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Day 1 of Cleanse

You Are What You Eat

By Skylar PritchettPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

You Are What You Eat

In my previous post I mentioned that today I was going to be starting a two to three day cleanse. So yesterday I went to my local grocery store and went to the organic section to see if they had pre made all natural fruit and veggie smoothies. To my surprise they had lots of options and I decided to go with the brand Naked. I first looked at the ingredients to make sure it was truly all natural and it was. I got four different flavors, the Berry Veggie, Mighty Mango, Red Machine, and Berry Blast. Each flavor was very good and I am a picky eater so I'm sure most everyone would like these flavors. The point of me doing this cleanse is to get all of the bad toxins out of my body from processed, unhealthy foods. This will help make your lifestyle change more successful because after you get those bad toxins out of your body you wont crave them as much as you usually would, which will help you stick to your new diet. Eating healthier and working out more will not only change your weight but almost every aspect of your body.A few perks will be, your skin will look better, you will feel more energetic, you will be happier, and you will lessen your chance of getting weight related sicknesses. The statement "you are what you eat" could not be more accurate, if you eat crappy foods you're going to feel crappy.

Day 1 of My Cleanse:

So today I woke up around 8:30 and started my day off with the Berry Blast smoothie. I will admit that I usually do not eat breakfast at all because I don't feel hungry, which is obviously not recommended and something I plan to change because like they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After drinking this smoothie I felt more awake than I usually do in the mornings because I am not a morning person at all. Today for the first half of the day I stayed home and did some chores around the house and then found myself getting hungry around 12:00 like usual so I grabbed another smoothie. For lunch I had the Red Machine smoothie which in my opinion is the worst flavor I tried but I still liked it a little. I went and sat and started watching some Netflix while I drank my smoothie and then when I was done with it I felt full but also felt like I wanted to eat some food. The reason for this is simply because one of my worst habits is eating because I am bored. I just got up and did some more chores until I had to go do some stuff. I left my house around 2:00 and got back around 6:30. When I got back home I decided to go ahead and drink my dinner smoothie which I chose to drink the Berry Veggie smoothie. I personally am not a huge fan of a lot of the ingredients in this smoothie but I found it to be really good. This smoothie was by far the most filling smoothie I had and it took me a little while longer to finish than the other smoothies did. I have a gym membership at my local gym and always take my pre-workout around 7:30 then get to the gym around 8:00 so thats what I did today. I was able to workout like normal but even with the pre-workout I found myself not having as much energy as normal simply because these smoothies do not have the same amount of carbohydrates that I usually eat in a day. I was able to finish my workout fine but if you workout regularly you'll be able to tell that you will get tired slightly faster. Then when I got home around 9:30 I had my last smoothie, (a little late I know) the Mango Madness. This smoothie was by far my favorite out of the bunch and will continue to buy this in the future, probably for breakfast most days.


To my surprise I did not have that hard of a time getting through the day with no actual food. I have a feeling that tomorrow will be harder for me because two days with no real food and one healthy smoothies is a big change for me. I'll let y'all know tomorrow how day two went and will decide if I'm going to do a day three or not.


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