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Sustainability will save Humanity

By Sustainable ScottPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

Eggs are nature’s sustainable source of protein.

It’s March 21st , and the virus is starting to spread in the western countries past containment , this article will give you the best possible advice to help your family and friends during these times of tribulations.

Potatoes are so easy to grow in containers

The majority of people show very mild symptoms until day 8 when they cant breath . Already they had 8 days to infect others , if people even feel remotely sick they need to wear a mask and do everything to try and not infect others . The old people seriously at risk , and anyone with already weak immune systems, men are twice at risk as women . And the elderly.

Their lives are in our hands

If you get sick , you have a 2% chance of it being serious ... the virus’s is really only scary for the effects on economy, and elderly and sick people . People need to take active steps now , to become more sustainable, like cut costs for food by starting a garden , and if they in the service industry, seek employment elsewhere, many grocery stores hiring more people . If your already laid off , start now and do due diligence to find another job , we don’t know how long these social distancing rules will effect us , and the government gonna give people two payments over next month to help with bills and food . People seriously need to spend it wisely if they already out of work with no savings . In the next two months , many people could be evicted from their homes come May or June . This is seriously gonna get worse before it gets better , try hard to find jobs elsewhere , be proactive , don’t just sit by and wait and think it’s all gonna go back to normal. Try hard to find work elsewhere and be smart with your money !! People afraid and trying to buy guns or ammo , in two months the market is gonna be flooded with people trying to sell their guns to buy food ... be smart people , figure out ways to save money and use it wisely!

Seriously, try to find ways to decrease your stress . Stress is gonna kill way more people. Stay calm, meditate, do exercises, Grow a garden for therapeutic value . Watch movies play games , if you work , try to keep distance between you and everyone else . You can still go outside , being outside is a huge stress reliever, staying inside all day will make people crazy , Seriously, this isn’t a joke , take steps now to be smart with your money and don’t stress . this all will pass and life will go on , it’s not the end yet, don’t feel hopeless , don’t be afraid , try to be proactive about finding work, unemployment benefits will be available to people without work , and it will be extended. This could cause a depression, but we will all get through it together!! Seriously think about sustainability, and how it can help you save money 💰. It’s not a joke anymore , we can’t meme our way out of this.... sustainability will help everyone save money 💴.

Tomatoes 🍅 are easy to grow and kids love them.

Your gonna hear many voices telling you so much information, many people putting fear porn out there ... that shits gonna drive people mad .... listen to my voice if your afraid , I swear as God as my witness , I will give you the best advice and ensure you have the best chance to get through this . I’ve had 5 years to play chess in my head with this situation. Most people only thinking about it now and all the information they have is fake news . The government isn’t gonna hurt people , quarantine camps are not bad, they are necessary, And anyone who lives by the sword will die by it . Stay cool 😎, you will be okay . And get a shovel, plant a damn garden in your backyard, you don’t need to pay to grow food , just need to buy any vegetables and plant their seeds , 2 lbs of potatoes can grow 60 lbs of potatoes .... it will seriously help you save money in 60 days if you plant 2 lbs of potatoes today !!!

Potatoes for months

I’m in the same position as everyone else , I just started my garden , and it’s so minimal that my wife and I can eat rice eveyday with a few green onions and herbs because I live in a apartment.... we only have 300$ in savings until next payday. we all need to think about saving money today and cutting costs any way we can , if you have a back yard , you have 100 times more potential than me to save money , all knowledge is available online , YouTube has millions of videos about ways to grow food for free , make it your new hobby , couponing is gonna be golden , find deals , buy clothes second hand , take active steps now to protect yourself financially.... you would be amazed at how much better potatoes or rice taste if you add herbs like basil or tomato’s , seriously that satisfaction of eating home grown herbs on your food is unparalleled.

even cutting back on meat intake is a huge way to save money. My wife and I can make one serving of ground beef last for 3 meals .... think about staple foods , potatoes , rice , noodles , flour , learn how to make bread 🍞, have fun with it all . Make it a hobby !!! If you make it all fun , it will be fun , if you freak out and stress out , it’s gonna kill you... we all in the same boat . Now is the time for sustainability to shine 💡 🌅!! ❤️

Rebellion is not what you think

It’s possible many of us could be without homes , or lose income completely. This is gonna be very hard for some people , the haves will have to share with the have nots , otherwise the have nots will commit crime to support themselves. We see in Iran , and Venezuela, and all countries that have been experiencing economic crisis , people start to get desperate and find ways to get food , crime increases , if myself or anyone I know became broke , of course people would do anything to feed their family and try to survive . Survival will always trump legality , because people will always break the law to save their own life.... take steps now to think about your food , and find ways to save money .... think about how to eat as cheap as possible. And if it gets really tough , don’t give up. It’s so easy for me to say all this now , because I have food. But in two months time , everything could be different. Seriously, it’s so easy to talk and say all these words , but when faced with hunger or loss of home , people will do crazy things.

Eggs are nature’s most sustainable protein sources

It’s also possible the government will figure out a way to contain this and in two months time everything will go back to normal . Yet any action today will still improve your life regardless if it goes back to normal . Because if it gets worse and you take action today, you will be much better off in 60 days when your plants produce their harvest.

Chickens can save the world

Shopping at your local markets will be a excellent way to save money.

Nearly all vegetables can regrow themselves in the right environment.

Houses like this will save the world !

Don’t ever give up!!!! We have faced depressions and economic crisis many times over , and we alway come out of the other side stronger than ever before !


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Sustainable Scott

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    Sustainable ScottWritten by Sustainable Scott

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