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"Travel Safety Guide: Protecting Your Belongings and Avoiding Scams"

"Essential Tips to Keep Your Valuables Secure and Enjoy a Hassle-Free Trip"

By Valencia Katie BooysenPublished 12 months ago 5 min read
"Travel Safety Guide: Protecting Your Belongings and Avoiding Scams"
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

It's finally that time of year again—you activate airplane mode on your phone and vacation mode in your brain. But hold on a sec, there are some things you need to be aware of to avoid having your dream journey turn into a nightmare. Whether you're traveling to Barcelona or any other tourist hot spot in Europe, here are some tips to keep in mind:

Beware of Mimes:

In popular tourist areas, you may encounter cool-looking mimes who want to be in your photos. However, they will quickly turn aggressive and demand money once the photo is taken. To avoid this, simply don't let them be in your photo in the first place. Change your location, give them a cold look, or firmly say no.

Watch out for Coconut Sellers:

If you come across someone selling coconuts from a tree, taking a photo or accepting their offer to try a coconut might seem harmless. However, they will aggressively demand money from you afterward. To avoid this situation, it's best to avoid any interaction with these coconut sellers and ensure your youngsters don't accept their gifts either.

Be cautious of Wristband Scams:

In Italy, someone may approach you asking for the time. As you check your watch, they reward you with a wristband as a "gift." However, shortly after, they will show you a photo of their son and ask for money to support him. Politely decline, as they can become pushy. If they insist, give the wristband back and walk away.

Stay Alert at Gem Stores:

In Thailand, friendly locals may inform you that a museum you're looking for is closed but offer to take you to another one. However, they often lead you to a store, usually a gem store, where they want you to make a purchase. The gems they offer are usually worthless, made of plastic. Check the working times of the sites you want to visit in advance and be cautious of such offers.

Now, let's talk about ensuring the safety of your belongings while traveling:

Use an Anti-Theft Bag:

Consider using an anti-theft bag to protect your valuables. These bags are often made with slash-resistant fabrics, lockable zippers, and hidden compartments. They can make it difficult for thieves to steal from you and provide peace of mind.

Opt for an RFID Blocking Wallet:

To protect your personal data, especially from electronic pickpocketing, consider using an RFID blocking wallet. These wallets prevent criminals from scanning your credit card information and stealing your sensitive data.

Avoid Easy Targets for Phone Theft:

Be mindful of your phone's security, especially in crowded areas or when taking selfies. Thieves can easily snatch your phone while you're distracted. Don't leave your phone unattended on tables, be cautious when filming or taking photos in busy locations, and be aware of potential pickpockets.

Choose Authorized Taxis and Confirm the Fare:

When taking a taxi, opt for authorized cabs and ask the driver to turn on the meter. If they claim it's broken, you can decide whether to proceed or not. To avoid being taken on a longer route, pre-load a map and request the driver to follow the fastest route.

Be Wary of Alternative Accommodation Offers:

In some cases, taxi drivers may inform you that your hotel is overbooked or closed, offering alternative accommodation options. These options are often more expensive, and the driver receives a commission from the hotel. It's wise to double-check the status of your booked hotel and be cautious when accepting alternative offers.

Safeguard Your Belongings at the Beach:

When heading to the beach, consider renting a locker for your valuables or using a waterproof smartphone pouch to protect your phone, wallet, and other small items. If you prefer a more creative approach, hide your belongings in clean and dry food packaging or bury them under layers of sand.

Create a Secret Stash in Your Hotel Room:

Before enjoying the comfort of your hotel room, make sure you have a secure place to store your valuables. You can purchase a ready-made secret stash hairbrush that doubles as a hiding spot or use duct tape to attach envelopes with cash or jewelry to hidden spots like the underside of the mattress or inside the shower curtain. These hiding places are unlikely to be discovered by intruders.

By being aware of these scams and taking precautions to protect your belongings, you can ensure a safer and more enjoyable travel experience. So, have a fantastic journey and happy trails!

Be Mindful of Your Surroundings in Outdoor Spaces:

When dining at a restaurant with an outdoor terrace, never leave your phone or tablet unattended on the table. It's an ideal opportunity for pickpockets to snatch your gadget and disappear into the crowd. Keep your belongings close and secure.

Research and Use Authorized Services:

To avoid overpaying for taxi rides, always choose authorized taxis and insist on the meter being turned on. If a driver claims the meter is broken, it's up to you whether you still want to proceed. To prevent unnecessary detours, pre-load a map on your phone and follow the route to ensure you're not being taken advantage of.

Be Cautious of Hotel Recommendations:

Sometimes, a well-intentioned taxi driver may inform you that your hotel is fully booked or closed, offering an alternative accommodation option. Keep in mind that this recommendation might be a ploy to redirect you to a more expensive place where the driver receives a commission. Verify the status of your booked hotel beforehand and be cautious when considering alternative offers.

Safeguard Your Belongings at the Beach:

If you plan to swim or relax at the beach, it's essential to protect your valuables. Rent a locker if available or use a waterproof smartphone pouch that allows you to swim with your phone. You can also consider creative hiding spots such as wrapping your belongings tightly in your beach towel or placing them in inconspicuous containers like empty food packaging.

Create a Secret Stash in Your Hotel Room:

Before leaving your hotel room, ensure you have a secure place to store your valuables. Consider purchasing a secret stash hairbrush or using duct tape to attach envelopes with cash or jewelry to hidden spots like the underside of the mattress or inside the shower curtain. These unconventional hiding places are less likely to be discovered by potential intruders.

By staying vigilant, taking precautions, and being aware of common scams, you can significantly reduce the risks and enjoy a safer travel experience. Remember to prioritize your safety and the security of your belongings throughout your journey. Bon voyage!

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