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4 Ways to Lose Stubborn Post Pregnancy Weight

A few tips for getting rid of that hard-to-lose pregnancy weight.

By Regina ThomasPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Pregnancy is a very demanding process. Carrying your child is a long 9 months. It requires that you feed yourself, as well as eat enough to feed your child. This can lead to weight gain during pregnancy. Then after your child is born, you may try to lose the extra weight that came with pregnancy. However, there can be some stubborn weight that does not want to come off. This weight can compound if you do not take the proper steps to care for yourself. It might be hard, given that you have a new baby, but with these tips, you can do it. You may not know how to lose that stubborn weight, so here are four ways that you can lose that stubborn post-pregnancy weight.


Breastfeeding has been shown to benefit you as well as your baby. Organizations such as the World Health Organization, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the CDC, all recommend breastfeeding your children. You should breastfeed newborns for at least the first six months of life, but you can do it for much longer.

This may seem like a unique way to lose weight, but it does in fact work. Like when you are carrying your child, you eat to feed your child. The fat storage is then built up, which leads to that extra weight gain. After you have birthed your child, breastfeeding can use up those fat storages which can lead to weight loss. You may not see any immediate weight loss, but eventually, you will see some of the stubborn fat come off.

In order to see the fat come off, you must be making an effort to lose weight. If you are still eating a lot, you may not see any weight come off due to how many calories you are consuming during the day.

Eat a Clean Diet

Eating a clean diet is the best way to lose weight in general, not just pregnant weight. A clean diet consists of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Eating a clean diet will help you feel better physically too. The processed foods are filled with additives, which can lead to you feeling less than 100%. You will need to be at 100% strength to be up at the odd hours of the night with your newborn.

While eating a clean diet is extremely important, you will still need to watch how many calories that you consume. If you eat a healthy diet, but you still consume more calories than you are burning, then you will not see any weight come off. You need to make sure that you are burning more calories than you are eating to see any weight loss progress.

There are many websites out there that can help you can an idea of how much you should be consuming in comparison to how much you should be burning. Finding the right diet takes some time, so make sure to find a routine that works for you and keeps you full while being able to get that daily exercise.


Like eating a healthy diet, exercising is a great way to lose any type of weight. Exercising can lead to the accelerated burn of calories. This will help you maintain a caloric deficit, which will lead to eventual weight loss.

The exercise you perform does not have to be running multiple miles a day. You do need to remember that you just had a child, so you should probably perform the light exercise and work your way back to intense cardio workouts. You can simply take a walk with your baby each day to get your exercise in. Pushing your baby in a stroller may also help in burning calories because of the added resistance that will be present during your walk.

A lot of people think you have to spring or jog a few miles a day if you want to see fast results. The truth is, you can burn around 200-300 calories just by walking on an incline for 20-30 minutes. When people hear the word “exercise”, it is often met with the assumption of intense cardio and weightlifting. This is simply not true. As long as you are getting some outside time each day and making sure to burn some calories, you can meet your daily exercise requirements.


If you are not willing to diet or exercise, then you may want to turn to surgery for losing that stubborn pregnancy weight. You will not want to use this as your first option. Surgery is not a permanent fix, to keep the weight off you will need to exercise or eat a clean diet. Otherwise, the weight will come right back on and the surgery will have been a waster.

If you have tried eating clean and exercising and none of it has worked, then you may want to turn to surgery. The stubborn weight that is hard to lose is typically the fat that is stored around the belly and hips. A tummy tuck is most likely the surgery that you will want to look at. The surgery helps with any extra fat, or loose skin, around the abdomen area. These procedures are not hard to find either. For example, if you live in the Kansas City area, then you will want to search online for a tummy tuck cost in Kansas City to find out about all the financials and details involved with the operation.


The surgery should be used as a last resort option, but the other three ways are great natural ways to lose stubborn baby fat. It will not fly off immediately, but over time you will notice that baby weight come off. You must give yourself time and find what method works best for you. In addition to these weight loss alternatives, make sure you are nourishing your body and eating lots of healthy foods to aid in the process.

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