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Stress is The Number One Health Problem. How to beat it?

“Life is too short to worry about anything. You had better enjoy it because the next day promises nothing.” — Eric Davis

By Talat YusufPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo via unsplash

Stressful experiences are a part of life. Youth and old both have to face difficult situations. Adults struggle to establish a career, achieve financial security, hectic work and family demands, while older people face failing health, challenge of retaining their independence.

Nowadays, stress takes its toll on everyone. Like: job loss, Pandemic, war, divorce, major illness, death of a loved one.

WHO (World Health Organization)states that stress is the number one health problem facing us today. Stress-related disease is cause for long-term sick, it affects all body system. Which not only affect the individual suffering but cost our society, family, businesses, and economy.

Causes of stress

According to a study released by the American Psychological Association, the most stressed-out person in the United States; a woman in her 20s or 30s who is a parent and earns less than $50,000 a year.

Long-term bad health condition of friend/relative’s is a big factor.

Comparing ourselves to others is a source of stress.

Watching and hearing too much bad news on social media is also a big reason for stress.

how to get the stress system working for us rather than against us?

Science shows that we have the power within ourselves to control our stress by managing and containing attention to what happens inside.

Seek social support — Social support can improve flexibility to stress. Inviting friends to move outdoor activities, friendship meeting is known to be to decrease stress and to increase calm in life. Some friends or family members may be good at listening and empathizing. Others may excel at realistic support, such as bringing home-cooked meals or caring an hour of child . Just make sure your relationships well-balanced.

Take proper nutrition — A healthy nutritious food can protect health and provide more physical energy to deal with challenges. No need to go vegan, just eat a few colorful fruits and vegetables as part of your daily diet. Why not bring a small bag of healthy snacks, berries, and seeds in your pocket for moment of stress or energy loss. Avoid using such as alcohol to reduce the stress response since substances do not solve the root of the problem and can have serious health effects.

Relax your body — stress causes muscles to stretch, being stressed out can create tension headaches, backaches and fatigue. Relax your mind and body, when feeling stressed, and breathe deep. Continuously involved in work can be stressful. So, always remember to take a break. In this way, you will stay calm and make yourself feel better.

Meditate — Research shows that mindful meditation can reduce psychological stress and anxiety, short-term meditation work. To get started, Sit five minutes in a quiet place and breath, concentrate on the present moment, if stray thought distract, accept them and then let them go. Don’t criticize yourself for any mental wavering.

Proper sleep — Daytime stress impacts nighttime sleep. 7 to 8 hours sleep per night is needed for our brain to make its repair and remove waste thoughts out letting new blood in. You can also help your brain to relax and get a good night’s sleep by keeping your phone aside. Research suggests that physical activity can improve sleep, especially for middle-aged and older people.

Accept and face reality — If you get stuck in a bad situation or some of your decisions have put you in trouble, accept and find a solution for it instead of refusing. When you tackle your challenges, it has a positive effect on your mind and body and makes you stronger to face resilient situations in future as well.

Live with nature — A study conducted in many countries has found that nature improves mood .Nature videos also can reduce stress compared with videos of urban scenes. When we start living with natural life on daily basis, we damage the environment less and keep our body and mind calm.

Do your pleasurable activity — When life gets disturbing, people often drop their pleasurable activities first. But separating yourself from joy can be counterproductive. Even when tough time, find better opportunities to do something for yourself, such as reading a novel or books, watching your favorite movies, spending time with family and friends, help a needy people. Pleasant can benefit both mental and physical health.


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Talat Yusuf

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