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Why Leaders Need To Understand Dis-Stress To Gain Legendary Success

Why Your Goals Will Become Impossible Without Understanding This 1 Thing

By Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.Published 7 months ago 5 min read

One of the most relevant words in the office environment today is "Burnout".

Burnout simply means that people are experiencing so much Dis-Stress that their bodies are literally shutting down.

The place this has become the worst?

The office.

Employees are experiencing Burnout at incredibly high rates.

By the stats, 80% of employees are experiencing it, and more are in high levels of Dis-Stress.

As we look at the future of the office, if Leaders are going to rise to Legendary Success, they will need to understand and overcome Dis-Stress.

However, understanding WHY you need to overcome it will give you an edge as a Leader.

What Happens In Dis-Stress

The first thing we need to understand is what happens to humans in Dis-Stress.

See, Stress not only has a Psychological impact but more importantly it has a Physiological impact (ie, a bodily impact).

When we experience Dis-Stress, our bodies will react to it.

There are a few things that occur, but the one to focus on right now is Oxidative Stress.

This has become a huge focus in the wellness world as it is an indicator of health and damage in the body and is even a sign of our lifespan.

Oxidative Stress in the body has a cascade of problems that occur which will directly impact Leadership.

The Oxidative Stress Reaction

As we experience more and more Oxidative Stress, the body is going to require healing.

This healing requires a number of minerals.

Specifically Bioavailable Copper, and Magnesium.

Bioavailable Copper has a few important functions in terms of healing.

It creates things like Ceruloplasmin (Our body's most powerful natural antioxidant), and it also opens up what's called the Ferroportin Doorway which allows Iron to move out of cells and into circulation.

If the body does not do these functions, it will actually create even more Oxidative Stress as Stuck Iron and lacking Ceruloplasmin isn't something our bodies enjoy.

This will then make Magnesium flush out of the body in what is termed an increase in the "Magnesium Burn Rate".

Why is this such a bad thing?

Magnesium Burn Rate Problem

Magnesium itself is an essential mineral in our body.

What is so important about it?

It is needed to create Energy!

Now this isn't some "woo-woo" type of Energy.

Our body runs on a very specific type of physical Energy.

Most people call it Adenosine Triphosphate, or ATP.

However, this technically isn't the correct name for it.

If we are to be accurate, it should be called Magnesium Adenosine Triphosphate, or Mg-ATP.

If we do not have Magnesium, we cannot actually use ATP, which means we will not have Energy!

If we have high levels of Dis-Stress, then Magnesium will burn at a faster rate, meaning we will have less literal Energy in our bodies.

Some people attempt to just take higher levels of Magnesium, but there is a point where this no longer works.

The Burn Rate can become higher than the body's ability to accept new Magnesium.

This is especially true when we are in Burnout, which as we said above, 80% of employees are experiencing.

So why is this a problem for Leaders?

Why Mg-ATP Impacts Leaders' Success

Let's ask another question first.

Is your organization perfect?

If you accept reality, the answer will obviously be no.

All organizations in the world could improve, and when we also discuss the necessity of innovation in business, we know there is a lot of work any organization requires to succeed.

The key here is that for any organization to succeed, especially at the highest levels to gain Legendary Success, they will need to change.

Do you know what is necessary to change?

Huge amounts of Energy, aka Mg-ATP!

If our teams are burning through Magnesium too quickly, as they do when they are in Burnout, then they will not be able to generate the literal Energy that's required to change an organization.

Now, if we also realize that the office is where employees have the worst Dis-Stress, then we as Leaders also have the power to decrease Dis-Stress.

Decreasing Dis-Stress can then give Leaders an opportunity to help employees increase their Mg-ATP, giving Leaders the ability to actually create change in an organization.

However, if Leaders fail to decrease Dis-Stress, or if they make it worse, then these trends will only get worse leading to the doom of the organization.

The Other Dis-Stressful Problem

However, we also have a secondary problem that occurs with both high levels of Dis-Stress and low Levels of Energy.

If our goal as an organization is to improve, we need to help employees unlock higher levels of Productivity.

Where do employees become most Productive?

In a psychological state called a Flow State.

This is where we feel our best, do our best work, are most creative, and solve problems more quickly.

Along with all of those benefits, people in Flow States become 5X more Productive!

Think of what you can get done if you were 5X more Productive.

Imagine one person on your team becoming 5X more Productive.

Then imagine everyone on your team being 5X more Productive!

Can you see the potential?

But there is another problem.

Flow States both require a LOT of Energy and become impossible to access when we experience too much Stress!

When in Dis-Stress, or worse Burnout, our teams become incapable of accessing Flow States.

This becomes why in today's world it has become a requirement for Leaders to understand Dis-Stress if they want Legendary Success.

Failure to understand it will prevent teams from accessing the best versions of themselves, and will prevent them from being able to change organizations in an increasingly demanding world.

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About the Creator

Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.

Creator of the Multi-Award-Winning Category "Legendary Leadership" | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | The Legendary Leadership Coach, Digital Writer (450+ Articles), & Speaker


[email protected]

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  • Scott Christenson7 months ago

    Interesting. I think I heard a psychologist calls this the "freeze" reaction, where one is so overwhelmed, one just stops doing anything. I'm trying to spend more time doing things like mindful walking, or watching relaxing tv programs instead of action packed one, to relax from the constant planning and thinking needed at work. You cover some important reasons why we should reduce stress to get more done.

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