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Unleash Your Productivity with These 7+1 Free Incredible AI Tools

A Comprehensive Guide to Boost Your Productivity and Streamline Your Tasks with 7+1 Must-Have Free AI Tools

By Hendry Published about a year ago 4 min read

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a ubiquitous presence in our lives, from virtual assistants to chatbots and personalized recommendations. The increasing use of AI technology has not only revolutionized the way we interact with machines but also how we work. AI tools are now an essential part of modern workplaces, helping professionals streamline their tasks, automate processes, and make more informed decisions. In this article, we will explore seven plus one (because, well, who doesn't love a bonus?) free AI tools that everyone should know about. These tools are user-friendly, require no coding expertise, and are available to anyone with an internet connection. Whether you're a student, freelancer, entrepreneur, or working professional, these AI tools will help you unlock your potential, increase productivity, and improve your workflow. So, let's dive in and discover the AI tools that can take your work to the next level.

1. — Noise Cancellation Software

Krisp is a software solution that eliminates background noise by positioning itself between your device and any online communication tool. It is particularly beneficial for those who work remotely, such as contact center agents. Krisp addresses a common issue that most of us encounter and offers a free version for basic usage without requiring any noise cancellation hardware. Additionally, you have the option to try out the app in various scenarios, such as with or without background noise like barking dogs or crying babies.

2. Noah’s Ark — Intelligent NFTs (iNFT)

The intelligent NFTs offered by Alethea AI may currently be considered enjoyable, but they indicate what is to come and how we will engage with one another online. Alethea AI is an Ethereum-based decentralized protocol that utilizes GPT-3 to generate intelligent and interactive NFTs. The team of researchers behind the Noah's Ark project has developed various tools, such as text-to-character avatars. They are now pushing forward by integrating intelligence into these avatars, with the goal of safeguarding our culture, knowledge, and collective human experience for future generations.

3. Illustroke — Text-to-SVG

While we've witnessed numerous AI-generated text-to-art projects, this is the first instance we've seen of vector-based output. Utilizing SVG format enables you to open it in vector software programs such as Illustrator, allowing for further customization. As with all new tools, the learning curve can be steep, but with creativity and perseverance, you can produce intriguing results. Two tokens are provided for free to test the platform, with 50 tokens available for a reasonable price of $5. Each token allows for one illustration generation request, resulting in three variants of the same illustration to select the best option.

4. Rokoko AI — Video Motion Capture

Capture your actions on camera and transform them into an animated avatar with ease. You can either upload a pre-existing video or record your movements using a webcam or smartphone camera. Once uploaded, the Rokoko Studio enables you to access motion data for editing. You can export the final product into various 3D software, including Blender, Unreal, and others. Although there are limitations, you can try it out for free. For optimal real-time animation results, you would require Rokoko's Smartsuit and Smartgloves.

5. Perplexity AI — Querying Twitter using Natural Language

Perplexity SQL is a tool that utilizes OpenAI Codex to translate natural language queries into SQL code for analyzing vast datasets such as Twitter. This text-to-SQL translation is available for free as a demo and not a commercial product. The tool proves to be beneficial for research purposes, allowing for easy querying of Twitter data using natural language.

6. Descript — Podcast Editor

Being podcasters ourselves, we understand the laborious task of recording, editing, balancing, and enhancing a podcast with new content. Descript has been a helpful tool in simplifying this process. Its English transcript capabilities are impressive, allowing for effortless editing by deleting unwanted text. Additionally, its ability to remove filler words such as "ums" and "uhs" is a remarkable feature. The tool is consistently updated with new AI features that are truly mind-blowing. If you're a content creator, whether it be podcasts, videos, reels, and more, Descript can make production less stressful. They even offer a free version for testing out its capabilities.

7. — Web Data Extractor

Browse is a cloud-based web automation tool that utilizes AI and requires no coding. It is capable of extracting and monitoring structured data from any website. By replicating your actions, you can teach Browse to scrape specific content from a site. Although it may encounter obstacles, such as CAPTCHAs, it is usually successful in its endeavors. The tool offers a free option that allows for 200 credits per month.

8. AI Detector — Plagiarism Detector

OpenAI has developed an AI Text Classifier that uses a fine-tuned GPT model to assess the probability that a given text has been generated by AI, including their own ChatGPT. While the tool is not perfect, it can be limited in its accuracy when analyzing texts under 1000 words. Therefore, if a teacher wants to determine if their students are using ChatGPT, they should exercise caution when interpreting the results. The tool was developed in just a few days, so it is expected that it will become more refined with further training.
P.S. In the meantime, the question arises whether using ChatGPT and not disclosing it can be considered plagiarism.

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