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Do You Need More Self-Compassion?

7 Free Self-Care Ideas For Your Wellness Routine

By IAM SimplyShanPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
Do You Need More Self-Compassion?
Photo by Audrey Fretz on Unsplash

Both recent and ongoing events have taken a massive toll on so many of us. More people than ever before had their stability and what they thought mattered crumble down. A huge mental audit took place. What they thought mattered , no longer mattered. The things that truly mattered came to the forfront and on FULL FOCUS.

Through this , learning the importance of establishing a healthy self care regimen and when to take a hard reset, and re-focus on our health and wellness. Truth is , We’re all carrying something more tender than what we share on the stage of social media, but the performance of face masks , nice smelling candles and bubble baths won’t heal those deeper heartaches and unseen scars.

Safe to say we all need real self-care and a whole lot of it !

Taking care of ourselves requires work. Especially if we have other obligations from family, children , work, pets, bills, homes and then some. The bare minimum can often feel excruciatingly out of reach sometimes, and self-care just adds another thing to the list which usually gets missed anyway. But I believe we can definitely re-frame our perspective around taking good, true care of ourselves by remembering that self-care is as simple as self-respect. Going to bed early, saying “no” to that third glass of wine, gazing upon something green and lush instead of endless scrolling on Instagram —these are all ways I personally practice caring for and respecting myself.

Here is , 7 Free and or affordable Self-Care Ideas For Your Wellness Routine

1. Self Care at Home

By Photoholgic on Unsplash

Light a candle, burn some incense, or turn on an essential oil diffuser. The intention is to surround yourself with beautiful scents and set an uplifting mood and atmosphere.

While you are at it , give yourself a much needed facial and schdule an appointment for a manicure and pedicure !

2. Get to Planting 🌱

By Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Plant something, anything . Gardening has proven to have immense mental and emotional benefits. If you don't have land, nurture a houseplant. If you don't have houseplants, go outside and Stop and smell the roses. Really smell the roses and enjoy the odd stares from those who are passing by.

3. Netflix and Chill

By Mollie Sivaram on Unsplash

Yes , Netflix and chill . Watch something that is going to make you feel good , not sad but Good! A good film always does the trick.

4. Heel and Toe Express 👟

By Arek Adeoye on Unsplash

Go on a walk , roller blade , or a bike ride even if it’s just around the block ! Any form of movement is good for your overall mental health . Not only will you feel good , you will look good ! If you’re someone who isn’t self motivated , you can definitely get an accountability partner.

5. Social Media detox

By Adem AY on Unsplash

Spend twenty minutes unfollowing accounts on social media that make you feel less-than. If for some reason you can’t seem to unfollow, consider muting them—they’ll never know!

Make a routine to check in with yourself and unplug monthly, weekly and daily. You’ll feel lighter afterwards.

6. Music me please

By Jonas Vandermeiren on Unsplash

The use sound is proven to be truly therapeutic. Different frequencies and melodies all influence a variety of emotions.

Create a playlist of your favourite songs, Disappear into it, and allow the memories associated with each song to wash over you. While you’re at it , be sure to SING OUT LOUD! 

I, unfortunately, don’t have the vocal talents of Mariah Carrry or Beyoncé Knowles but I don’t let that stop me from singing. I sing as loud as I want anyway. As I used to only lip-sync or hum along to music, it now feels incredibly empowering to hear my voice at this decibel, even if my singing abilities aren’t landing me any record deals.

7. Masterpiece , Master Peace

By Anna Kolosyuk on Unsplash

Creativity comes in lots of different forms, and there are many activities that help us tap into the feeling of peace that our younger selves knew so well. Go on Pinterest and create mood boards of insipiration and feel goods.

In essence, self- care is personal, and no general principle will always work. What motivates you and inspires you is different than the person next door. Which is totally normal might I add. Look for the things that make YOU feel alive. Make dates with yourself and when you commit to working out or doing something for yourself, keep the commitment. We don't back out on our friends, don't back out on yourself. By being healthy about self-care, you will feel be better equipped to help others. Now go live your best life💕

Stay Radiant

- Ss

self care

About the Creator

IAM SimplyShan

Analytical, Food for thought stories and experiences through my eyes.


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