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Finding Yourself in a Faraway Place: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Romance in Croatia

By vishnuPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Faraway is a Netflix Original movie directed by Vanessa Jopp and written by Jane Ainscough and Alex Kendall. The movie revolves around Zeynap (Naomi Krauss), a middle-aged mother, who is coping with the death of her mother and the emotional distance growing between her and her husband. The story takes an interesting turn when Zeynap discovers a package left by her mother, which contains the deed to a house in her mother's native Croatia. Driven by the desire to reconnect with her roots, Zeynap decides to travel to Croatia and claim the house, hoping to turn it into an AirB&B.

However, when she reaches the house, she discovers that a man named Josip (Goran Bogdan) is already living in it and has his own claim to the property. The ensuing plot follows Zeynap's attempts to sell the property while Josip tries to stop her. Though the story becomes a bit convoluted as more characters get involved in the drama, the film's focus is primarily on Zeynap's journey of self-discovery.

As a story of self-discovery, Faraway delivers a powerful message. The movie offers an intimate look at a mother grappling with her dissatisfaction with her life and trying to find a sense of purpose. Zeynap's journey is both relatable and inspiring, and the movie does an excellent job of highlighting the importance of self-reflection and taking charge of one's life.

The film is set in a picturesque Croatian island, and the scenery is breathtaking. The soundtrack is pop music-heavy, which plays into the story in a reasonable way, but it also feels out of place in some instances. The romance between Zeynap and Josip is fine, but it doesn't quite live up to its potential. Josip's character is somewhat one-dimensional, which makes it difficult to feel any real sparks between him and Zeynap.

The real estate plotline is a bit over-saturated, and the various realty folks talk too much, which can make it hard to follow. The movie could have benefited from ending twenty minutes earlier, as it would have provided a more satisfying conclusion. The final twenty minutes of the movie add little to the plot or the characters' growth, and the story could have been wrapped up neatly without them.

Overall, Faraway is a satisfying drama of self-discovery with a touch of romance. The movie's focus on Zeynap's journey of self-discovery is its strongest asset, and the picturesque scenery of the Croatian island is a treat for the eyes. If you can look past the convoluted plot and focus on the intimate moments of Zeynap's journey, you'll enjoy this movie. Faraway is now streaming on Netflix, and it's definitely worth checking out.

I enjoyed this movie because the lead actress was a mature woman who looked her age with a few extra pounds and wrinkles , provingthat you can attract a man without botox and a slim body. I hadnever heard of Naomi Krauss but found her portrayal of the taken for granted wife and mother captivating. I can truly understand how the handsome Bogdan fell for her. Yes, there are many cliches but overall it was a refreshing feel good movie with fine performances and absolutely gorgeous scenery. Enjoyed it so much that I would love to see a sequel! Maybe its not Shakespeare but this chick flick was entertaining and fun Faraway is far from perfect, but the ways in which it hits the mark are funny, true, and satisfying. Naomi Krauss is a glowing screen presence, demonstrating that women over 40 are not only powerful protagonists but also attractive and entrancing romantic heroines. Quibbles are few -- Zeynep seems to be a completely different person in the film's first half, an unlikeable, humorless, rigid critic.


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i am dynamic and versatile vocalist with a passion for blending different genres and creating storie that resonates with audiences. With a smooth and soulful content,i will quickly become a rising star in the world of vocal artistry.

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