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How I Plan to Reset After the Last Two Years: The Sleepiest of New Year's Resolutions for 2022

My plan for recuperating while we get our world back on track.

By JaimiePublished 2 years ago 5 min read
How I Plan to Reset After the Last Two Years: The Sleepiest of New Year's Resolutions for 2022
Photo by DANNY G on Unsplash

The last two years have been full of turmoil for everyone. Our world was hit by a global pandemic, multiple lockdowns, mask-wearing, and the dreaded anti-vaxxers. In response, the world has just grown more and more chaotic, and we're moving at a faster pace than ever.

Previously, I would have been tempted to run with this and continue to live life at a fast pace. I would study, volunteer, and work, and take the extra hours I was offered, and go out with my friends every weekend, and stay up late into the night catching up on books and other media content - Netflix, I'm looking at you - and the list just goes on and on.

But this year, I know that if I continue at this pace, I'm going to burn out. It's something I've experienced before: the niggling feeling of a sore throat threatening illness for weeks on end, the eight hours of sleep that didn't make a dent in my tiredness, the growing resentment and lack of empathy for those around me... . Never again.

So, my resolution is to be a little bit sleepy and I have a plan for making this my most restful year yet! If you'd like to have a restful year too, follow the below steps with me!

Follow this link to find out some tips for recognising and managing burnout: https://coronavirus.beyondblue.org.au/COVID-normal/supporting-personal-wellbeing/tips-to-recognise-and-manage-burnout

#1: Wake up with the FIRST alarm

If you're like me, then you have an alarm set every five minutes from your actual wakeup time right up until the time that you need to wake up in order to get to work on time. And if you're really like me, then you probably push this to the extreme every single morning. It's something that I have been doing for years. But I don't get any extra sleep, I don't feel more rested, and instead I just wake up every five minutes to grumble and turn the alarm off.

Well, not any more.

If it doesn't serve me a restful purpose, I'm not going to do it in 2022. I could either set my alarm for a little later, or just wake up with the early alarm when it first goes off and do something like yoga or have a cold shower earlier than usual to try to wake up quicker in the morning. I don't drink coffee, but I might try making a lovely cup of tea part of my morning routine.

Photo by Aniketh Kanukurthi on Unsplash

#2: 30 minutes of self-care after work every day

One of the problems that I have encountered as the burnout has hit me, is that when I arrive home from work, the tiredness takes over and I end up stuck to my couch on my phone for the next half hour or so before I can pull myself away to do anything productive. Instead, throughout 2022, I'm going to convert this time from 30 minutes to an hour of phone time, to actively performing self-care.

By that I mean:

  • putting the phone away
  • brewing some tea
  • picking up a book or something that isn't on a screen
  • putting on a face mask
  • turning on some music

Basically, anything to just slow down for a good half an hour to an hour right after I arrive home from work. Then, after that allotted time is over, I can return to my chores, or other duties with a calm, rested outlook.

#3: Learn how to say 'no'

This one is fairly intuitive. It's been on a number of lists for many years. At this point, it's been recited so often that hearing it myself, I feel the need to roll my eyes.

Honestly, it's something that I should have figured out how to do years ago. Instead, I've continued agreeing to every suggestion of extra work shifts and time with friends, and this has contributed to burnout.

So, this is one of the biggest points on this list for me. I need to start saying 'no' and prioritising my time for rest and relaxation. I need to start giving myself my time, instead of anyone else.

#4: Create a Restful Bedtime Routine

It seems a little obvious that a restful resolution begins with a good bedtime routine. Having a nightly routine before you go to bed allows individuals to have a better night's sleep. Nightly routines can reduce stress and anxiety of a nighttime, indulges the human need for habits, and can help you fall asleep faster.

For my nightly routine, I was thinking a nice cup of sleepy tea, a good book (but not too good), and maybe some nice music to put me to sleep at about the same time every night.

Follow this link for tips for a good night's sleep: https://coronavirus.beyondblue.org.au/COVID-normal/supporting-personal-wellbeing/tips-for-getting-a-good-night's-sleep

#5: Make the bed a comfy place

While I love how comfy my bed is and I love spending time in bed, it isn't the place I should be finishing off bits and pieces for work, or writing essays. My bed needs to be associated with sleep, to help improve my sleep. So this year, as part of my 2022 resolution, I'm going to stop doing work-from-home activities in my bed, and I'm going to ensure that I'm as comfortable as I can be in my bed also.

Photo by Christoffer Engstrom on Unsplash

#6: Invest in a new mattress

A good mattress is an investment. Mattresses can last 7 to 10 years and are an investment for good sleep and good mental health. My mattresses' time is up. It's been over 7 years and already it has turned lumpy and uncomfortable.

When was the last time you bought a new mattress? Is it worth buying a new one to improve your sleep quality? What's your resolution?

Happy New Years, everyone!


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Amateur writer

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