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How To Do Shuttle Runs and Why Are They Important

Backed by science

By Rahul ThakurPublished 2 years ago 11 min read
How To Do Shuttle Runs and Why Are They Important
Photo by Miguel A. Amutio on Unsplash

The body’s overall strength and endurance speak trillions about how well the inner mechanism is working. Our cardiovascular health defines proactiveness throughout the day, and that’s why running is one of the best ways one can tap on their potential and increase overall fitness.

Building up energy does not come easy for a sportsperson, especially when they need to invest an optimum time performing impeccably on the field. That’s why the Shuttle run workout works wonders for them.

Besides professional athletes, commoners require meticulously observing their wellness which primarily relies on energy and strength. With age and time, people lose their affectability and vigor in everyday life.

At different stages, the body transitions, and there must be a definite technique to understand the energy levels in a person foremostly. Hence, Shuttle Run could be one effective way to measure the power and level it up.

You might find Shuttle Sprints an extreme level training for you, considering how much it can push one out of their comfort zone. But let us remind you that these proficient exercises could boost your stamina and reboot your performance.

So, in this article, I will explore what science has to say about the Shuttle run workout test and how you can do it deftly.

What is Shuttle Run?

Shuttle Run is a training technique that is solely formulated to build a person’s agility and strength. It is a strength training activity performed by athletes and sports people under their physical trainer or coaches. It induces more stamina and flexibility in the playing field while generating enough anaerobic strength.

Engaging in anaerobic exercise requires your body to perform at high intensity and, in the process, does not give the cardiovascular system enough time to supply oxygen to the muscles.

However, it highly impacts the muscle form while enhancing the fitness level in extreme conditions. If you keep practicing Shuttle run in your daily fitness regimen, it should entirely improve your anaerobic endurance and contribute towards your agility in accomplishing everyday tasks.

There are grades of shuttle run workouts depending on the age group. Middle and Higher Secondary schools opt for shuttle run drills in their Physical fitness curriculum because it promotes activeness in children. In contrast, the ones who are sports enthusiasts would eventually benefit from this on the ground.

Shuttle run tests would involve running back and forth between set markers that vary depending on which yard of shuttle sprints is taking place. If it is a 5-10-50 or 20-yard shuttle run test, three markers would be set at 5 and 10 yards distance. A person would have to make sprints and run as fast as they can between the set markers. However, if the yards are further, the expected shuttle run workout would take longer.

While the pivot of Shuttle run workout lies in muscle strength, agility, and endurance, science backs these claims too.

Experts and fitness coaches highly rely on the shuttle run to position an individual under the optimal strength category. Before we dive straight into the steps to perform this strength training for better cardiovascular health, have a look at scientific arguments in favor of Shuttle Run.

What Does Science Has To Say About Shuttle Run Workout?

Several health experts keep debating on the benefits and capability of endurance tests in different age groups.

Since there is little evidence that these endurance tests eventually help alleviate people’s health in younger age groups, it is hard to say which agility test could better measure their energy levels.

Since the pandemic, a long line of cases reported cardiac arrest and strokes in the younger age group (Between 20-40 years). The possibilities are escalating regardless of how active people are in managing their fitness routine.

The thing is endurance exercises performed by the millennials highly differ in their technique and their competence. If the pre-workout sessions aren’t inclusive of any warm-up sessions, the body might not endure the intensity.

Anaerobic or endurance exercises require a lot of strength, and once the session ends, you might have felt breathless. That is because of the inability of enough oxygen to be delivered to the muscles. Hence, there is a high requirement for following accurate methods while performing anaerobic exercises.

The CDC Survey

Here is the thing: it is crucial to determine the correct technique to receive content outcomes from endurance tests. That’s why Shuttle Run has been proved as one ultimate way to measure out cardiorespiratory endurance in adults and children.

To back this statement, let’s go back to a survey conducted by CDC (Centre for Disease Control) in 2012.

