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Building Model Trains Saved My Life

And no, not figuratively

By Mindsmatter.Published 2 years ago 5 min read
Building Model Trains Saved My Life
Photo by Darren Bockman on Unsplash

I remember when I was in school and the whole “what do you want to do when you grow up?” thing started. If you ask me, you shouldn’t be making such big decisions when you’re 17, not even at 20. I never really want to make big decisions, I’m just a 25-year-old kid *giggles uncontrollably*

When my parents talked to me about careers and professions, I remember them telling me that whatever I choose, it had to be something that I feel passionate about doing. But we know that not everyone can practice their dream profession, not all of us will be painters, poets, or Minecraft streamers. The world needs bankers, office workers, customer service representatives, and they aren’t exactly the professions one dreams of as a child. It’s very easy to say “just do what you love” but simply saying it won’t change the reality that it just isn’t that easy, but we shouldn’t resign ourselves to a shitty job that we absolutely hate, I firmly believe that we can find a balance.

Being immersed in an exhausting routine day after day has very serious effects on our health, a large percentage of people who commit suicide have exhausting and monotonous jobs with awful pay. However, there is a way to do things that you are passionate about while having a job that pays the bills, I personally feel passionate about not living on the streets and starving.

Hobbies Can Be Lifesavers

Most of us stop having hobbies when we grow up, they are often related to things for children, but professionals agree that having one is very beneficial for our health.

You probably had a hobby when you were younger, I used to like collecting Pokémon cards, which I regret having stopped doing when I saw a streamer made $20.000 on a Charizard card. But as we move into adult life, we begin to spend less time on activities that are not seen as necessary. Most of the day I am working and when I am not, I’m resting from working, talk about work-life balance!

Spending some of your free time doing nothing is also necessary and healthy, but try to find some time for something that makes you feel excited, creative, or entertained. You’re probably very good at something and you don’t even know it.

Studies suggest that having a hobby helps release stress, stimulate creativity, and builds self-esteem. Those who find a balance between their work and a hobby can be more productive and have lower levels of physical and neurological exhaustion and episodes of depression and suicide. So what’re you waiting for? Your hobby could save your life!

Insurance Salesman By Day. Model Train Builder By Night

If you feel like your job takes up your whole life; you’re either at work or recovering from work, well what do you do? How about trying to revive your past passions, without worrying about those hobbies as something you have to be the best or exceptionally good at. If you practiced a sport as a child and dreamed of becoming a professional, you can join an amateur team on the weekends, in addition to meeting new people, this activity will help you relieve stress.

If you didn’t have a hobby as a child that you are passionate about today, it’s cool, now is the perfect opportunity to discover a new passion.

Perhaps photography always caught your attention but you never dared to do it because you thought you wouldn’t be a renowned professional; You already have a job, the debts are paid, you don’t have to be a pro, buy a simple camera to start with and go to the park and take photos of the birds. they may not be on the cover of National Geographic, but that’s not what it’s really about, is it?

Allow yourself to open up to new experiences. Learning affects the brain similar to that of reward and success, especially if it is something you like.

The Healthiest Hobbies?

I must clarify, while I am encouraging you to find something you love, you should be careful about what you decide to spend your free time with. If you start neglecting your job, your family, or your friends because you are obsessed with being the best foreign coin collector, you are only doing yourself more damage.

This is a list of the healthiest hobbies according to professionals, give at least one of them a shot:

Crafting: doing things with your hands has the effect of calming and promotes creativity. Try DIY, woodworking, pottery, whatever prompts you to create things. Painting and drawing can be ways of doing stress catharsis, the feeling of the brush on the canvas or the pencil on the paper has therapeutic effects.

Exercising: It may be very cliché but it works. Exercising releases endorphins and makes you feel great afterward! You should not seek to become The Rock, going for a jog a few miles can be enough to relax you and get rid of the stress of work.

Reading: We always associate reading with homework, but when you find something you really like, time flies by, plus you exercise your brain. Do not feel pressured to read what everyone reads, maybe your cup of tea isn’t a long novel. Give informational books a chance, biographies or even comics and graphic novels. Who knows what your raison d’etre will be?

One of my favorite things to do is play chess. I’m no Magnus, but I enjoy it, and that’s what matters. Give a new hobby a go, especially now that we’re all couped up at home, it’s the perfect time to create that bonsai tree you always wanted to or knit a sweater for your grandkids. Whatever you choose, do let us know in the comments, we’d love to hear what gets you to unwind.

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About the Creator


Mindsmatter is written by Bola Kwame, Jack Graves and Emma Buryd.

De-stigmatizing mental illness one day at a time.

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