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Daily Tarot Reading for 08082019

What do you need to know today?

By Shari MalinPublished 5 years ago 5 min read

Daily Tarot Reading 08082019

Six of Coins

What should I know about today?

The Six of Coins in this position suggests you may be feeling an unwillingness to give your resources today. Are you behaving a little hard-heartedly? Or perhaps you are on the receiving end of this resistance to give? Try to become aware of how the dynamics of your significant relationships contribute to a philosophy of lack in your life. You or others may be suffering unnecessarily because of this scarcity. This is a shame, as so many good things in life are free.

Holding back

The Six of Coins is the card of giving and sharing. It asks us to look at those times when we have been generous to others or when others have been generous to us. On a deeper level, the card asks us to look more philosophically at the ideas of ownership and impermanence. What do we actually "have" that "belongs" to us? Do we "own" things or are we merely borrowing them for this lifetime? We are asked also to remember that everything changes and that sometimes we come out on top, able to give; but at other times when we go through bad patches, we are reliant on the kindness of friends. We may not realize that there is always something we can give to others. Money might be the first resource that springs to mind, but this is not always practical or appropriate. What about love? Friendship? Time? Knowledge? We can make a difference to the lives of others, and the Six of Coins asks us to consider in what ways we may achieve this.

Five of Cups

How should I approach this day?

The Five of Cups advises you to recognize when you feel a sense of loss and allow the grieving process to take its natural course. Loss does not necessarily just relate to a person or thing; for instance, a relationship ending or losing your home or possessions. It can also refer to more abstract but no-less painful concepts, such as loss of dignity, reputation, familiarity, or of things turning out differently from how you had hoped. If you can recognize what the card is pointing you to, try to accept how things have turned out, and realize that life just does not always work out the way we want it to. No matter how hard we might want to hold on and resist any changes to our perception or circumstances, they are actually inevitable and, therefore, futile to resist. You are therefore advised to simply let go and allow the process to take its course. If you can do this with grace and surrender, you will leave room for new opportunities to come into your life. The card is, therefore, ultimately a positive one, signaling growth and new horizons.

Grieve losses to allow new opportunities

The Five of Cups speaks of loss and regret. It appears at those times when we have to say goodbye to something in our lives and find it hard to cope with the empty feeling this leaves behind. One of the reasons loss feels painful is because we struggle to hold on to possessions, people, jobs, etc. When the time comes to let go, we then find it difficult to disassociate ourselves from these things, and thus a part of us feels empty when they're gone. Although this card feels sad and discouraging, it also signals a happier time. If we are able to deal with loss—to accept and heal it—we leave a space for something new to come into our lives. This could be a new relationship, work opportunities, friends, or even new dreams. It is important, therefore, not to resist the passing of something or someone from our lives that no longer belongs, but instead welcome in the changes which are more appropriate for us at this time.

The Devil

What is the true potential of this day?

The Devil card suggests you may be tempted today. This temptation could be from outside or inside yourself, or a mixture of the two and could cause you problems if you succumb. However, it is certain that the means for meeting this temptation will be found inside you. If you can look objectively at your own "inner devil" or saboteur and find the strength to combat him, you will not only find yourself back on the straight and narrow path in your life, but will also feel a sense of achievement, pride, and nobility as a result. Remember, temptations can be there to test us, and tests we pass will be rewarded.

Temptations may arise

The Devil is usually seen as the ultimate embodiment of evil, but in Tarot, he is used more to represent temptation. Traditionally, the Devil doesn't have a great deal of power himself. His power lies in his ability to entice human beings into doing things which will ultimately lead to their downfall. Therefore, if we have anything to fear in this card, it is ourselves. The card is a reminder of how we are often enslaved by our own weaknesses. The reason we are trapped is because we are no longer in charge of our destiny. For a heavy drinker, it is the bottle that is in charge, while for a compulsive pessimist, it is the negative thoughts that call the shots. When this card turns up, it often warns of an unhealthy situation developing where we are losing control of our lives.


About the Creator

Shari Malin

I’m a writer living and working in the Atlanta area.

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