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Disciplined Rest

The Peace of Mind Routine Breeds

By Clayton CookPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

The idea that we currently live in the most stressful, confusing, and dangerous time in recent memory is very real to millions in the world. Our lives have been shut down, reopened, closed off, reformed, isolated, and drenched in living chaos in the midst of a global pandemic. In the meantime, everyday on social media I see reminders such as: drink more water, take vitamin D, and get my eight happy hours of beautiful undisturbed slumber. The band aids offered on social media do not solve the problem of how to deal with this constantly shifting world we’re all trying to safely navigate. We have yet to find a true north star that leads us all to a happy, and safe existence.

Chaos is all around us, and it’s not going anywhere. Now that does not mean skip the vitamins, skip the water and never sleep again. Rather it means it’s time for us each to take ownership of our well being in a new way. We all want to go out, see friends, and stay up until 3am to chase witnessing a waning crescent moon rise. However, burning the candle from both ends melts away your life force to exponential degrees as we age. We cannot remove the stressors of life, but we can adapt.

Here’s a real consideration millions of people are weighing when scheduling their lives, I cannot afford to get sick this week, but I can next week. Think about the weight of daily life for so many that in the midst of a global pandemic, many are weighing when they can risk their lives in order to work their jobs to buy groceries. This is the root of how we need to examine being healthier, more rested, and more successful.

The key to build a more disciplined, and more rested life –yes you can be rested and disciplined– is patience. Be patient with yourself, and patient with others when necessary. Be consistent, deliberant, and conscious with your patience. If you skip a workout, do not beat yourself up, just do the work when it’s scheduled to be done next. Do not allow one mistake to derail your life. It is okay to have a bad day, it is okay to be wrong, shock yourself and the world when you come back every time.

Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. If there may be an extended period of time you need to alter your routine, find ways to build habits that can be done no matter where you are. Perhaps you will need to stay inside for a week or two, do not panic. Establish a routine for the morning each day you are home, then stick to it. Prioritize your own state of mind, and your mental well being into the routines you set for yourself.

Some simple ways to start may include journaling, eating breakfast at the same time, establishing a consistent wake up time, or even reading for five to ten minutes when you wake up. The important first step is to be honest with yourself about where you really are in different areas. If reading is hard, good start with one page. If cooking breakfast is hard, good get pre-made food. If waking up early is hard, good simply start setting alarms five minutes earlier from one another each day. Routines are not built in a day, they are built with carefully calculated effort.

Why are routines important? How will this help you with having a more rested lifestyle? It is simple, but not easy. With healthy routines that support your well being you will see fewer disruptions and stressors derail your life. The fear of missing out on a night out with friends will weigh less on you knowing that there will be another night for a party, but tonight we sleep on schedule. It can feel as if you are relinquishing freedom at first, but truly you are crafting true freedom into your life. Peace of mind that flows throughout your life.

As the stress fades away, better sleep will come. The more consistent you are, the more dependable you become. The more efficient you become with your time, the more successful you will be. Small steps, incremental growth, is the goal and with the progress you may just surprise yourself with what you are capable of. Do not fear the new year, do not fear the chaos of the world. Prepare yourself to tackle any hurdle, and to be powerful in your own life.

Take those vitamins, drink more water, stay in for a few nights after going out, or maybe start that novel that has been waiting for you on the shelf. No matter what the first step is, take it with a consciously patient effort. Allow for setbacks, and get back on the horse as soon as necessary. Share your new habits with your friends as well, they just might be able to help you, or perhaps need your guidance.

mental health

About the Creator

Clayton Cook

Clayton Cook is a polemicist, essayist, and creative writer focused on the irony of the human condition. On an odyssey in search for The Great Perhaps. A graduate of OHIO University with a degree in Political Management.

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