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A symposium devoted to the specifics of the most common diseases of young people was held in Moscow. What new things do we need to take into account about their diagnosis, prevention and treatment?

Acute coronary syndrome is considered by many to be a purely age-related ailment. This is not true. At the age of 20-29, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, and heart attack are rare. But after age 30, the risk increases dramatically in both women and men.

By ROBINSON JAMES HERBERTPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
A symposium devoted to the specifics of the most common diseases of young people was held in Moscow. What new things do we need to take into account about their diagnosis, prevention and treatment?
Photo by Tobias Tullius on Unsplash

Young risks

A symposium devoted to the specifics of the most common diseases of young people was held in Moscow. What new things do we need to take into account about their diagnosis, prevention and treatment?

Young heart attacks

Acute coronary syndrome is considered by many to be a purely age-related ailment. This is not true. At the age of 20-29, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, and heart attack are rare. But after age 30, the risk increases dramatically in both women and men.

Heart ailments in youth have an insidious trait - they are asymptomatic. A person smokes, eats a lot of unhealthy food, moves a little, gains excess weight. And he naively thinks that he doesn't care. But changes are taking place in the vessels.

One of the main risk factors for heart attacks in young people is an unfavorable family history. When all relatives on the same line from a young age "for no reason" have increased "bad" cholesterol. Against this background, heart diseases start much earlier.

Unfortunately, young women often suffer from heart ailments, even with sadder prognosis than the stronger sex. Risk factors for them are obesity, diabetes mellitus, low levels of estrogen hormones, inflammation and blood clots. And also - smoking and drug use. Cardiologists are increasingly faced with heart attacks and strokes, atrial flutter and aortic dissection from cocaine and marijuana use.

The difficulty is that in young people, heart diseases are atypical. Instead of pain in the heart, a person is worried about heaviness in the stomach, shortness of breath, headache, increased pressure, pain in the back and under the left shoulder blade.

Young people need to know: today any pain syndrome in the chest area is a reason to be examined. But, of course, the first and main measure of self-help is lifestyle correction in favor of a healthy one.

Young buds

At a young age, chronic kidney disease is latent. This is her cunning. It happens that a person has had pyelonephritis, but he has not completely coped with the infection. And has deposits or formations in the kidneys that he does not know about. Year after year, these problems disrupt organ function, ultimately leading to kidney failure. In its advanced stage, this condition requires constant dialysis or kidney transplantation, otherwise it will not survive.

Today, the average age of a Russian patient on renal replacement therapy is 47 years. But this is the prime of life.

In general, chronic kidney disease more often overtakes men, but in their youth, women are no less susceptible to it. Cystitis complicated by pyelonephritis, repeated pregnancies are factors of increased risk. Protein diets also make a significant contribution to the development of kidney problems, and cocktails are the scourge of modern fitness women.

To prevent serious problems, it is worth checking your kidneys at least once a year.

If violations are detected in time, the development of renal failure can be prevented. It is important to change your lifestyle, start moving more, but not exercise for wear. Give up tobacco and alcohol. Reduce the amount of salt and animal protein in the diet. Reduce excess weight and high sugar levels.

Because kidney disease often goes hand in hand with cardiovascular disease, doctors prescribe general treatments for both vital systems. These are drugs for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol in the blood, means for improving microcirculation.

If you already have kidney problems, it is important to avoid taking drugs that are toxic to your kidneys. These include numerous painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, radiopaque substances, and a number of antibiotics.

Young joints

Among all joint diseases in young people, the first place is occupied by the so-called reactive arthritis. Joint pain in this case is associated with a previous infection - intestinal or urogenital.

In second place is rheumatoid arthritis - damage to several joints at once.

And in third place is spondyloarthritis - inflammatory back pain. It can be caused by acute diarrhea or Crohn's disease, psoriasis, or inflammation of the urinary tract.

In other words, articular syndrome in youth is often not a primary, but a secondary disease. The pain is worse towards the end of the night and in the morning. Upon awakening, the joint seems to be constrained. And the improvement occurs during the day and after taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

These properties distinguish young pain in joints from more mature pain. After 45 years, the causes of pain are more often structural changes in the joints, leading to their deformation and dysfunction. The pain is more mechanical in nature. It intensifies towards the end of the day and from physical activity. Calms down alone.

In order not to miss the onset of joint problems, it is important to be properly examined. A general analysis of blood and urine, a biochemical blood test are taken. As prescribed by the doctor, tests for calprotectin and ferritin.

As for the condition of the joints themselves, the gold standard here is X-ray, ultrasound and MRI. Sometimes research on natural joint lubrication is also required.

Young thrombosis

The main danger of blood clots, or thrombi, is the blockage of blood vessels in vital organs. If they break off and enter the heart, lungs, or brain, the person has a heart attack, pulmonary embolism, and stroke. All of these conditions are life threatening.

But besides this, thrombosis in young women leads to problems with conceiving and bearing children, multiple losses of pregnancy. It is important to identify in time a predisposition to thrombosis and to deal with the correction of violations.

The main cause of blood clots is increased blood clotting. In some cases, it can be congenital, that is, passed on to you from relatives. This option is obvious if close relatives under 50 have had heart attacks, strokes, thrombophlebitis. If the woman herself has a blockage of veins or an interrupted pregnancy.

It is important for women with thick blood to know that smoking and taking sex hormones are strictly contraindicated for them. For example, if a young lady with the so-called Leiden mutation smokes and drinks a contraceptive, her risk of thrombosis increases 60 times.

In other cases, the tendency to thrombosis is acquired during life. The blood makes a thick sedentary lifestyle, an illiterately composed food ration. Lack of clean drinking water and an abundance of blood-thickening foods. These include nettles, spinach, fatty meats, sweets, bananas, mangoes, walnuts, and pomegranates.

Finally, thrombosis can be triggered by taking certain medications. Among them, the already mentioned preparations of sex hormones - both female and male, as well as diuretics - are in the lead.

Another cause of young thrombosis is elevated homocysteine. This compound is also called new cholesterol, since it can also damage blood vessels.

To check your homocysteine ​​level, you need to donate blood from a vein. And to reduce it, doctors prescribe a complex of B vitamins and adjust the diet. It is also important not to smoke, drink alcohol, or drink too much coffee.


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