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Free Weekly Reading #3 for 2021 Mirror Dragon Tarot

Reading for 1-18 thru 1-24-21

By Victoria LaPointePublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Thoth Tarot

Each week when I do these readings I set up my reading space with black fabric, (for the photo, mostly but it also allows for and smooth, calm space to focus on the cards) make sure I have undisturbed quiet time; dogs are out, husband is at work/play/store/whatever, phone is off, etc… I begin with a quick grounding meditation and settle into a centered peace to ask for guidance in choosing the cards which will be most appropriate for the week ahead. I shuffle the cards with my intent in mind and spread them in a dealer’s “ribbon spread”. Then with eyes closed, I ask for the Center card, the West card and finally, the East card, reaching out to the spread, touching the cards and choosing the one that feels most fully under my finger tip, then sliding them into their positions. Before opening my eyes I return to a calm, centered state and do my best to sense whether the three cards I’ve chosen are the most fitting for the highest and best for all involved. Only then do I turn them face up and photograph them for the reading. There are times when I see the three cards before me and groan or breathe a sigh of relief but I always use the cards I’ve selected ”blindly”.

That said;

The Center Card this week is the 3 of Cups.

With all three of the cards this week, two from the suit of Cups (emotion, intuition, empathy) and the Major Arcana card that deals with the very core of the anima/animus emotional self, we’re dealing with some pretty powerful emotions. With the three at the center we see the interactions between ourselves and the people in our lives from a place of recharged conviction to our own thoughts and ideas. Such is the strength of our own convictions that we engage in our conversations with a passion while at the same time striving to achieve a balance and continuity of all perspectives. The key here is to keep in mind that viewpoints don’t have to match or be identical to balance and flow as a whole. When the three cups are viewed in a positive light they signify the inherent balance of threes in general. Conversations and interactions find a fun, even playful, rhythm, good natured and spirited debate. When they’re underlined by more difficult emotions like anger, fear or insecurity the playful jibes and opposing ideas tend to take on sharp edges and pointed focus that can lead to manipulation or argument for the sake of the fight instead of the broadening of ideas. My favorite thing about this three is that the prevailing attitude is one of friendship and camaraderie.

The West card is Lust. (Strength in the RWS system)

Because this is one of the Major Arcana cards it reveals more about who we are at our core than how we want our thoughts, decisions and interactions -our intended persona- to look to the outside world. The Lust card shows us our deepest instincts. It does relate to strength but rather than being worked at, bulked up or built, it is the depth of our desires, the lust and passion that create the strength of purpose we then carry forward. Like the tale of a mother who is miraculously able to lift a car off of her injured child, it is the depth of passion that creates the strength needed to surpass current or previous boundaries.

The East Card is the 4 of Cups.

This card mirrors the Lust/Strength card in our more mundane, earthly traits, our day-to-day routines. What we feel emotionally, empathically and intuitively will be big. Most likely deeper than we’ve experienced before. This can be as wonderful as reveling in a new and passionate love, as frightening as standing up to a boss (or bully), as sad as accepting the end of a friendship or as empowering as stepping out of your own shadow and presenting a project or work of art to the world. Whatever the circumstance, expect the emotions around it to run deep. This four is like our cup runneth over and over and over repeatedly filled by an unseen force. The good news is that with the three of cups we actively seek harmony and synchronicity and with Lust we have all the boldness necessary to meet any confrontation face to face with the intent to reach an accord or find a way to harmonize the energy.

In Conclusion:

In the words of the illustrious Bette Davis, “buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy night” or in this case week. Passion and conviction abound though not without the buffering of tact, decorum and an honest effort to weave compromise and agreement out of the chaos of emotional connections or long held beliefs which may now be aching for change. Our devotion to what we see as truth is deep and we feel the need to proclaim it loud and clear. The best outcomes will be found when those truths become aligned with parallel convictions and broadened by a spirit of cooperation. We may not all be thinking along the same lines but that doesn’t necessarily mean anyone is wrong. It means that we can differ and still work together.

Have a collaborative week.

Light, Tory

TIP for the week: When spider webs unite they can tie up a lion.

African Proverb

For personal readings via email or video conferencing please go to www.MirrorDragon.com and click on the Schedule A Reading tab at the top of the page or in the menu bars.

Feel free to add a tip if you found value in the work. Thank you!


About the Creator

Victoria LaPointe

I'm an intuitive Tarot card reader. It's my day job and I love it. My journey began in 1977 when I had my first card reading. I was astounded and inspired so I bought my first deck, began to learn and I'm still astounded and inspired.

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