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7 Tips To Keep You Focused When Losing Weight

Losing weight is one of the things we tried at least once in the lifetime. And every single time, the main problem was that we could not keep focused and we have ended up cheating or abandoning our goal.

By Andreia DamianPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels

We all have attempted to lose weight at some point during our lives. And the main issue was that we could not stay focused, so we ended up cheating or abandoning our goal.

My story

We have all attempted to lose weight at some point during our lives. And the main issue was that we could not stay focused, so we ended up cheating or abandoning our goal.

I’d always struggled with being overweight. I gained 11 pounds on average every two years, and by 2020, I weighed 177 pounds, the heaviest weight I ever had.

It was really tough for me because I was constantly thinking about what others were saying and thinking about me, and they never stopped making jokes about my weight or talking behind my back. I still remember it, every moment I was bullied in school because I was not as skinny as other girls my age.

So, in 2020, I told myself that I could not keep going like this, that I needed to make some changes in my life, and my main goal was to lose weight, to be under 155 pounds.

I will not say it was easy for me, NO, in fact it was extremely hard, I was distracted, I wanted to give up I felt like the temptation is huge and I cannot resist it and I thought that I will be overweight for the rest of my life.

But, I did it! I won the battle! I lost 40 pounds until July 2021 and I am more than happy about that.

As a result, I’ve compiled a list of the things that helped me stay focused.

1. Use a photo that depicts the goal you want to achieve

A long time ago I found a picture of me from my freshman year of high school.

When I decided to lose weight I set that photo as phone background, because it was my goal, that was how I wanted to look like. You might think that will not work for you, but our subconscious has a power we cannot imagine. I also tried to stick that photo all over myself, but it irritated me so bad and I gave up. So, in my opinion, using a photo as phone background works better than stick it everywhere, but if you prefer the latter option, go for it.

I replaced my background picture with a predefined background after I reached my goal. However, in February of this year, I decided to lose even more weight, so I used that picture as a background again, and it is still working.

I used the picture below.

Photo used as phone background from author's collection

If you don’t have an older photo of yourself to use as a goal, you can replace your face with that of a random person you want to look like. To set your goal and modify your photo, you can also use Photoshop or Adobe Lightroom.

2. Stop Weighting Yourself Everyday

The experts do not recommend weighting yourself everyday. This is the simplest way to abandon your weight-loss initiatives.

We lose more water and fat at first (which is why we look fluffier), and it is common to see a significant difference on the scale.

Do not be discouraged if you have lost almost a pound every day in the first week, and then you see a plateau; the real process will begin then.

To see realistic results, you should weigh yourself once a week or once every two weeks. Also, weigh yourself in the morning after you’ve used the bathroom, rather than at night after you have eaten a lot during the day.

When you are on your period, it is also not a good idea to weigh yourself because our bodies tend to retain more water, which is why we feel like we have a balloon in our stomach. You will feel full if you retain more water; however, this is only temporary.

3. Do not buy yourself a bag of sweets

I understand how tempting it is to try every sweet you see in the store, but this will only lead to overconsumption. I am not sure about the rest of you, but when I am surrounded by sweets, my appetite for sweets grows.

Personally, I tried to buy only one sweet per week, as well as chocolate with a cocoa content of more than 75%. I am also frequently looking for healthy cookie and cake recipes, and I am cooking one every two weeks.

4. Do not eat less than 1200 calories per day

I tried to eat less for a long time, but it only made me irritable and caused me to gain more weight after I gave up than I had lost (yo-yo effect).

In 2020, I installed MyFitnessPal to help me count calories, unfortunately it was inefficient for me. The app is excellent; you can even scan a product’s barcode and the app will calculate the calories for you.

The main problem was that I set a daily calorie goal of 1200 calories, which was completely inadequate for me; I felt powerless and always tired. I tried this app for 2 months and only managed to lose 4 pounds.

Later, I realized that in my case, 1500–1600 calories per day are required to maintain good physical and mental health while continuing to lose weight. To find out how many calories are recommended for you, click HERE.

5. Engage in physical activity daily and stay hydrated

It is extremely difficult to exercise when you are overweight, especially if you have excess fat around your stomach and upper legs.

I remember how difficult it was for me to tie laces because my pants and blouse were cracking on me. For six months in 2020, I went to the gym at least twice a week. It helped me a little, but not much, so I gave up.

Despite this, I continued to do simple exercises at home without the use of weights, alternatively concentrating on my own body weight. And this changed my mindset; I realized that if I want to feel less pain and see better results, I need to keep fighting the pounds.

There are a plenty of workout apps available in the App Stores; pick one for full body workouts that you are comfortable with and get started. If you’re using it for the first time, it’s important to start at the beginner level because your body is still not used to it and higher levels will find it tougher.

There are a plenty of of workout apps available in the App Stores; pick one for full body workouts that you are comfortable with and get started. If you’re using it for the first time, it’s important to start at the beginner level because your body is still not used to it and higher levels will find it tougher.

You can also walk; if you want to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume. The average person burns around 1800 calories per day doing nothing, but the good news is that this number can be increased.

I have also started doing meditation at least once a week in the last few months. Meditation and exercise are mutually beneficial. This greatly aided me to distress and kept me focused. Youtube has a wide variety of guided meditation videos, including several for weight loss.

Remember to drink at least 70 ounces of water each day.

6. Do not be swayed by commercials

The majority of people are paid to make commercials about how to lose weight or sell various miraculous products that promise to help you lose weight overnight. I have tried a variety of weight-loss teas and pills, but none of them have worked for me.

Remember that you did not gain weight overnight, so you cannot expect to lose it overnight.

Time, patience, motivation, and a strong mindset are all required for major changes.

7. Plan your meals one day before

This is a simple way to avoid being distracted. Planning each meal a day in advance will help you stay focused and avoid the situation where you do not know what to cook and end up cheating because it is too tough to continue.

I use to plan my meals at least four days in advance so I know exactly what I needed to buy and to be able to skip temptations when I am at the grocery store.

Final thoughts

Finally, I am confident that you will succeed as well as I did. You are a strong and powerful person and all the power and motivation is inside you. You’ve got this!

Thank you for staying with me till the end. Any constructive advice will be appreciated.



The story was firstly published on Medium.

weight loss

About the Creator

Andreia Damian

MSc student interested in human rights, gender equality, researching, lifestyle, weight-loss.


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    ADWritten by Andreia Damian

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