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Can You Lose Weight by Practicing Yoga?

Do you like yoga?

By Karren SwampPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Can You Lose Weight by Practicing Yoga?
Photo by Surface on Unsplash

Virtually everyone who starts practicing yoga regularly reaches the optimal weight, according to his constitution, in the shortest time. Let's take a closer look at what happens to a beginner sadhaka (who practices yoga) and find out what principles will help you normalize your weight.

Excess weight (not always superfluous, but let's leave it at another time) is most often a metabolic disorder. When these processes proceed too slowly or incorrectly, many decomposition compounds form and accumulate in the body. Because.

No restrictions

If the body does not receive food regularly, then at every opportunity it begins to build up fat reserves, so hunger is not the best way to get rid of extra pounds.

Irregular eating is even more harmful!

Diets do not eliminate the cause of the disorders, they have a short-term effect.


A good yogi eats neither too much nor too little - so he writes in the stars.

Mind control

The mind involves the whole activity of thinking. Our mind is receptive to the information field, which in our day is very broad. The mind is easily aroused, but even worse, sometimes trapped in stagnation. An overactive mind causes stress, and it slows down metabolic processes.


  • frequent walks in nature (no gadgets), physical activity (no material motivation)
  • frequencies, sauna, massage,
  • listen to relaxing music
  • communicate with open people
  • obligatorily isolate yourself every day - stay with yourself without anyone or anything… just be here and now!

Meditation during the meal

Often absorbed in the routine of the day, we eat unconsciously. The mind, preoccupied with external stimuli, projects all the discontent on the body, which under the attacks of arousal forgets the threshold of saturation. This leads to overeating and poor digestion.


For a novice yogi, any activity becomes meditation. Try to focus your thoughts on it during the meal. Follow, capture all the nuances of taste, the finest, and differentiate them. Then follow the combination of these tastes, the reaction of the taste and smell organs, the reaction of the digestive organs… Try to perceive them as a whole and make them aware of each one.

Supporting actions:

  • Clean the root of the tongue in the morning,
  • Wash your nose in the morning (Jala ​​neti),
  • Rub the center of the eyebrows with the palm of your hand,
  • Concentrate and fix the eyes in the center between the eyebrows (trataka).

Triggering the program

We have in our programs recovery and normalization of internal processes. They are often tied to a certain time and trigger under certain conditions. The body is most effectively cleansed DURING SLEEP between 22:00 and 02:00.

The less we sleep during this time, the more the body becomes congested. Metabolic processes start at 06:00 and if you wake up later, then they slow down.

The most common causes of unnatural diet (excluding obvious diseases):


The quality of digestion, metabolism, and work capacity depends on the proper functioning of the digestive system. A sedentary lifestyle, primarily in the pelvis (we do not sit, as it should, below the chair), in the abdominal cavity (we practically do not use the diaphragm during breathing) and improper nutrition often lead to clogging of the digestive organs.


Practice at least the simplified version of the procedure for cleaning Shank prakşalana. We will publish the complete version with exercises soon.

Simplified version

In the morning on an empty stomach drink a liter of saltwater, it may be a little warm, and wait until you want to go to the toilet. In 40 minutes you will go to the toilet several times. When it's all over, eat boiled rice (this is an integral part of prakşalana) with butter, no sugar, and salt. You should avoid fresh fruits and vegetables on this day. Drink milk and any liquids in one gulp, in the evening you can consume a bio-yogurt, which will help restore the intestinal flora. Practice at most once a month.

Exclude harmful snacks

It is important to eat when you are feeling hungry and to do so consciously. The body sends the hunger signal if it lacks something. If he does not receive what he wants, then the signal of hunger will continue, even though he receives something continuously.


Don't feed yourself with "commercials" and "beneficial" product lists and "correct" diets, but approach your diet as consciously as possible. Based on your inner needs, the feeling of hunger, you will always feel why your body is missing!

The water

When you drink a little, your body gets used to getting moisture from food. And every time he needs water, he will ask for food. Drinking clean water will relieve you of the false feeling of hunger and help your body get rid of toxins more effectively.


Show a small bowl of water - it will remind you of thirst. If you're mobile (or you can't see it), use a smartphone app.

Internal organ massage

There are many practices, which are prophylaxis (and sometimes a means of removal) of stagnation in organs, including digestive organs.


It starts with the stomach vacuum, Uddiana Bandha, which I wrote about here.

We will soon report on Nauli, Agnisara-dhauti, Kapalabhati and Bhastrika.

Breathing is the mother of food

Try to breathe with the whole chest (including the abdomen). You will notice an influx of forces, and the feeling of hunger will disappear. This is because the body is redirected to other energy sources, the mind calms its agitation, and improves the metabolism. All this is achieved by the breathing of yogis in combination with the intensive work of the diaphragm.


Try. There are a lot of breathing techniques


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