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Can I be ambitious?

By Liana HewittPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

When I wake up in the morning I never know what the day will bring. Will it be a good day? A bad day? Will I be a lazy? Will I be productive? Will I be social? Will I be lonely? There are so many unknowns about how my day will unfold but I get up without knowing the answers.

Some days I feel like I want to do nothing all day. On those days I want to sit alone and do nothing but distract myself from the world whether through reading, television or various social media accounts. I’ve found myself wanting more of these day lately since the pandemic started and me being an essential worker.

Some days I get up early and want to get as much done as possible. These days consist of to do lists and accomplishments.

Reflecting on the difference in these kinds of days has started me wondering. Why do I start some days wanting to get a lot done and other wanting to do nothing and be nothing?

If I surround myself with accomplished and ambitious people will I be more likely to get more done than if I surround myself with people that rather relax when they have time off work? I do find that the people we surround ourselves with does reflect in our day to day choices.

My significant other is an ambitious person and while I do find myself wanting to do more while he is around I don’t think he can be solely attributed to my amibiton. I am a curious person by nature and that could be a byproduct of being an avid reader. I will do almost anything with the chance of learning something new. That being said my parents are also fairly ambitious people so that can definitely be a factor as well.

Can the level of someone’s ambition be measured? How would one do so? There are many different levels and styles of ambition. Where one person may look at ambition as a monetary value another could look at it as a goal based system. Someone with the goal to win a video game could be just as ambitious as someone with the goal of making a certain amount of money in a year. The ambition is revealed at how one applies oneself to the task.

If the person wanting to make a certain amount of money doesn’t try to make any money they wouldn’t be considered ambitious towards their goals whereas if the person that wants to win a video game plays that game every day would they be considered ambitious?

On the days where I feel ambitious but don’t get many thing checked off my to do list am I ambitious for trying or a failure for not getting anything done? Sometimes life throws us a curve ball that makes it hard to get things accomplished. Or would that be considered an excuse for being lazy and not getting things done?

Where does self care fall into ambition? Hard work can be a good thing but if we don’t take the time to properly care for ourselves the results can be dangerous. Everyone needs some form of self care and to take care of yourself should not be considered lazy.

Everyone makes choices daily in their lives. These choices are supposed to make the individual happy. So whether or not you are ambitious you should live your life while working towards the goals that make you happy. One goal at a time. If these goals do make you happy it should all be worth it in the end shouldn’t it?


About the Creator

Liana Hewitt

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