanPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Being that I am in the middle of writing final exams, and I am consciously trying to keep my stress levels to a minimum, I thought it would be a topic for to day—how to reduce and manage your stress through nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle.

Stress is the physical, mental, or emotional reaction to an event or situation, not the event itself. Some people get stressed way easier than others, which was me, not too long ago. While I still get stressed at times, it has definitely gotten a lot more manageable and severe.

Some symptoms of stress include headaches, irritability, poor memory, low self esteem, tooth grinding , shallow breathing, nervous twitches, insomnia, increased allergies, skin disorders and digestive issues. Internally.

The brain and pituitary gland respond to stress by releasing ACHT hormone which stimulates the adrenals to increase epinephrine, norepinephrine and cortisol.

Epinephrine, norepinephrine stimulate increased blood pressure and heart rate, increased muscle tension, and decreased blood flow to the digestive tract. Adrenaline raises blood sugar and asks the liver to release more glucose and cholesterol into our blood to give us the energy we need.

Long term stress is actually quite dangerous as it severely wears out the body, including the immune system which increases our risk of becoming sick and decreases our ability to recover. Stress causes the body’s nutrients to be used more rapidly, meaning we require increased amounts of many nutrients to sustain our health and overcome the stress.


Vitamin C is essential for adrenal system support, and it provides antioxidant and immune support. Vitamin C is thought to be one of the most important anti-stress nutrients. Ensure adequate intake by eating lots of raw fruit and vegetables, as much of the vitamin C in foods is lost during the cooking process.

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Great food sources include: broccoli, bell peppers, kale, cauliflower, strawberries, lemons, brussels sprouts, papaya, chard, cabbage,spinach, kiwifruit, snow peas, cantaloupe, oranges, grapefruit,limes, tomatoes, zucchini, raspberries, asparagus, celery, pineapples, and lettuce.

For a super powered dose of vitamin C, check out Camu powder, which naturally contains more vitamin C than any other food (30-60 times more than an orange!) Just one tsp. has 1200% of the recommended daily intake! Try mixing a tsp into a glass of water in times of stress.

B vitamins are also needed for proper functioning of the adrenal system and may also help counteract some of the biochemical effects of stress. A B complex capsule is often recommended during periods of high stress.

Again, to get the max amount of B vitamins, fruits and vegetables are best eaten raw.

Nutritional yeast, animal proteins, dried fruits, beans, broccoli, sunflower seeds, lentils, and nuts are all good sources of B vitamins.

Zinc enhances immune function and protects cells from free radical damage.

Magnesium and Calcium

Magnesium is a relaxing mineral that helps balance the nervous system. Calcium is important for proper nerve functioning, proper heart beat, and immune function. Both minerals are helpful in balancing stomach acidity which can be a problem during times of stress.

A bath with 1 cup of Epsom salts(magnesium sulfate) added in has been found to be very relaxing.

During times of stress, a magnesium/calcium supplement before bed may be something to consider if stress levels continue.

Chammomile is well known as having a calming, relaxing effect, which can be a pleasant sleep aid. Chamomile also soothes the digestive system. I love Mighty Leaf Chamomile Citrus Tea

Caffeine contributes to nervousness, can disrupt sleep patterns and places even more stress on the adrenals. Try a nice caffeine free herbal tea instead.

Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs though they may provide temporary stress relief, they do not change the root problem and are harmful on your body.


Exercise is a great way to clear your mind, release your tension and increase your overall energy. Exercise releases endorphins that improve our mood and attitude.

Even if you feel drained, a simple walk with a friend or a family member is almost guaranteed to help relieve stress. Try make time each day for some form of activity.


This is what made the biggest difference for myself. Learning to relax, getting enough sleep each night, taking deep breaths, identifying the causes of stress and understanding why it is bothering you, making time for yourself, finding a relaxing hobby.

Avoiding unnecessary hassles that may add up to more stress, freeing your emotions, and creating a stress free home environment are all important factors in stress management and prevention.

Personally, I believe regular yoga classes have greatly reduced my stress levels and changed the way I react in stressful situations.


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