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Flax Seeds fight cancer, osteoporosis, extra fat and many other problems!!!!!

you need to include them in your menu right now

By Maria Ostasevici Published 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 6 min read


The benefits of flax and flax seeds have been widely promoted and an entire industry has developed around them. For this reason there are many forms of such seeds on the market but they are not all as effective for the body. In the following I will present you as much as possible about flax seeds in order to determine if they are good for your health or not.

Benefits Flax Seeds

Flax seeds help you fight cancer and inhibit the appearance of tumors or their development. Even if there is not yet enough evidence in this regard, flax seeds are considered to fight cancer and especially against breast and colon cancer, having substances that inhibit the growth and development of tumors.

Flax seeds also help in digestion. It helps a lot in normalizing the transit and gives you a feeling of satiety while slowing down the process of assimilating the finds. You can consume 2 tablespoons of flax with water in the evening. If consumed regularly they are a very good detoxification treatment for the whole body.

Flax seeds in constipation are recommended. A very good method of using flax seeds to treat constipation is to soak them for several hours. The dose for adults is 5 grams of seeds that can be ground in water or soaked and consumed with water 3 times each day.

Flax seeds are recommended for diabetics. If consumed every day, they greatly balance the level of sugar in the blood.

Flax seed oil has the role of preventing osteoporosis. Studies show that the oil keeps the bones in very good condition while increasing the level of proteins that are involved in bone formation.

Daily consumption of flax seeds helps a lot in calming hot flashes in menopause.

Flax seeds can help you have a healthy heart. If you have problems with the circulatory system, flax seeds help you lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol. You can also prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Flax seeds are also very good if you have an irritable bowel. You can consume 2-3 glasses of a cold maceration made from flax seeds before meals. The preparation has a very good anti-inflammatory effect.

Flax seeds are also perfect for chronic bronchitis. A very good expectorant will be obtained from half a teaspoon of ground seeds that will be stirred for 15 minutes in the glass of water. Finally, strain and drink about 2 teaspoons 3-4 times each day.

Flax Seed Properties

It is proven that flax seeds have twice as much Omega 3 acids in their composition compared to fish and in addition are rich in vitamins, fiber, minerals, estrogen, and seed oil contains lignin and linoleic acid, but also other substances. which can help prevent breast, prostate or colon cancer.

Lignin has the property of preventing and combating cancer. In addition to other proteins, dietary fiber, lignin content makes flax seeds highly valued. This is a special category of phytoestrogens that act in the same way as estrogen. Lignin is recommended for its considerable antioxidant capacity and is able to neutralize a large part of the free radicals in the body. Even if it is in several vegetables, flax seeds have the highest concentration.

In diets for weight loss many people completely give up fat. But doctors say the practice is incorrect because the body needs fat to function optimally. Flax seeds offer an advantage in this sense because they contain a large amount of fatty acids. Due to the concentration of fatty acids, flax seeds can maintain the integrity of the circulatory system and also have an antitumor and antioxidant effect, experts say.

If flax seeds are ground they are better. Studies over time show that flax seeds are much easier to assimilate when ground and we will take better advantage of their therapeutic benefits.

Indications and Contraindications Flax Seeds

Flax seeds under certain conditions can slow down the rate of absorption for oral medications or other nutrients if taken simultaneously. Pregnant women should limit their consumption of flax seed caused by the content of substances that act in the same way as estrogen.

Some of the most common side effects that are encountered with the consumption of flax seed is intestinal bloating with gas accumulation, flatulence, stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, bloating or constipation. It is important that those who include flax seeds in their diet drink enough water because dietary fiber can upset the transit if you do not consume enough fluid.

Calories & Nutritional Information

Flax seeds have important nutritional qualities. 2 teaspoons of seeds or 20 grams have 54.7% calories representing only 3 percent of the daily requirement. However, they are full of important nutrients containing: dietary fiber, healthy carbohydrates, saturated and unsaturated fats, protein, vitamins B1, B3, B5 and B9, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and zinc.

Flax Seeds For Weight Loss

Although there are very few people who include flax seeds in their diet even if they have the highest content of nutrients, and some of the greatest benefits for the figure but also for health. The very rich content of dietary fiber makes flax seeds a perfect ally in weight loss, according to experts. Flax seeds quickly give the feeling of fullness and also limit the assimilation of fats in the body.

Flax seeds in Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding or pregnant women should not resort to internal flax-based treatments, as recommended by specialists. It is good that when you are in one of the two situations mentioned above to ask your specialist and follow his advice regarding the substances introduced into the body.

Linseed oil

Flax seed oil contains fatty acids that are very good for health. Flax seed oil also contains linoleic acid, which the human body can turn into aincosapentaeonic acid.

It is important for each person to have a balanced level of omega 3 and omega 6 in the body. Essential fats are examples of polyunsaturated acids and help reduce inflammation while omega 6 acids tend to contribute to inflammation.

Flax Seed Recipes

Flax is one of the plants that has been used since ancient times. It is a plant appreciated by the Egyptians for their fibers from which the fabrics are obtained but also for all its nutritional virtues and for their medicinal properties.

The fibers contained in flax seeds are especially concentrated in the coating of these seeds. If consumed before a meal, flax seeds have the role of reducing the feeling of hunger. To fight the extra pounds you now have the opportunity to lose weight healthily with the following recipe.

Put 3 tablespoons of seeds and 1 liter of boiling water. The boiled water will be poured over the seeds and the preparation will be left overnight. The next day it will slip in and it is ready to be consumed. For effective results you should drink 150 ml of this preparation, 3 to 5 times a day half an hour before a meal. The remedy is consumed for 10 days after which a break is recommended.

You can add a tablespoon of flax seeds to your breakfast cereal or you can put a teaspoon of ground seeds in mustard or mayonnaise. We also recommend that you add a tablespoon of ground seeds to 250 grams of one and use it in the morning. Flax seeds can also be mixed with flour.

Take care!


About the Creator

Maria Ostasevici

Communication and public relations student, Moldova

Instagram profile: maria.ostasevici;

mother of two awesome Dobermans.


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