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The Power Of The Halo Effect In Positively Changing Your Life

Why Focusing On Less Leads To Improving More

By Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.Published 3 months ago 4 min read

So many people want to Improve so many different Aspects of their Lives.

I get it, the World today puts all of us in a Terrible Position in terms of Health and Wellness.

Hyper Processed Food, Tech Addiction, Epidemic of Loneliness, Extreme Dis-Stress and Burnout, Misinformation, Disease, and Worse.

For many people, we're dealt a pretty bad hand to start with, and we then try to do everything within our Power to get a better hand.

It makes sense that we want to Change every Aspect of our Lives dramatically.

However, most people go about it completely wrong.

We often pick Goals that are WAY too big, and we try to change EVERYTHING all at once.

Where does that leave us?

Over 90% of people don't Accomplish what they set out to do every year.

For the rest, they often don't Accomplish as much as they had hoped.

The reason though is that most people do not use the Halo Effect to their Advantage when committing to Change.

What is the Halo Effect?

Well, it is the Idea that when we Focus in on only ONE Major Change, Consistently, other parts of our Lives also Improve as a Byproduct.

Do you need an Example?

Last year, there were a LOT of things that I wanted to accomplish.

Certifications, Reading, Writing, a Spartan Trifecta, Diet Improvements, Improved Life with my Spouse, Develop my Faith further, and more!

Lots of things that I could do!

However, I did not FOCUS on ALL of those things!

I only put my Focus on only ONE thing last year.

That was Writing.

I made a decision to Write and Publish a minimum of 250 words per day as an Online Article.

So, what happened?

Well, I did Indeed Publish 365 Articles last year.

However, a LOT more than that happened.

Though my minimum was 250 words, I averaged closer to 750 - 1,000 words per Day.

On my Blog, I have written enough words to publish between 5 and 8 books based on how much I wrote (though, technically I'm at 392 Days Straight after I published this Article, so maybe 4-7 books at year-end)

But that isn't all!

The Halo Effect REALLY took over last year!

In order to have enough to write about last year, I needed to Read a LOT to keep up!

In that Reading, I discovered a LOT of information that has dramatically informed my work and Life.

Certifications also helped me gain more Information to Write about, of which I completed 4 (which one of those was composed of 3 smaller Certifications).

A decent chunk of what I was Learning was Focused on Nutrition, which led me to try different things that led to a significantly better Diet.

With that, I got injured in 2022, but with what I was learning, I was able to Recover from my Injury and come out of it physically Stronger than I had been before by the end of the Year.

This Recovery allowed me to finish my Spartan Trifecta which I had been worried about being to finish.

My Diet also dramatically helped Improve my Fitness, as some of what I had been trying earlier in the year did NOT help, but by continuing to Learn I figured out what helped me DRAMATICALLY!

Through Focusing on Writing, I Improved my speed of Writing and putting Ideas together which directly aided how I've been Improving my Faith.

I have been going through a Degree Program that I had been stuck on for a minute, but with my Focus on Writing I was able to overcome that block and I made TREMENDOUS Progress toward the Degree.

The Focus on my Writing also led to my Business getting significantly more Visibility.

This led to more Income, as well as being Nominated or Winning 20 Awards Last Year Alone.

Those Awards were all completely unexpected, something that wasn't even on my radar as a part of anything I was looking to do.

Then with the increase in Income, I was able to have a lot of great times and experiences with my wonderful Spouse.

At the end of the Day, I accomplished WAY more than I had expected to.


Realize that I did not keep Track or Focus on most of these throughout the year!

There was only ONE Thing that I was tracking every day - Did I Write and Publish my Article?

That was the ONLY thing I kept my Focus on with the Goals.

Even though all of those other things were in my Awareness of what I wanted, and many of them I did something for Daily, I did not Track any aspects of the other Goals.

I didn't Ignore these other Aspects of my Life that were Important, but I made a Conscious Effort to Focus Specifically on Writing and Planned every day to Ensure it got done 100% of the Time.

In making sure I planned for Writing, I also was able to pay Attention to where I could work towards other Aspects of my Life.

What was Accomplished with everything else though was only a Byproduct of the Halo Effect.

THAT is how powerful the Halo Effect can be when you understand it correctly.

When you Focus on too many things at the same time though, you Block yourself from the Halo Effect.

So as you look at Improving your Life, don't split your Attention too much and become scattered.

Focus - look at which Aspect that you want to Improve could aid you in ALL of the other Aspects.

I chose Writing because I knew how it could help me Improve all of the other parts of my Life.

What will you Focus on Improving that will allow the Halo Effect to take over the rest of your Life?

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About the Creator

Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.

Creator of the Multi-Award-Winning Category "Legendary Leadership" | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | The Legendary Leadership Coach, Digital Writer (450+ Articles), & Speaker


[email protected]

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  • L.C. Schäfer3 months ago

    It should be no surprise that failure knocks when we spread ourselves too thin 🤔 Is the halo effect part of the reason behind "make your bed every day"? Increased discipline, tidiness, satisfaction etc... all rippling out from one small habit.

  • Toby Heward3 months ago

    Great mindset

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