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Critical Incident Stress Management

Save Lives and Careers

By Amir HossainPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Photo by Inzmam Khan - Pexels

Critical incidents, such as natural disasters, acts of violence, and sudden loss, can profoundly and continuously impact the lives of those who experience them. In addition to the physical and emotional trauma that often accompanies these events, many individuals are left to cope with the long-term consequences of trauma, including depression, anxiety, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

However, with the proper support, individuals can recover from these experiences and grow and thrive in the aftermath of a traumatic event. One such support system that has proven to be incredibly effective is critical incident stress management (CISM).

What is Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)?

CISM is a comprehensive, multi-step program that supports individuals and organizations following a traumatic event. The goal of CISM is to help those who have experienced trauma to manage the stress that can arise from such experiences effectively and to promote healing and resilience.

The program typically includes a range of interventions, including individual and group counseling, educational workshops, and peer support groups. In some cases, the program may also have other forms of therapy, such as exposure therapy or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR).

The Benefits of Critical Incident Stress Management

CISM is highly effective in supporting individuals who have experienced trauma. Some of the key benefits of the program include the following:

Reduced symptoms of PTSD: Studies have found that individuals who participate in CISM programs experience a significant reduction in symptoms of PTSD, including re-experiencing traumatic events, avoidance, and hyperarousal.

Improved mental health: In addition to reducing symptoms of PTSD, CISM can also help to improve overall mental health and well-being. Participants in CISM programs often report feeling more hopeful, empowered, and resilient in the aftermath of a traumatic event.

Enhanced occupational functioning: For those who have experienced trauma in the workplace, CISM can be particularly beneficial in helping to restore work performance and productivity. By addressing the stress and anxiety that can arise from traumatic events, individuals are better equipped to return to work and perform at their best.

Strengthened relationships: Trauma can take a significant toll on personal relationships, and CISM can help to heal and rebuild these bonds. By providing individuals with the tools they need to manage stress and build resilience effectively, they can connect with others and maintain healthy relationships.

Stages of Critical Incident Stress Management

The stages of the Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) model are as follows:

On-Scene Support: Providing immediate support and interventions at the site of the traumatic event to reduce initial distress and prevent acute stress reactions.

Defusing: Conducting a debriefing session as soon as possible after the traumatic event to help the individuals involved process their experiences and start the recovery process.

Debriefing: A more in-depth session that takes place a few hours to a few days after the traumatic event to provide an opportunity for individuals to share their experiences and receive support.

Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD): A structured group intervention that provides a more comprehensive approach to the recovery process. It usually occurs within 72 hours of the traumatic event and can last several hours.

Follow-Up: Ongoing support is provided to individuals to help them continue their recovery process and address any issues that may arise.

In addition to the stages outlined above, it's also important to note that CISM is designed to be a holistic approach to managing the aftermath of a traumatic event. This means it focuses on the individuals directly involved in the event, their families, coworkers, and the broader community.

The principles of CISM include:

Empathy: Understanding the individual's experiences and perspective and showing genuine concern for their well-being.

Normalization: Reassuring individuals that their reactions to trauma are normal and that it's common for people to experience difficulty after a traumatic event.

Education: Providing information about trauma and its effects to help individuals understand what they are going through.

Self-Care: Encouraging individuals to care for themselves and their emotional health through exercise, proper nutrition, and stress management techniques.

CISM is often provided by trained professionals, such as psychologists, counselors, or chaplains, and is typically offered voluntarily. CISM aims to provide support and resources to help individuals cope with the effects of trauma and promote their recovery.

Coping with Critical Incident Stress Management

There are a variety of techniques you can use to cope with CISM and manage traumatic stress. Some of these techniques include:

  • Deep breathing exercises can help you calm down and reduce your stress levels.
  • Exercise has been shown to help manage anxiety and depression.
  • Talking with a trusted friend or family member can be very helpful in managing CIS.
  • You may also consider seeking help from a mental health professional, such as a psychologist or a counselor.
  • In some cases, medication may be necessary to manage CISM symptoms.

The Role of Support Groups

Support groups can be a great way to cope with CISM and connect with others who are going through a similar experience. In a support group, you can share your feelings, learn coping strategies, and receive emotional support from others.

CISM in the Workplace

Given the significant benefits of CISM, it is not surprising that many organizations have begun incorporating the program into their workplace wellness initiatives. For companies that employ first responders, emergency personnel, or other individuals who are regularly exposed to traumatic events, CISM can be a valuable resource for promoting resilience and preventing burnout.

In addition to offering CISM to employees, organizations can also benefit from the program by improving morale, reducing turnover, and enhancing their overall reputation as an employer of choice.


In conclusion, critical incident stress management is a highly effective program that can help individuals and organizations effectively manage the stress and trauma that can arise from traumatic events. Whether in the workplace or everyday life, CISM has the potential to save lives and careers and promote healing and resilience in the aftermath of a traumatic event.

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About the Creator

Amir Hossain

I blog on everything and anything— hoping my blogs will make your days a bit happier!

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