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Free Weekly Reading #48 Mirror Dragon Tarot

Reading for 11-2 thru 11-8-20

By Victoria LaPointePublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Thoth Tarot

This week is about recognition. As many of you know, I usually begin the reading each week with the Center card as the main influence and guiding principle for the week. This week, however, I’m going to start with;

The West card is The Hierophant.

This card, also called the Pope or High Priest, is a symbol of our human attempts and desire to bring forth the holiness of God, One, Universe, Messiah, Buddha, Allah, Higher Power, etc --Whatever Deity resonates with you-- that lives deep within us. We see this connection as divinely honorable and deserving of expression in the ways we live. We see the harmony between living things given expression and utilization and work to bring that balance to our own experience. Where The High Priestess represents the Wisdom itself, The Hierophant is the voice we give this Wisdom with our actions, words and the ways in which we foster Universal love, kindness, peace and connection. One thing to ponder in this relationship between Wisdom and interpretation is the very human way in which we choose to implement our own ideas of what our continuity with The Divine should look like. And therein lies the dichotomy of human thought and definition. As we stand strong in what we believe is the highest and best that we can be, we often decide that our particular way is the best way. That, after a time, unfortunately, becomes seen as the only way and sows the seeds of division, fear, anger and often violence. With each definition we assign to our “faith” we rein in the Universality of the idea making it smaller and more precise which carves in separation and fractures the belief with each new tenet, commandment, law or principle. In trying to clarify we restrain and trap a concept that was never meant to be static or tied to a particular person or group. With the two Swords cards that follow we’re given a unique opportunity to find some individual clarity about how we might restore the breadth and depth of Divine expression.

The Center card is the 2 of Swords.

For three of the last four weeks we’ve been stalked by the twos. In looking at the twos of the Tarot we see the ability to recognize. The Aces of each suit are that suit's energy in its purest form. As singular aspect/energy they just are. There is no way for the aspect to regard itself, nothing to look at, it simply is. In order for the energy to have an experience of itself it has to split. As one becomes two it can now see itself. As I’ve said recently, like a mirror a single image reflected back creates a second entity. Being the two of Swords we are now able to intellectually see our experience of Wisdom and with the tool of recognition we are then able to experience, interact with and express the understanding we find in that recognition.

The East card is the Ace of Swords.

Having been given the chance to really see and reflect on the reality of our Divine Wisdom using the unique intellect we each hold in our brain, we can now take the splintered bits of wisdom and pull them back into alignment and continuity. The Wisdom didn’t split, only our capacity to get our brain around a Universal concept made it look that way. With the cohesion of the Ace’s energy we come to realize that the split or division or fracturing occurs when we bring the natural fullness of Divine energy into the physical where we can interact with it as physical beings. Because we are physical beings the need for the split is real, we are singular and separate by definition. However, because we also have the capacity to harbor Divine Wisdom we can also have the experience of Oneness that Divine Wisdom inherently is. We just have to give ourselves the chance to let go of our humanity for a moment or a dream or a while, and trust that we can, indeed, realign the fractures.

In Conclusion;

We may feel floaty or foggy or just not mentally on this week but it really isn’t anything to worry about. Yes, it can wreak havoc if you’re a statistician or an accountant or a technical whiz, someone who must deal in specifics and precision, but if we can allow the broader wisdom to infuse our intellect the ideas, realizations and recognition can be astounding, even other worldly.

Have a transformative week.

Light, Tory

TIP for the week: When you say one thing, the clever person understands three. Chinese Proverb

For personal readings via virtual conferencing, email or in person (by appointment) please go to www.MirrorDragon.com


About the Creator

Victoria LaPointe

I'm an intuitive Tarot card reader. It's my day job and I love it. My journey began in 1977 when I had my first card reading. I was astounded and inspired so I bought my first deck, began to learn and I'm still astounded and inspired.

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