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10 Rules You Must Follow When Eating Fruit!

Do you eat fruits?

By James HeavystormPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
10 Rules You Must Follow When Eating Fruit!
Photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash

If you've eaten fruit at any time of the day or night, it's time to change your habit. For the digestive tract to properly tolerate the consumption of fruits and to benefit more from the nutrients contained in them, you need to know when and how to eat fruits.

Here are some rules regarding the consumption of fruit, which must be observed, according to specialists:

1. If you do not have stomach problems, you can eat fruit before the main meals.

In this way, the vitamins will be better absorbed by the body. If you want to lose weight, fruits before meals will help you get full faster and get rid of the unpleasant feeling of hunger. This rule does not apply to those suffering from gastritis or stomach ulcers.

2. After eating a fruit, wait at least 30 minutes until the actual meal.

What happens if you eat fruit immediately after eating?

3. If you have already eaten the main meal, wait about 2 hours before eating the fruit.

This will ensure that the food is digested and that the nutrients in the fruit will be fully absorbed.

4. If you exercise regularly, eat fruit before training.

These will give you energy without the unpleasant feeling of a full stomach. Fruits rich in water are ideal before sports because they maintain an optimal level of hydration in your body.

5. A good time for a fruit meal is breakfast

After a night's break from the digestive system, fruit is a gentle way to "restart" it.

What if you only eat fruit?

6. Do not eat fruit before going to bed.

Fruit sugars not only upset your digestive process but can ruin your sleep and teeth. Sugars increase your blood sugar and give you energy. A good rule of thumb is to not eat fruit three hours before bed. If you are on a diet, avoid fruits at night, because they can make you fat.

7. Try to avoid frozen, canned, or processed fruit jam or jam.

They usually come bundled with added sugar, preservatives, or additives. The best solution is fresh fruit because it contains even more vitamins.

8. If possible, choose fruits grown in organic conditions and eat them with the skin.

If you do not have such fruits, clean them carefully, because there is a significant amount of pesticides in the peel. At the same time, the peel of the fruit is the richest in antioxidants.

9. If you prefer fruits in the form of juices or purees, they should be freshly prepared and eaten immediately.

What can be bought in a store is based on preservatives and other additives.

10. Sour fruits, such as cherries, strawberries, oranges, and others, are consumed at a greater distance over time.

Minimum 3 hours compared to starchy foods, such as bread, pasta, rice, potatoes. Also, acidic and non-acidic fruits do not combine. You can combine no more than two kinds of sour fruits in one snack.

Bonus: Should I eat berries?

Berries have the highest content of antioxidants, which protect the body's cells from free radicals and slow down the aging process.

These fruits help increase the body's immunity, protect the heart and reduce the risk of neurological disorders. In addition, if you want to improve your memory, they will help you, because they contain folic acid. It influences the production of serotonin, so indirectly, berries help you improve your mood.

They are rich in nutrients and low in calories

So you shouldn't worry if you want to lose weight. Of all the fruits, the berries have the lowest sugar content. For example, blueberries have 7.3% sugar, while grapes have 18.1%. Berries are also recommended for people diagnosed with diabetes.

Consumed at least three times a week, berries, especially currants, reduce the risk of recurrence of urinary tract infections. Currants are also recommended if you want to prevent eye diseases.


About the Creator

James Heavystorm

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