CDC launched the NHANES National Youth Fitness Survey, based on the idea which measured an individual’s physical health and competence on three crucial markers- Cardiorespiratory endurance, body composition, and musculoskeletal fitness.

The health authorities found these components the significant decisive factor for claiming whether or not a person is living a wholesome life.

While conducting the survey, they declared that every school and youth fitness centre in the U.S must involve endurance tests, which can assess a youth on any one or all of these components. The health experts said that,

“The progressive shuttle run -- an exercise in which participants sprint back and forth between two points -- is a good measure of cardiorespiratory endurance. However, if there is limited space in any vicinity, there are close alternatives to it, such as cycle ergometer and treadmill tests.”

When science backs evidence, there is hardly anything left to be skeptical about. Moreover, anaerobic endurance fitness exercises collectively add potency to a moderate level exercise.

That’s why Shuttle Run for a shorter minute might produce long-term results contributing to better heart and liver function for a lifetime.

The Importance of Shuttle Runs

Now, here I will rule out the probable importance of Shuttle run in a few pointers:-

  • It can maintain the balance between aerobic and anaerobic fitness wherein an individual performing the shuttle sprints would move from moderate to vigorous intensity.
  • For the better core function of an individual, they need to move every muscle in their body, and Shuttle run helps in integrating the force appropriately throughout the body.
  • For obese people, who have a relatively slow metabolism, a Shuttle run workout identifies how much their strength lacks and helps regulate a faster metabolism. Hence it breaks down their fat to produce glycogen and uses it as energy (Works like a keto diet for high endurance athletes).
  • For optimal performance in a marathon or race, Shuttle Sprints accesses and improves an athlete’s speed.

How To Do Shuttle Runs?

The most critical part of the blog is the techniques of conducting or doing a shuttle run.

Tille now, we have generously understood all the primary advantages and importance of Shuttle run. However, the central part remains the actual steps to perform the strength training. But what is even more crucial here is to be aware of things to prepare your body for the endurance test.

For students in High school, they have set guidelines on the intensity of the training based on the age group and the health factor. Since a child and an adult or an athlete would have varying capacities, all fitness coaches would precisely level up the difficulty accordingly. First things first, let’s look at some practices to prepare yourself before the Shuttle Run Workout.

Preparing Yourself For The Shuttle Sprints

  • Begin training for the test by indulging your body in relevant strength training exercises: While practicing for shuttle run, you must solidify your form for side to side and lateral running strength. You need to work on your lateral speed to reduce exhaustion while running during the test. All the strength running exercises must involve side-to-side drills such as Carioca Drills.

You can also run on hills which would ultimately make your shuttle sprints stronger and cause less fatigue. The more you practice, the better results the Shuttle Run workout would bring. You should know the more you make your legs more robust, the better and improved would be the Shuttle Sprints.

  • Look for appropriate meals that stock up your strength: Preparing an efficient and healthy diet is the key to enduring an intensive and stressful exercise. One crucial part of your meal should be carbohydrates. Load yourself with enough carb to not burn out your fuel while performing the Shuttle Run. Another important thing here goes for the people who are into Keto Diet.

A ketogenic diet does not allow you to indulge in high-carb foods, and it could severely drain your energy if you do not have enough stamina to perform sprints. Shuttle run itself works as a keto burning all your fat and calories. So be sure to eat foods like rice, oatmeal, cereal, grains, etc., which are high in carbs. You can consume fruits like bananas just before your test to alleviate your energy levels.

  • Choose your gear correctly: Shuttle Run is usually performed on a hard, flat surface so that a person has enough grip while running. There are good chances of knee injury occurrence during Shuttle Sprints, and the biggest reason behind this is your running shoes. Every strength training exercise must have proper gear, and here, we are talking about shoes.

