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Exploring the Best Uses of Yoga Bosu Ball

Best Uses of Yoga Bosu Ball

By John SmithPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Picture Credits: Unsplash

If you've never used a BOSU ball in Australia before, get ready for your entire core to heat up. By introducing an element of instability, this adaptable workout equipment puts your core strength and balance to the test.

There's a bouncing rubber ball on one side, and on the other, a flat circle-shaped piece of plastic. A BOSU ball may be used in various ways, but because it is not symmetrical, it can be used to create an unstable environment.

The critical thing to remember when working out with a BOSU ball is to keep it from shaking and the excess movement to a minimum.

When standing on a BOSU ball, you should also avoid locking your knees. They can assist you balance and lower your risks of falling if they have a slight bend in them.

Are you ready to give the BOSU ball a shot?

1. Oblique Crunches

This exercise appears simple, but keeping the crunch at the peak of the action focuses on activating those side ab muscles, also known as your obliques. The form is also essential: maintain your hips square and one leg stacked on top of the other.

2. BOSU Ball Planks

If you're new to using a BOSU ball for strength training, a high plank is a fantastic place to start. It compels you to use more muscles to maintain stability on uneven terrain. Set your aim to hold a plank for 30 seconds and work your way up from there, eventually reaching a total of one minute.

3. BOSU Ball Push-Ups

Push-ups are elevated to a whole new level by flipping the BOSU ball to stand on its rubbery side. Remember that you want your shoulders to be directly over your wrists, so if you see them sliding away from your wrists to relieve strain, drop to your knees and execute a modified push-up. The goal here is to keep good form while walking on an unsteady surface.

4. Boat Pose

Find your balance by sitting in the center of the BOSU ball. When you're ready, raise your knees to a 45-degree angle and ratio. To assist you in keeping your balance, place your hands gently on the ball or raise them in front of you. Hold this position for 15 seconds and then go from there. One minute should be your ultimate objective. However, it takes time. Make sure to tense your abdominal muscles and take deep breaths.

Picture Credits: Unsplash

5. Walking Push-ups

Because of its unstable surface, the BOSU ball pushes you to activate your abs to maintain a high plank while you switch sides. As you walk your arm from the floor to the ball and vice versa, it evaluates your hand coordination and grip strength.

6. BOSU Ball Mountain Climbers

We like to consider this BOSU ball workout as a plank sprint against the floor. While you'll feel this motion mostly in your core, it also works on your shoulders and legs. Keep your back straight and your buttocks down as you raise your knee to your chest.

7. Glute Bridge

During bridge exercises, people tend to arch their low back. This can cause discomfort by decompressing the lumbar spine. This BOSU ball bridge variant helps you become more aware of it and focus on rising through the hips.

8. Ball Lunges

This BOSU ball workout will put your balance to the test. Lunges are an excellent workout for developing your quadriceps and glutes while also testing your leg stability.

9. Ball Burpee

Whether you despise or enjoy them, Burpees are one of the finest total-body exercises since they engage multiple muscles at once. This BOSU ball workout consists of four moves: a plank, a push-up, a squat, and a shoulder press.

10. BOSU Ball Hops

This BOSU ball exercise brings this workout to a close on a high note. These hops will test your endurance and agility while also working your legs and glutes.

11. Shoulder Taps

Shoulder taps are a fantastic method to improve upper-body stability and strength. Performing them on a BOSU ball makes them much more difficult because you're working on an uneven surface. Avoid swaying your hips from side to side to get the most out of this exercise.


About the Creator

John Smith

Hello, My name is John Smith, I am a content specialist who loves to review on the different products and bringing the best experience to the consumers.

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