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Why Has My Alexa Suddenly Stopped Working?


By David RobertPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Why Has My Alexa Suddenly Stopped Working?
Photo by Nicolas J Leclercq on Unsplash

No doubt Amazon Alexa is a wonderful device that assists you with your voice commands and works as a handy speaker to play music or whatever you command on it. To be precise Alexa is a virtual assistance device that works with your voice commands. In certain instances, you have given the command to Alexa, but it does not respond while the status light is on and you might get vexed by it.

You must be getting to know how to resolve the Alexa Not Working issue as soon as possible.

Read the article, we have got you covered with all the ways to troubleshoot the issue.

Causes of Alexa Not Working Issue

Before moving to troubleshoot the Alexa Not responding issue. Let's assess the causes of the issue.

  • There might be a power or internet issue.
  • Connectivity issue.
  • Alexa might be unable to understand your command.
  • The grouping of devices is not done properly.
  • Amazon account may not be configured properly.

Whatever might be the reason behind the issue, you need to troubleshoot it immediately.

Ways to Troubleshoot the Alexa Not Working Issue

Proceed to resolve the Alexa Not Working issue

Make Sure Alexa is Powered Up: Before moving to the other steps, all you need to do is to check whether Alexa is properly connected to the internet and whether the power is on.

  1. Check Microphone is Turned on: Sometimes Alexa is not responding because it can’t hear you as Microphone is not turned on. Make sure you have not disabled it. If it is disabled you‘ll see a solid red light ring or bar instead of blue.
  2. Make Sure your Wi fi Connection has a good signal strength: Make sure your Wifi connection has excellent power strength. Sometimes glitches may be due to poor or interrupted Wi fi connection.
  3. Check Your Alexa or Smartphone is connected to the Same Internet or Wi-fi connection: If your Alexa and Wi fi will be connected on different Wi-fi networks, then your echo might not respond. So, make sure it is connected to the same wi fi network.
  4. Speak Clearly to Alexa: Sometimes Alexa is unable to understand what you are speaking and unable to respond to your command. So, make your voice clear and loud to let Alexa hear you and respond accordingly.
  5. Alexa Needs Update: If your Alexa has become unresponsive, then there might be a need to update your Alexa software. To change it go to any browser and look for “Alexa Software updated Version” and your Alexa device gets updated automatically and starts working properly.
  6. Place Your Alexa Device Closer to Router: Placing the Alexa device near the router may work and the minor bugs are resolved. Alexa starts responding to your voice.
  7. Restart Your Modem or Router: Turn off your Router and turning it on might be able to remove minor bugs and glitches that may hinder your wifi network. and your Alexa device starts responding to your command.
  8. Reset Your Alexa Device: If the aforementioned methods are unable to resolve the Alexa Not Playing Music issue, then you are advised to reset your Alexa device to factory reset and the issue may get resolved.
  9. Change the Wake Word: If your Alexa is not responding to a specific word, you can try changing the word, so that Alexa can respond to you with ease. It might be helpful to make your Smart Speaker and virtual assistant back and start functioning properly.

To troubleshoot the Alexa Not Playing Music issue must try the aforementioned methods as these are some common but effective ways to get rid of the issue soon.


About the Creator

David Robert

David Robert is an experienced technical content writer with over five years of experience in the field. He is a skilled writer who knows how to break down complex technical concepts into simple, easy-to-understand language.

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