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6 Smoothie Habits to Help You Live Longer, Say Dietitians

Dietitians recommend six smoothie habits to help you live a longer life.

By Health world Published 2 years ago 4 min read
6 Smoothie Habits to Help You Live Longer, Say Dietitians
Photo by Francesca Hotchin on Unsplash

Some of the so-called secrets to living longer include eating a well-balanced diet rich in whole foods, avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol consumption, getting regular exercise, and reducing stress through the development of healthy coping mechanisms. But did you know that there are some habits that can help you live a longer life, specifically when it comes to those daily smoothies you make in your blender?It's true: experts say you should be mindful of the foods you eat because some have special benefits when it comes to preventing chronic diseases and other health issues that shorten your life. Smoothies are provided.

"Smoothies are a great tool for promoting health and longevity because they are a tasty, fast, and efficient way to harness the powers of food by blending multiple delicious superfoods into one glass as a small meal or snack," says Jenna Volpe, RDN, LD. "It's critical to ensure that a smoothie still meets macronutrient requirements by including not only fruits and vegetables, but also protein and healthy fat for satiety."Next time you make a smoothie, whether for breakfast, an afternoon snack, or pre- or post-workout fuel, consider incorporating at least a couple of the following habits to help you live longer.

1. Plant-based protein should be prioritised.

Pascalyn Annoh, RD at Fed & Flourishing, recommends incorporating plant proteins into your smoothies, not only to make them more filling but also to increase your chances of living a longer life.
Plant protein consumption was found to be significantly associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease mortality in a 2020 study published in the BMJ. A 3% daily increase in energy from plant proteins, for example, was linked to a 5% lower risk of death from any cause.

2. Bring it on, berries.

Smoothies should always include some kind of antioxidant-packed fruit, according to Katie Tomaschko, MS, RDN, a contributor at Sporting Smiles.
"Antioxidants protect the body from cancer-causing free radicals," she explains. "Because cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the United States, antioxidants should be a top priority for everyone."
While most fruits contain antioxidants in some form or another, Volpe claims that berries have one of the highest concentrations.
"Berries are high in anthocyanins, which are antioxidants," Volpe says. "Research has shown that when these antioxidants are consumed on a regular basis, they can prevent DNA damage and thus delay cellular ageing."

3. Toss in a handful of hemp seeds.

Though hemp seeds are small, they provide numerous health benefits. In fact, Anna Rios, RD at Alliance Medical Center and founder of Healthy Simple Yum, considers them to be one of the most nutritious smoothie ingredients available.
"Hemp seeds are high in alpha-linolenic acid, a healthy fat that helps fight heart disease," she says. "They also contain nitric oxide, a gas molecule that dilates blood vessels, resulting in lower blood pressure and a lower risk of heart attack."
Not only that, but Rios notes that they're high in antioxidants, which can help fight inflammation, which is linked to many major chronic diseases.
If you don't like hemp seeds, Johna Burdeos, RD, suggests flaxseeds, which are high in fibre, omega-3 fatty acids, and lignan—a plant compound with antioxidant properties.
"Studies have shown that flax seeds are good for the heart and gut, can lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and have cancer-fighting properties," Burdeos adds.

4. Add a pinch of cacao powder.

Cacao, from which chocolate is made, not only adds depth of flavour to your smoothies, but it also provides a slew of nutrients, according to Volpe.
"Cacao is high in polyphenols, a type of antioxidant that helps reduce oxidative stress—cell damage that contributes to ageing," she says. "It's also high in minerals, such as plant-based iron, magnesium for bone health and stress reduction, and potassium for blood pressure regulation."
Remember, with this chocolatey goodness, a little goes a long way. To reap the health benefits and richer flavour, all you need is a tablespoon of unsweetened cacao.

5. Include some greenery.

Dark leafy greens, according to Tomaschko, are one of the best ingredients to include in your smoothie for a longer life.
In case you needed more evidence: According to Justine Chan, RD of Your Diabetes Dietitian, research on the Blue Zones—areas around the world where people are more likely to live to the age of 100—shows that their diets are 95 percent plant-based foods like spinach and kale.
"From plant-based iron for blood building to vitamin K for blood and bone health, [and] the antioxidant chlorophyll for longevity-promoting activities in the body—like protecting our cells from environmental damage," says Volpe.

6. Don't forget about fibre.

According to a 2019 meta-analysis published in the Lancet, people who ate the most fibre had a 15% to 30% lower incidence of all-cause and cardiovascular-related mortality, coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and colorectal cancer than those who ate the least fibre.
Smoothies, according to Chan, are lower in fibre than whole foods. However, there are fiber-boosting ingredients you can use, such as oats, ground flaxseed, and avocado. Chan recommends incorporating chia seeds into your smoothie, as two tablespoons of this superfood contain an impressive 8 grammes of fibre.


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