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Who Else Finds Reading Sales Copy Excruciatingly Boring?

Tell me you're out there. I Can't be the Only one Surely?

By YezarckPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Who Else Finds Reading Sales Copy Excruciatingly Boring?
Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

Before I start I wanna just take the time to say that I'm not against copywriters and what they do. Not at all. Instead I admire them, they are after all the so called 'rainmakers'. And we all need rain, right?

I've even done a couple of copywriting courses in recent years and learnt a few things.

One of the main things that I learnt is that I'm really not good at it. I don't want to say that I've tried and failed because I really don't like admitting to failure in anything. In fact, the fact that I have not been successful at it so far is niggling at my insides in such a way that it just can't leave my mind.

I really feel like I owe it to myself to 'become' a Master copywriter. Well at the very least a proficiently capable one.

You see, I think my biggest issue with sales copy is that I find it excruciatingly boring to read. And I have tried, really. Even some of the best of the best copywriters' work bores the life out of me.

I think the main issue with me is that if I want to buy something, or if I see the value of it and it's on my list of things, then, of course I'm just gonna buy it. There's no need for you to twist my arm and shove it up my arse to coax me into a sale.

I've been bombarded in recent times by an onslaught of emails from subscriptions which have made me question why I'm actually still subscribed. Wasn't the deal supposed to be like one email a week? You do know that when you start to email me on a daily basis you come across as hella desperate?

I'm starting to wonder if your business is really going as well as you say it is, '6 figure' role model?

While trying to do some research as to how I can halt that niggling feeling within to become a proficient, capable copywriter I have struggled to keep my mind engaged. On just one landing page to convince you to take a life changing, life saving course I was left scrolling for what seemed like decades. I thought I'd fall asleep half way through. Cor blimey mate!

By Sander Sammy on Unsplash

I actually took section by section screenshots of one of the landing pages which turned out to be over 70 screenshots long!

I thought to myself- does this stuff actually work?

For me personally if I wanna buy something I just buy it. I know everyone is different but I'm thinking if you have to do that much convincing to get someone to buy what you're offering maybe they don't really want to buy it even though they may end up doing so. That's great for the seller obviously but maybe not so great for the customer.

Being seductively duped into being convinced 'this' whatever it is you have is exactly for them. It's gonna save them from their pain point. It's gonna drastically turn their life around in such a way that they just can't miss this chance. If they don't buy this pre-recorded course, with pre-recorded podcast sessions on how to transform the way you think about money and wealth right now it will be a big regret for them down the line.

It kinda reminds me of how in the past when women were less liberated sexually how the men would profess love to them and silver tongue their way into her you know what. Saying those magical words: "I love you" would be the tipping point that only the bravest fiercest of maidens could resist. Those words were a sure fire way to a man getting what he wanted from a woman whether he was sincere about it or not.

I wonder if that still works today?

Copywriting sure does take a lot of work. Going through those 70 plus screen shots from that one landing page I saw a lot of:


a lot of testimonials of people who were grateful to have experienced such a life changing miracle,

a lot of baby I can help you,

baby let me love you,

baby don't wait.

And it just got boring.

I was just thinking to myself how many people came to this landing page and actually reached the bottom before they decided to buy what was on offer? Or not to buy?

I can imagine for anyone who might get to the end of the landing page feeling like they’ve just been hounded to death by 20 kids in a sweet shop all demanding that they get what they want. So then the poor parent or school teacher does what's necessary to end their pain, -giving in to the screaming kids in the hope that it will end.

I'll be honest with you. I prefer straight up, direct, to the point approach because my life is short and I already know what I want 98% of the time.

And that other two percent of the time? Well I think I already fell asleep just thinking about it.


About the Creator


I'm new to writing but I think I'm starting to like it.

Helps me think.

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