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High Ground

By Jeremy Edwards

By Jeremy EdwardsPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
High Ground
Photo by Silvia Fang on Unsplash

Waking up in the morning knowing that the only activity on the agenda is to dive head first into books brings a whole new meaning to life. Not only does it keep the mind sharp but venturing into the imagination leads to portals to other worlds.

The mind has the capability to soar through different dimensions of time and reality. Inside any lore, mythology or different dynamics of logic, knowledge benefits us like strategic value, creating magic and wonder. Words intertwined with emotion are magic. The world is so full of mystery that it can be overwhelming. It’s fulfilling that our ancestors documented universal truths for the betterment of humanity. Peace comes to those who know their deepest roots and stay grounded; people who aren’t swept off their feet by worldly illusions thrive.

I used to feel like I was born in the wrong time period. People couldn’t understand me so I inevitably fell into loneliness: a glossy eyed feeling where you wander around like a phantom of your former self that was so full of life. The values of my generation and the generations that came after just didn’t call out to me: texting instead of making phone calls to a love interest, sitting at home watching endless hero films that have no depth or character development, the world became an asylum where people wasted away in front of the corporate eye box, television junkies to the fullest. Seeing stories you’ve read on paper transposed on the big screen forms a discipline in you, forcing you to watch with the sole purpose of putting truth into written content. The “beatnik” era is a time I could have been born into. When madmen drank whisky deeply, slipping love letters to pretty ladies bar hopping, get a buzz only to jump in a car at a moment’s notice and drive clear across native lands, catch poetry nights where words transform peoples visions of life giving them liberation. Society’s outcasts were determined to live their best life outside of normal civilization, either convert to the madness of life’s truth’s or not at all.

Depression nowadays flows like the deluge that forced Noah to build his ark. In literature you can build your own personal ark through the mind and help others who are drowning. As a floater, you’re obligated to assist others so they can kick their legs to the surface. The reward is seeing the ascension. Relief on their faces as they taste the fresh air of life, which of course is the purpose of life; to help those submerged under a design to deplete spiritual growth. People want to be around healers who help them grow.

What is spiritual leadership? Someone who has the capability to handle loneliness, the ability to exclude themselves to wander the wisdom under the stars and immerse inner thoughts and choose the correct paths that lead to other portals of serenity. We have two eyes to see the third dimension and another to see boundless higher dimensions.

In order to achieve what is most high, the seven centers must be opened to touch a state of tranquility while going through the life experience.

The first chakra is the base chakra, also known as Muladhara. Located at the base of the spine, this chakra is blocked by fear. The worst a person can do is to give into the aroma of fear. I believe the technique in how to open chakras varies for each individual. The way I do it is to just sit in the lotus position (to the best of my ability, bad knees from playing basketball) close my eyes and mindfully focus on what exactly are all my fears. The key is to be honest with yourself. For me I think about all the things in the past that haunt me, never giving me rest and the things I fear that have yet come to pass. I fear seeing all the ones I love perish before my due time and to live a long life without anyone to relate to, a head full of memories. I see the fear in my inner eye replaying itself until I can no longer feel the energy of fear. The base chakra opens.

The Second Chakra is the Svadhishthana, known as the soul chakra is located between the base of the spine and the navel. Guilt blocks this chakra. When it is open one is in tune with their soul. With stillness and patience inner direction is accessible. Down this path truths essence is restored. There have been times in my life when I looked in the mirror and I couldn’t see myself. My purpose was completely lost from me. As I continued the search inside I found the light and grasped it, now with the power confidence is restored when I look in the mirror. I can look into someone’s eyes unwavering. They, whose soul chakra is closed, have trouble keeping eye contact. People can train themselves to receive their ancestral eyes.

The third chakra is the Manipura, the solar plexus chakra, located at the navel. This chakra when opened helps with community. We have to understand that energy is all around us. Process of thought requires energy. Feeling emotions is energy. So it’s very easy to cloak yourself to stay in the freedom, even when others around you are chaotic. The twisted element about emotions is that sometimes sinister emotions feel good in their own way. Especially when we’re inflicting emotional pain on another person. The power of hate can only be counterbalanced with love. Through love we can ascend, enduring an emotion as strong as hatred. Hatred wears us down from the inside. It’s a burden to keep that kind of energy circulating. When we experience peace we are as light as a green leaf on water, drifting through the universal currents of life.

