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How to Craft Prosperity

How to Craft Prosperity

By Bal SawnPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
How to Craft Prosperity
Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

Candle Magic - a simple, yet powerful practice within witchcraft. Many witches who take their first steps on our mysterious journey discover the magic of candles early (you don't have to be, or call yourself a witch to try to make magical arts). The magical practice of candles is widespread, rooted in cultures around the world, while maintaining a strong presence in spiritual communities today.

Within the magic of candles, other things should be considered and usually get the results set, including: Color, Symbol, Your Articles (if you are magically employed for your own benefit), Things associated with your work, Time and Thinking. Online resource links will be provided for further reading. As for what type of candle you should use to spell, choose whatever is attractive. Some people like tea lamps, I prefer to use taper candles.

So, to distract that under touch, I’ll start with color. the color of your candle is very important when performing rituals of this kind. Colors are related to energy, and if you are not sure what can help you better, white candles are often used instead of color, as long as your purpose is strongly enforced. For prosperity, you may want to believe in what areas of your life you would like to improve, or draw prosperity. There are thousands of resources online, and as well as written articles, with details of colorful brochures that support the magic you will use for research; if you would like to sync this spelling (I always recommend that the spelling be made for the doctor to get personal results). However, as a general rule, the color green is associated with the pursuit of luck, prosperity, wealth, and abundance.

Symbolism is often used for witchcraft as a form of magnetism, to draw certain forces of stone. To me, the whole idea of ​​spelling is that the use of force to obtain a specified result. that being said, you will use illustrations during this candlestick tradition for drawing and charging. With personal results, you will record any signs that indicate your understanding of prosperity, and / or areas of your life where you would like to succeed. Once you have been sculpted, you may want to sit down during meditation and specialize in exploring your brand's purpose. I really enjoy working with sigils, especially sigils built with the use of a square matrix. So magical squares and sigils are the right story for them, and that they will need a detailed explanation. However, in short and basic terms, magic squares are numbers of one-digit numbers, such as a chosen planet or celestial body, forming a grid or square. In numerology, numbers are given corresponding letters, so you will use these numbers, within squares, to create maps by pointing to your art. So, for example, if you would like to draw a treasure in your life, you would put a map of the ‘treasure’ (or something about it) on the Jupiter square (earth diviner among other things) and draw a symbol the word the combination gives, to create your image of wealth. I know that is a sad and bad description of the squares and squares of magic, but, as I said before this article it will require a full article, but if you would like to use the sigil in the middle of this practice I urge you to research this practice.

Personal stories may sound like a vague and vague word, but they are very simple and really important. you would like to light your candle with as much human energy as possible, as this tightens the spelling on the caster. you’ll be able to talk about the word ‘Voodoo Doll’, where the doll is full of target objects (such as hair, nail cuts, jewelry, etc.), and this traditional candlestick practice works within the same sense. Usually, I put my saliva on the candle, that focused on the purpose of my spelling while doing so. Next, I tie up my hair strand during candlelight, photographing it 3 times, as three times that the number I get the success of working with. you will do so in accordance with what seems right to you, because witchcraft can be a personal skill, and it should be done naturally, not by strict rules or doctrines. No two witches work exactly the same, not two witches follow the same pattern, and not all magicians do. However, again, that fish kettle is completely different. the purpose of using your articles is to expand the psychological connection between your life and your life, to send your purpose into the universe to be reflected in your life that you know, which is why your articles are so important. If this spelling is designed for someone else, you may want to use target articles. Please be careful, it is not right to practice magic on someone's behalf without permission, and it can produce bad karma. The common belief among spirit creatures is that "What you give out is three times as much", so if you are doing any magic work, make sure it is for the right reasons, and it doesn't hurt at all, if you would like to give hope in your life.

Items that improve your spelling can add to almost anything associated with performance, and output power. Many witches and other practitioners use a switch to do their job. Changes, in basic terms, are usually set with crystals, incense, candles, charged water, herbs and much more doctor-related, and are based on immediate performance. I hope to write a story about the use and planning of changes in the future, however if you would like to quickly understand the information you find online and within the text is endless. For this spelling, in terms of crystals, I would recommend using citrine, aventurine and lemon quartz. you don't need any of those particles, but their power will help spell.


About the Creator

Bal Sawn

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