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Catch your Mind when it Wanders

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” — Buddha

By Talat YusufPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo via Pexels

If you want to live an amazing and truly happy life, make it a priority to live more in the present moment.

You think about events of your past that you have no control over right now, you’re going to be depressed because you are rehashing things that happen to you, if you think about the future also of which you have no control over right now, you are going to anxious because you’re anticipating what’s coming, being in the present moment is where you will have the greatest control. Where happiness flourishes there’s a super tight connection between happiness and the ability to live in the present moment.

There are some tips that can help you to live in present moment.

practice meditation — Mindful meditation is a way to live more in the present moment. To get started, Sit five minutes in a quiet place and breath, concentrate on the present moment, if stray thoughts distracts, accept them and then let them go. This practice can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, which can expand the amount of time that you spend in the present moment.

Smile — Every day is full of boundless possibilities! Start it with wide smile. You are in control of your attitude every day, be optimistic and expectant. American Mind magazine reports that an emotional face decides how we feel. There is a connection in our minds, how we feel and how we react. If we feel happy, we smile. our face shows our state of mind to others people.

So, if you want to know how to live in the present moment, you have to take a look in mirror and smile wide.

Don’t worry — When we talk about worry first thing to keep in mind, worry and concern are two different things. When we are concerned about obstacles, we are more likely to find a real problem with correct solutions. but worry is like unreasonable thinking. We may assume a problem that doesn’t really exist, or think about all the bad things that can happen as a result. Please, remember that worrying today won’t replace what happens tomorrow. You can’t fully enjoy today if you worry too much about future.

Don’t brood over the past — Dwelling on your past mistake and failure not good for you this will only fill your mind with grief, regret, and depression. mistake is a part of life when you are trying to do something which you are new at before or at which you aren’t perfect yet. Learn from your past mistakes and move forward. There is still a lot of time to create more memories and achievements for future.

Love your work — You can find enjoyment in your work. it is very important not only for live in present moment but also in many ways including greatly increasing your financial success. If you are just working constantly a week and waiting for the next weekend to get here, you are wasting 71%of your life. There are two ways: search for a new job that you actually love, or find something that admire in your current career.

Think about the future, but work hard today — It is not simply a matter of saying: I’ll live in the present. you have to work hard at it. Visualize something big, set goals and plan for tomorrow. Working hard is the only route toward realizing your dream’s future.

Find solutions instead of problems — By looking for solutions and opportunities in every situation, problems will disappear and you will start to live in the moment. World is changing so fast that most of past’s solutions are not the correct answer today. Yesterday’s solutions are not applicable today and maybe, today’s solutions are certainly don’t fit tomorrow’s solutions.

Every moment is a gift — This is extremely important to think, nobody knows when the next moment of their life is going to take out from them.

You can’t enjoy life If you are continuously thinking and planning for future. It may stupid and unrealistic, but it makes sense. Plan when it is important but not at the expense of you zesting the present moment.

“Enjoy every moment you have, because in life, there are no rewinds, only flashbacks. Make sure it’s all worth it.”


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Talat Yusuf

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