The one rule of thumb associated with shuttle run workout says that wearing light and soft shoes makes it easier to take steps easily while running. One does not find it hard to lift their feet because the shoes are heavy. The smoother and swifter you run, the less would be the chances of any injury. Also, take enough sleep to provide rest to your muscles and the whole body.

  • Do not forget to warm up: Warming up is the most crucial part of performing any strength training technique. You would want to prepare your body for the upcoming rigorous workout session, especially Shuttle Run, which could test your energy level, speed level, and agility tremendously.

You need to get your muscles enough oxygen because Shuttle Sprints for a few minutes would eventually make you breathless. Hence, you need to prepare for it by doing more than just stretches and indulging in warm-up exercises like hang swing, jumping, etc.

Different Shuttle Runs and How To Do Them

Let’s look through some shuttle run tests commonly performed or conducted by experts to measure the strength, agility, and endurance of a sports person, athlete, or even generally in individuals.

Basic shuttle run workout/test

You should know that diving straight into advanced or Pro level agility Shuttle Run tests might not be a wise choice if you are doing the shuttle run drill for the first time.

Here putting stress on your body at one go might lead to consequences like energy-draining, exhaustion, weakness, etc. Thus, it is best, to begin with, the essential Shuttle Run Drill. Here are the steps to do it:-

  • The first step is to set the yard meters and decide the distance between the cones. So in the basic shuttle run, the cones are placed at 25 yards distance.
  • Warm-up with briskly jogging a particular mile.
  • Begin with the first set or repetition, including sprinting and running in a lateral position from one cone to another and then going back similarly.
  • Touch your feet at the starting line, then sprint towards the other cone, touch with your feet and run back to the start.
  • Usually, a coach or trainer would prepare the drill for six sets or repetitions, making the routine 300 yards.
  • Take a few minutes of rest, and then again begin the drill.
  • To monitor the progress every month, sum up the number of times you performed the drill in a single day and divide it by 2. You would know how much progress you are making and whether or not it is time to level up to the pro agility test.

Pro-Agility shuttle run workout/drill

This pro-level agility test involves placing the marker cones at 20 yards and running in the 5-10-5 lateral sprints. This agility shuttle run is conducted for athletes such as footballers, hockey players, baseballers, etc.

Here is how to do it:-

  • There are a total of three lines of marker cones placed at least 5 yards away from each other.
  • You need to begin by placing your hand in a three-pointer squat stance and straddle with one leg at one side, and sprint towards the other cone.
  • You should remember not to put the entire force of your body on the fingers while taking the three-point stance. Keep the more substantial hand at the front and squat lower, keeping your knees and hips parallel to the ground.
  • When you straddle, you can either begin by your left or your right. On whichever side you move, remember that your feet and hands should match while touching the cone.
  • For instance, You first go 5 yards to the right and touch the cone with your right hand and feet. Again you go 10 yards to the left; touch the cone with your right hand and feet, and straddle back 5 yards.
  • When you straddle back 5 yards, you land at the start line and finish the drill there.

There is a 60 yards shuttle run drill too in the 5-10-5 running drill category. The only difference here is instead of three cones. However, the process remains the same.

But a little longer as one needs to touch more cones and sprint back to the starting point. Each time you increase the yards, it would eventually make the run longer and more difficult based on your endurance level and agility.

In a Nutshell

If you want to make the Shuttle run test more challenging, you can add blocks along the path with the cones, which would check your strength more aggressively and prepare your body to become more agile and perform better in extreme pressure.

Shuttle run is an excellent technique to measure a person’s strength, speed, endurance, and flexibility. For longer-lasting cardiorespiratory fitness, a Shuttle run workout could be a perfect running technique for anyone, adding it to your regular strength training program.


About the Creator

Rahul Thakur

Hi, I am Rahul Thakur a Freelance writer and marketer. Apart from awesome writing, I do marketing for my clients too. For services like SEO, Guest Posting, and Content Writing. Contact me here:- [email protected]

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