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Authority and Authenticity

Our deed remain single till they wed perseverance- Welch proverb (trans. CM)

By The Celtic SpiritPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

To my Reader and Practitioners out there welcome:

these series of articles are to help young and tad bit inexperienced practitioners who to properly do solitary or group (coven) spell work. And I know how hard it to find what might be a persons experience is for a certain spell and finding what was the authentic spell you are looking for.

So why do we seek either Authenticity or even Authority over what we believe in.Many people seek validation for their spiritual pathway. Because we may have garnered the components of our spiritual search from many different places and traditions, we often have a feeling of fraudulence or lack of authenticity.

As a Individual Practitioner I find it either difficult or sometimes hard to practice with no experience under my belt to very little experience under my belt. Our efforts to make sense of these components, to make a living habitation or pathway from them, are haunted by fear of authority. We feel that if we changed the received pattern, if we deviate from the spiritual tradition into which we born,we will be punished or shunned. This has certainly been the messaged given by organized religion to those on a spiritual search: authority is withed from those who hermetically deviate in our society; authenticity can derive only from the centrally authorized mandate.

It’s without a doubt that online spaces are becoming both a petri dish and a dumping ground of knowledge for this particular global community. The ability to share information like never before has been intrinsic to the growth of witchcraft, an art that by nature is an adaptation of old traditions into new diverse and flexible paths. The rise in technology has also been utilized by modern witches, who now use their laptops and phones to keep notes of their practices, some even going as far as to use microwaves to aid them in spell work.

As I drew from the internet to find the answers I compared notes on what Authority and Authenticity is:

Authenticity is defined as: The quality of being genuine or not corrupted from the original.

and Authority is defined as: The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.

When looking at these definitions it becomes clear that having a balance between both the Authority in spell work take over but also someone who has known this spell and has authentic knowledge about it. The other thing to note is, Those who cast spells believe in Karma and the threefold law which states anything you do will be returned to you three times as strong. This is why practitioners stay away from harmful magick, curses and hexes. The religion of Wicca follows ‘an ye harm none, do what ye will’ mantra, adopted as a rigid guideline for the majority of modern magick practitioners. You read that right – magick with a ‘k’ is a term used to differentiate spiritual magick from the stage magic and card tricks. While witchcraft outside of Wicca has no laws or ethical codes which forbids or advises against the use of curses and the like, in witchcraft, many will choose not to add to their karmic debt and follow their own morals.

No human being shared the exact same spiritual path as another. Each person constellates various elements of spirituality that speak to him, borrowing from old traditions and new perspectives. Finding authority for what we do, who we are, cannot come solely from the human world: authenticity arrives when we have begun to move from the known into the unknown through the unique thresholds that life opens to us. Perseverance is the key.

As we loom closer to New Years Eve ( literally 15 days away) and as what things are in this political and medical climate, It's hard to find a source for good spell work.

As you struggle to find what it is your path is, Answer these questions to get a sense of your own search for authority and authenticity:

Whose approval am I seeking?

Who encourages me?

How do I gain vitality? What drains my vitality?

Who/ What do I need to control?

To whom/what do i consistently relinquish power?

What do I need for self nurture?

Which old repeating patterns prevent me living in balance?


About the Creator

The Celtic Spirit

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