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Why your Business Might Not be Running as Smooth as it Could

Little changes can make company wide improvements.

By Kari OakleyPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Business owners and management can have business issues and may not know the solutions. The business is running decently, but there are problems. The problems could be in a way that the upper echelons of the company could misunderstand. There may not need to be massive changes, but some will be needed. Reviewing the company can point some of the issues out, but some may need to come from suggestions from those who work where there is some problem. It all takes leadership stepping up. Leadership is key to finding and getting rid of what is slowing or stagnating a company.


Not overworking an employee is a good thing. Underworking them can be something that can cause issues, as well. Too much boredom can cause people to not be ready when they are needed. It can cause people to believe that there are other jobs they should be looking for. People become irritated. The number one sign that an employee is most likely getting too bored is if someone is having to clean too much. A clean workplace is one thing, but if the employees are constantly cleaning, they need more work to do. The fine line between boredom and burnout is just that, a decent amount of work.

Human resources

Sadly, many companies do not spend the time to think about their human resources department. The could have too much work, or not have the right people staffing it. Employees could have problems with their online paystub, insurance issues, or something going on within the company. If they believe the HR department is unable to help them, these issues will fester. The employees will not feel appreciated. It can set a company back with good employees. A HR department that is too pushy can do the same thing, have them be a help to employees, not a hindrance.

Constant training

Many companies do not train people to move upward. For that matter, they do not train their employees enough. They believe training is a waste of money. It is not. Training can make employees feel needed. They can know the next job up from them and not worry if that person is out for the day. The employees may not understand what is happening, which make them a liability in knowing a change needs to happen. Let employees know the big picture. Teach people the next advancement. They will want to be at a company that shows that sort of appreciation.


If a company wants to innovate, they do not need to think that will only come from engineers and management. The regular employee can tell what will help them with their job. They will know where changes can be made to make everything run smoother. Listen to the employees that have stuck with the company, even if they have not gotten a promotion. Sometimes they want to stay where they are because of stability reasons. See what they believe will make their jobs better. Listen to them. They had value when hired, make sure they feel that they still have that value.

A company can find out why it is not operating as it should. It is not the textbook fixes that always bring a company in line. Look for the little things and many of those will fix problems. Look at if the employees feel like they are wanted or bored. Make sure that human resources is a valued part of the company. Make sure that training is happening in the company. These changes will bring about changes that will help all other problems. Listen to those who should be listened to. Finding solutions will not be difficult.


About the Creator

Kari Oakley

Kari Oakley is a fitness trainer from Kenosha Wisconsin. She now lives in downtown Chicago, and loves to get out. She is a big fan of anything adventure, and loves getting a workout in the outdoors.

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