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Leana's Day

Modern Satire

By Matthew PrimousPublished 24 days ago 6 min read

Said I can't wait till He wipes every tear from my eye. Said I can't wait till He wipe every tear from my eye. He's gonna wipe every tear from my eye oh my. He's gonna wipe every tear from my eye oh my. I could hear the choir from church now practicing over and over again. As the church was not too far from my home. My grandmother who raised me and gave me everything that I had. She taught me to revere God. That even though sometimes He works mysteriously that things would work out. My parents lost custody because they became too poor and the bills add up. But I respect them for giving birth to me and helping grandma pay the bills. My grandmother taught me how to read and write. She taught me how to be a good person. And she made sure that I did really well. I remember how she was there for me each time rain or shine. And I loved her dearly. When I graduated from school, she was old but still strong strong like Black Coffee in the morning. She would always sing in the morning, sing when she was working, sing when she was cooking. And eventually she taught me how to sing. I loved this song of hers. Sweet Lord Sweet Lord why don't you come by here. Ohhhh Sweet Lord Sweet Lord we need to hear from you. Sweet Lord Sweet Lord you know you are needed and your people want a touch from you. I could not afford to go to college because I did not have the funds. I was one of the smartest students, did really well in school but I could not afford the funds. So I worked at a coffee shop and I met some church folks. Hey Leana aren't you Mrs. Betters' grandchild. I was shy at first but gave in. Yes it's little Leana. I love this job. It pays well and I could make an earning. The folks said I bet you know how to sing because Mrs. Betters was known for singing. Boy she could tear a house down with her voice. Her voice is like an angel. Sing for us. Go up on stage and sing for us. I resisted I don't know. Singing ain't gonna pay my bills. Now just enjoy your meal and I will let grandma know about it. The folks said You know God. God doesn't like people hiding talent. God doesn't like pride. God gave us talent to used when we go through something and to give Him the glory. That's what Bishop Press said. And I shyly went away politely. After sometime, I thought of what they said in the back of my mind while working. And my friend Jenne said Leana you worked here for years and they did not give you a raise. They gave that other new girl a raised. I said Jenne mind your business. My grandmother really need the money plus she let me get things. And I can't afford college. Jenne said Girl they are using us, they are keeping the tips and they are making us work overtime for free. I said What? I am calling the manager because that is robbery. I am not gonna work for free and not receive benefits. So I quitted working and asked to speak to the manager. Mr. Bryant I can't work for free. I got to pay bills. My grandmother depend upon it. You can't expect people to be loyal to a job that uses them. Mr. Bryant said That's the rule if you don't like some of our practice. You are welcome to leave. We have a strict budget and we can't afford to pay overtime. I said Well it's not like you have paid for me for my overtime and you never gave me a raise in upton amount of years. I should just walk out. Mr. Bryant said if you quit then you are not welcome back. I walked and said fine. I hugged and said good bye to Jenne. Jenne said Girl what are you gonna do. I said I got something saved up. And I started singing my way out. Doesn't make a difference what you say. Doesn't make a difference what you do. Doesn't make a difference unless you be true. O Help me Lord Help me see my way. As I was walking home, I had to figure my life out. I passed the playground and my old school just when the sun was setting and walk two miles home with some food and water. I felt the gentle breeze and got out of the way of the fast moving cars. I came home early asking for my grandmother. And my mother showed up, Leana why aren't you at work? I said Mom they cheated me over and over again. And I ain't gonna be cheated. I worked there for years no raise. But they gave it to a new girl. Mom said well maybe you can work for the church. I said the Church oh no no no. Mom said Remember child your father and I was paying your grandmother's bills. We were the people behind her care for you. And now it's time to grow up and be the woman we know you are. We have somethings. You are not alone. And we can fix those years of struggling. I said Mom you weren't there for me. I forgive you. And grandma told me you cared but let me choose my life. I started walking toward the stairs. Mom said Leana Bishop Press is coming by to offer you a job. I suggested you get ready and suit up because you will serve in the church. You will sing for her. And I meant that. I said Oh Mom. Then Bishop Press with church staff came by around 7pm. And they were talking to Mom and chatting for hours. And Mom called me. And I said Mom where is grandma. Mom said she is out with your father. They are shopping. I said for what. Mom said what do you mean for what? Maybe a gift for you. I can't tell. I said Alright Mom I will do it. I ain't got no job anyways. Mom said Sing without the piano and then with. I sang Jesus Jesus give me this day. My daily bread and let me see no evil. I want to walk with you. I want to be with you. Heaven's my true home. Take me there someday oh someday. Then the ministers clap loudly. And Bishop Press said Why am I hearing her now? Child God took that job away because He has big plans for you. You can be somebody. And forgive that job that was just a stepping stone. Let go. Life is too great to be angry. Life is too great to be ugly. Life is too great to be miserable. God is life and life abundantly. Trust Him to supply your need according to his riches and glory. And let the ulginess die, let people who bring out the ugly in you I mean it let them go. Let situations that bring out your worse let it go. Let the pain, the offense, and the hurt go. And I turned to my Mother with tears in my eye and said Mom I love you and I love Dad. I forgive you for not raising me. Mom cried I tried but they took you away. We tried but you're okay and we never stop fighting for you. And I hugged Mom then I played the piano singing Dear Jesus I love you. You are where my source come from. You are my help. You are my strength. I will always trust you. I will always obey. For Dear Jesus I love you. I love you.


About the Creator

Matthew Primous

I am a Black Scholar, International Scholar, & Google Scholar, & 3-Time Eber & Wein Best Poet., Nominee for Poet of the Year, 2020 Black Author Matters Winner, 2 time Akademia Excellence Essayists,& 2022 Honorary Muckrack Journalist.

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