The fourth chakra, the heart chakra, is located at the center of the chest. To feel love flowing outward is a blessing of its own as such an emotion is healing. Love is stronger than fear. When the heart chakra is tainted or closed a person becomes more self-conscious when the purpose of love is inserting yourself in the oneness of universal consciousness. If only I would have understood that when I was younger. Keeping the heart chakra closed for so long I started to question my existence therefore couldn’t see the path of my life’s mission. There’s a sort of optimistic feeling that comes with the opening of the Anahata. You start to sense the darkness around you and instead of bowing to it you see it as a mission to banish it from what is pure. We remove the shackles of religion and focus on love and feel freedom. Battling our karma in another person feeling the raw negative energy, wisely letting it pass through us. Through pain the debt is paid then we move forward wiser.

The fifth chakra, Vishuddha, is located at the throat. Opening this chakra gives us a chance of universal speech, which I’m sure all of us have experienced one time or another. When we’re speaking we somehow are able to say the right things at the right time. We reach a point inside the universe when we communicate and truth is intertwined. You become disciplined on when to remain silent and when to speak. I pity those who are two faced, who speak one way to your face then speak another way behind your back. It’s cowardly. It takes courage to speak up for yourself and shine wisdom on those who are influenced by false prophets.

The next chakra is my favorite chakra, because it’s the easiest one for me to open. I get a kick out of seeing visions inside of my inner eye located in the center of your forehead between you eyebrows. The sixth energy chakra is the third eye, Anja. Everyone perceives life differently, so when we tap into our higher chakras we are able to unlock visions. Seeing things in our inner mind gives us the ability for creative superiority and to recognize our surroundings without much speculation or conscious reasoning. When this chakra is opened we need to have more faith in what we see inside our mind. For sports, we visualize the win before we step onto the playing field, or we dream about the person we love before actually experiencing it in the physical realm. Optimistic thoughts lead to very pleasant experiences through meditation and manifesting what we want to experience down our paths. No over thinking, just letting the mind ride its natural wave. Once the third eye is opened, only then can we get glimpses of higher dimensions of the divine. It’s tricky to distinguish dreams from the divine world. In my opinion the ones that are lucid are experiencing a little taste of what’s to come once we make the ascension when the soul is ready. The key is to meditate and channel your energy when you close your eyes and look into the void. Be patient and focus on your breathing then you will experience “Samadhi ecstasy,” actual energy waves that you can see behind closed eyelids. Each day we have to see ourselves as our higher selves and remain disciplined in the practice that only we can expand. Never over analyze, that is path to insanity. Another key point is to keep some of your visions to yourself. There are a lot of closed minded people who simply aren’t ready to expand spiritually. We must respect that. Spiritual inclination is a privilege that shouldn’t be abused. That’s a good way to get cut off like an electrical company pulling the plug on someone who can’t pay their bills. Through vanity divinity gets out of focus. Once our paths are made before us it’s our obligation to walk it. Do not be tempted to hold others to subjugation just because they see you as your higher self. Show them that they can too see not just with two eyes but three and watch the wonderment seekers of the truth discover their own path into the kingdom of peace.

The seventh and final chakra, the crown chakra, also known as Sahasrara, is located at the crown of your head. It is the chakra of pure insight. We get a better clarity on what happens beyond the three dimensional world which is strictly based of length by width by height. It ties into our conscious so we have a better understanding of what’s important beyond material items or jobs that enslave us to focus on monetary success. We become fully awake. How wonderful it is to achieve knowledge that hasn’t been documented yet! It gives an edge as progressive thinkers. Artists should strive to focus on channeling their energy for the crown chakra, as originality stems from Sahasrara. It requires lots of solitude if you want to focus on unlocking it fully and gives someone a better chance to become a full individual. Make sure you give yourself a chance to be alone and ponder at the stars for answers. Then you will no longer believe in duality but in one consciousness of everything and everyone.

The time for enlightenment has come, to leave the dark ages behind us now that ancient wisdom is available to us. We must participate in the ancient practices that must be repeated daily. For once in a long time I actually have faith in humanity. I can look into the soul of a person and feel a connection, one consciousness, that’s what we as a society should strive for. Opening our chakras leads to our inheritance, not of materialistic means but a spiritually one so we can unlock the mystery of everlasting life.


About the Creator

Jeremy Edwards

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