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How Keto changed my life

When you first begin a ketogenic diet, the initial transition is the hardest. You’ll likely experience fatigue, brain fog, and weakness as your body adapts to burning fats instead of carbohydrates for fuel. However this doesn’t last forever.It gets easier over time as your body begins to get accustomed to using fat for energy more efficiently and you begin seeing the amazing benefits of this diet. Keto not only helps you lose weight but also improves your health in many different ways. Let’s take a look at some of the most common benefits of being on keto.

By StanPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
How Keto changed my life
Photo by Total Shape on Unsplash

The benefits of the ketogenic diet

The benefits of keto include but aren’t limited to weight loss, increased mental clarity and focus, decreased inflammation, improved sleep quality and energy levels, better mood, clearer skin and hair, and greater confidence. Many people experience many benefits from changing to a ketogenic diet and leading a healthier lifestyle. What benefits did keto bring into your life?

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Weight loss

One of the main benefits of the ketogenic diet is weight loss. If your goal is to lose weight, then it makes complete sense to start a ketogenic diet. On a standard diet, where 30% of your calories come from fat, it can be incredibly difficult to lose weight. You might find yourself counting calories and restricting your diet in ways that are very uncomfortable. On a ketogenic diet, 70-80% of your calories come from fat, which is ideal for weight loss. As your body burns off your fat stores, they’ll be replaced with lean muscle. You’ll find yourself building more muscle as you’re on this diet. This is great because muscle burns more calories – even when you’re at rest.

Health improvement

As well as helping you lose weight, keto improves your health in many different ways. Some of these benefits include lower blood pressure, better blood glucose control, reduced risk of heart disease, and better mental health. As you enter ketosis, your body begins producing more healthy fats including HDL cholesterol and the omega-3 fatty acids. This is the complete opposite of a standard Western diet, which is high in unhealthy fats. These healthy fats are great for your heart and help lower your blood pressure, which is why many doctors suggest the ketogenic diet for people with high blood pressure. Keto is also great for improving your blood glucose control. This means it can be used to help manage and even reverse type 2 diabetes.

Mental clarity and focus

Many people who are on a ketogenic diet report an improvement in their mental clarity and focus. It makes sense when you consider that your brain runs primarily on glucose. When you eat foods that contain carbohydrates, such as potatoes, rice, or bread, your body converts those carbohydrates into glucose and uses that as the main source of fuel for your brain. When your diet is low in carbohydrates and high in fat, your body will start producing ketones. These ketones can then be used by your brain as an energy source, in place of glucose. Your brain will now be running more efficiently as it no longer requires glucose to function properly. As a result, you’ll feel less tired and more focused.

Instantly feel better with no hunger

Some people try to eat a ketogenic diet but can’t because the process is too difficult for them. As you begin to eat a low-carb diet, you might experience what’s commonly known as “keto flu”. Keto flu is a temporary set of side effects that occur during the initial stages of a ketogenic diet. Keto flu symptoms can include headaches, fatigue, muscle aches, and nausea. You may also feel hungry all the time because you may not be used to eating fewer calories. However, if you persist with a ketogenic diet, these symptoms will disappear within a couple of weeks and be replaced with feelings of increased energy, lighter feelings, and less hunger.

Better sleep quality, more energy in the morning

As you experience the benefits of the ketogenic diet and improve your health, you’ll likely feel a lot more energized. However, you’re likely to have noticed that when you eat a lot of carbohydrates, particularly in the evening, you don’t feel as energized and your sleep quality is poor. When you’re sleeping, your body is in a period of rest, repair, and replenishment. When you eat carbohydrates, they’re quickly converted into glucose. This disrupts the natural process of sleep. On a ketogenic diet, you’ll be eating foods that are low in carbohydrates, so you won’t be disrupting your sleep. You’ll also be using fat for fuel instead of the glucose from carbohydrates, so you’ll have more energy in the morning and throughout the day.

Developing new habits and skill building

Besides the obvious benefits of keto, there are also less obvious ones. If you’re serious about making this change, then you’ll likely be forming new habits and learning new skills. When you’re trying to adopt a new healthy lifestyle, you want to be as prepared as possible. You don’t want to be half-assing this diet and seeing no results because you’re not prepared. You want to know what you’re doing before you start. Since you’re eating a different way now – and your diet is high in fat, low in protein, and low in carbohydrates – you’ll want to make sure you’re eating the right kinds of fat, protein, and vegetables. You’ll want to be prepared for what to eat and how to track your progress.

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Final words

Keto has changed many people’s lives. It’s a powerful diet that can help you lose weight, improve your health, feel more energized, and have more mental clarity. When you first begin a ketogenic diet, the initial transition is the hardest. You’ll likely experience fatigue, brain fog, and weakness as your body adapts to burning fats instead of carbohydrates for fuel. However this doesn’t last forever. It gets easier over time as your body begins to get accustomed to using fat for energy more efficiently and you begin experiencing the amazing benefits of this diet.


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