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12 Reishi Mushroom Benefits To Know About

By DandelionclubPublished 4 years ago 7 min read

What it is

Reishi mushrooms, also known as Lingzhi, are a type of mushroom famous in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. They are also known as the “mushroom of immortality”, and has been for more than two thousand years. These are extremely rare, and only 2 or 3 out of thousands of trees may have reishi mushrooms growing at their base. It’s tinted red and is kidney-shaped, often resembling the appearance of a fan.

One of the reasons it’s so popular is the variety of benefits that can be drawn from it.


1) Antioxidant

Reishi mushrooms are brimming with antioxidents. The consumption of foods and other supplements that are rich in antioxidants can aid in the prevention of cancer and various other chronic diseases.

2) Boosting the Immune System

Similar to a range of other types of mushrooms, reishi contains beta glucan which can help your immune system.

3) Fight Viral and Bacterial Infections

Numerous mushrooms contain a wide assortment of antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. Reishi is no special case.

We are experiencing a daily reality such that an ever increasing number of irresistible illnesses are becoming resistant to antibiotics, and reishi might be a mean to safeguard ourselves.

Reishi could be mixed with existing medication to considerably reduce the amount of conventional medication required, decreasing the danger of side effects and reactions.

In any case, this phenomenon must be investigated further before it is put into practice.

In one study, G. Lucidum extract was injected into mice a day before being injected with E. Coli. The mice which had been injected with reishi had survival rates of over 80%, in contrast to the control groups’ survival of 33%.

4) Reducing the Risk of Heart Disease

Ganoderma mushrooms contain triterpenes which reduce lipids. They can bring down blood pressure as well as the amount of bad (LDL) cholesterol in the bloodstream.

Consuming reishi mushrooms can protect against heart attacks, strokes, and other kinds of coronary illness.

5) Neuroprotective properties

There is a growing need to improve the memory and protect oneself against many brain-related diseases that accompany the aging process. There are various approaches to do this, and reishi mushrooms may be one of them. A Neuropharmacology study in 2012 discovered that reishi mushrooms may have a neuroprotective effect in rodents, which could be significant in future studies regarding Alzheimer's disease. This study demonstrated that reishi extract aids in the production of nerve growth factor, a protein that is crucial for healthy neurological function.

6) Cancer

Reishi shows extraordinary hint of preventing, slowing the spread of, and possibly even curing cancer.

Currently, there is a lack of solid evidence to prove using reishi as a primary treatment to cancer. However, it has demonstrated a range of anti-tumor characteristics and different advantages that can be used along with regular treatment to improve the probability of successful treatment.

Reishi might be particularly helpful against prostate cancer. One study illustrated that it was effective at both preventing cancer cells from multiplying and also supports the death of prostate cells.

7) Diabetes Mellitus

Reishi might be helpful in reducing the risk of diabetes, as it has been shown to have hypoglycemic properties in animals, reducing blood sugar levels.

In a study conducted on obese and diabetic mice, a hot water extract of the mushroom administered for about a month, was shown to bring down serum glucose levels and increase insulin levels.

A few investigations have been done on people also; 71 grown-ups with type 2 diabetes were given a polysaccharide extracted from reishi for 12 weeks. Following 12 weeks, their plasma glucose had diminished greatly, which affirms that the concentrate had a hypoglycemic impact.

The research so far looks encouraging. In any case, since most of study up till now has been done on animals, more human clinical studies are required.

8) Liver and Gastric Injury

Reishi has hepatoprotective (or antihepatotoxic) properties. That means that it can prevent liver damage.

In China, reishi has been utilized in instances of mushroom poisoning where individuals have consumed various other harmful mushrooms like Amanitas. Reishi appeared to decrease the degree of liver damage endured.

The consumption of reishi might be an approach to prevent or reduce injury after consuming poison or alcohol poisoning, though more study is required to completely assess the extent of its applications here.

9) Inflammation and Allergic Responses

Taking reishi can help decrease both acute and chronic inflamation.

It provides anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic properties without meddling with the typical homeostasis in the body.

10) Improve Physical Fitness and Exercise

In studies, reishi has been shown to hinder the acceleration of lactic acid in the blood and quicken lactic acid clearance. Lactic acid is a metabolic by-product that your body produces during exercise.

On the off chance that a lot of lactic acid develops in your blood it can cause muscle aching, burning sensations, stomach ache, and rapid breathing.

In the event that you've begun doing intense exercise after a significant stretch of inactivity, you've likely experienced lactic acidosis.

Reishi might be useful in forestalling these unpleasant reactions that can follow intense physical exercise.

Reishi likewise improves your body's glycogen reserve (capacity to store carbohydrates as glucose) and furthermore diminishes the measure of glycogen that your body consumes during exercise. This will lead to you feeling less fatigued.

11) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a consuming illness where you feel very drained or exhausted constantly. The feeling doesn't disappear with rest, and has no fundamental illness to explain it.

At this moment there is no proven clinical treatment available for CFS. Be that as it may, reishi might have the option to help.

In a study, 50 individuals experiencing CFS were given G. Lucidum extract for 12 weeks. Those that got the concentrate were more satisfied than the individuals who got the placebo. Those who received reishi extract and the placebo has similar side-effects.

12) Anxiety and Insomnia

There is a lot of proof online for the utilization of reishi in stress-related conditions such as anxiety and insomnia.

In conventional Chinese medication, reishi has been utilized for these reasons also.

Be that as it may, there is a lack of actual scientific studies to support these cases.

How to use it

Taking reishi continuously can help keep you healthier and may be used increasingly to ward off any sickness or diseases.

You can take it all year, or may decide just to utilize it as a safeguard before and during the cold and influenza season.

There are various ways that you can include reishi in your diet to exploit its medical advantages.

Reishi extract

As a result of its harsh taste, reishi is generally prepared as a hot water extract. Thinly cut reishi (whether fresh or dried) can be added to boiling water which is then reduced to a simmer, covered, and left for 2 hours. The subsequent fluid is dark and bitter in taste. You should include some honey or fruit juice to improve the taste. Other options are using it as a soup base or as water when cooking rice.

In case you're making a reishi soup, you can include olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic, and onion, in addition to different herbs and vegetables to help make it taste better.


Pills or tablets are generally considered the most convenient way to take reishi. These capsules are made by crushing the mushroom into a powder. If the bitter taste is unbearable, capsules are the ideal for you.

In case you're purchasing reishi supplements, make sure to buy them from a legitimate source and search for items that guarantee they contain 100% reishi mushrooms without mycelium or different things included.

A few items will guarantee potency and let you know precisely what percent of beta glucans and triterpenes their item contains. This is even better.


As a powder or concentrate, reishi can be added to smoothies or beverages. If the taste doesn’t bother you, you might even eat the powder as is.

Read more about reishi mushrooms


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Writer, Hobbyist, Traveller, Art Lover

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