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Health Problems Caused By Prolonged Computer Use

Health Problems

By Ravindu LaksaraPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Peter Olexa: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-using-black-and-silver-laptop-computer-4012966/

The rise of technology has led to a significant increase in the amount of time people spend using computers. From working on computers for extended periods to leisure activities like playing video games or binge-watching television shows, people are spending more time than ever before glued to their screens. However, prolonged computer use can lead to a host of health problems. In this article, we will discuss some of the health problems caused by prolonged computer use and what you can do to prevent them.

  • Eye Strain
  • Eye strain is one of the most common health problems caused by prolonged computer use. Staring at a screen for extended periods can cause dry eyes, blurred vision, headaches, and eye fatigue. The blue light emitted by computer screens can also cause damage to the retina, leading to age-related macular degeneration.

To prevent eye strain, it's important to take regular breaks and rest your eyes. You can follow the 20-20-20 rule, which means taking a break every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. You can also invest in a pair of computer glasses that have lenses designed to reduce glare and block blue light.

  • Back Pain
  • Sitting in front of a computer for long periods can lead to back pain. Poor posture, hunching over the keyboard, and sitting in a chair that doesn't provide proper support can cause strain on your back muscles and spinal discs.

To prevent back pain, it's essential to have proper posture while sitting at your computer. Your feet should be flat on the ground, and your knees should be at a 90-degree angle. Your back should be straight, and your shoulders should be relaxed. Invest in an ergonomic chair that provides proper lumbar support and encourages good posture.

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that occurs when the median nerve, which runs from your forearm to your hand, is compressed or squeezed. This can cause pain, tingling, and numbness in your hand and fingers.

Typing on a keyboard for prolonged periods can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. To prevent this condition, it's essential to take breaks, stretch your hands and fingers, and use an ergonomic keyboard that is designed to reduce strain on your hands and wrists.

  • Obesity
  • Sitting for long periods while using a computer can also lead to obesity. People who spend extended periods sitting in front of a computer are more likely to be overweight or obese than those who are more physically active.

To prevent obesity, it's important to take breaks and move around throughout the day. You can go for a walk, stretch, or do some light exercise. Standing desks are also a great option as they allow you to work while standing up, which can help you burn more calories.

  • Mental Health Problems
  • Prolonged computer use can also have a negative impact on mental health. People who spend long periods staring at screens are more likely to experience stress, anxiety, and depression.

To prevent mental health problems, it's essential to take breaks and engage in activities that promote relaxation and stress relief. This can include meditation, yoga, or going for a walk outside.

In conclusion, prolonged computer use can lead to a host of health problems. Eye strain, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, obesity, and mental health problems are just some of the issues that can arise from spending extended periods in front of a screen. By taking breaks, using ergonomic equipment, and engaging in physical activity, you can prevent these health problems and stay healthy while using your computer.


About the Creator

Ravindu Laksara

Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.

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