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New Statistics Showing Leaders Are Horribly Unprepared For The Future

Why Leaders Should Be Worried And What They Should Be Looking To

By Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.Published 8 months ago 7 min read

The future is coming quickly, and Leaders need to make changes to their organizations quickly if they are going to survive.

But are they making the changes they NEED?

According to some statistics from PWC from their CEO survey, it appears that many businesses are HORRIBLY unprepared for the Future.

The first troubling statistic is Organizational Viability over the next decade.

Organizational Viability

Nearly 40% of CEOs don't think their companies will be economically viable a decade from now if they continue their current path.

Why play a losing game when you see it coming?

There are multiple problems here.

First, most of these Organizations are already seeing that they will not be viable, yet they also aren't doing enough to change this outcome.

They see the end and are simply watching it happen.

There is also the problem here that the other 60% of CEOs "think" they will be viable over the next decade, but for the majority, their methods won't work.

Again the Future is going to hit faster than many of these companies are preparing for.

Looking at the trends, and the current solutions to future problems we are seeing, I would estimate it is much closer to 80% or more who won't be Viable over the next decade.

A large part of the reason they will not be viable is that most organizations are currently unable to utilize the talent they currently have.

If you can't quickly optimize your current Employees, they won't magically become better in 2, 5, or 10 years from now.

Leaders' plans for the next year will greatly determine if they can change this, but few organizations are doing anything that will work.

Organizations are not fixing the Burnout issue, which will prevent Employees from their potential, and will only add increasing costs to their operations.

But this isn't the only bad statistic in the report.

State Of Mind

73% of Leaders are extremely Pessimistic about growth for the year ahead.

What we focus on we will find more of.

If the Leader's views are Pessimistic, they will find more problems and fewer solutions (if any at all).

In a time where Solutions and Innovation are desperately needed, this will only put these Organizations further behind than they already are.

To make it worse, we can spread our own, personal emotions via Neurocardiology.

This means if the Leader is Pessimistic, it is almost guaranteed their Team will be as well.

This Pessimism will only add to the Dis-Stress on employees who are already in Burnout.

Revenue Problems

This is further shown in that Leaders have a NEGATIVE 26% confidence for Revenue growth in the next year.

That means most organizations are expecting to lose Revenue.

What happens when the Leader is expected to increase Revenue (as their job generally depends on it), but they believe Revenue is likely to decrease?


When we Panic, we cannot think clearly, and will generally make terrible decisions.

Much like a few days ago when I stated most organizations will decrease spending on Employee Experience when they need to be investing better into their Employees.

Panic leads to bad choices that regularly destroy organizations.

Wrong Plans

Going into more of the statistics, most Leaders are looking to reduce their Operating Costs and Diversify their Product/Service Offerings.

The good news is that the majority are not thinking about accomplishing these through reducing their workforce (though some sadly are).

However, what do these organizations need to accomplish this?

Creative Problem Solving and Innovation.

How is that accomplished best?

Through Flow States, the Psychological state of mind where we feel our best, do our best work, are more Productive, Creative, and Innovative.

However, we have to go back to our Psychophysiology.

If we are in Dis-Stress, or its worse form, Burnout, people become blocked from achieving Flow States.

Tell me, where are the plans to fix Burnout (Especially Stress Damage) from these organizations?

I don't see those plans either.

The Reverse Indicator

Now, here's a statistic that may "sound" good but indicates bad things for Leaders.

About 87% of Leaders believe Attrition will either only slightly increase, stay the same, or decrease.

You would think that decreased Attrition would be a good thing, and in certain situations, it would be.

However, when 80% of Employees are in Burnout, and more are becoming Actively Disengaged (where they purposefully work against Organizational Goals, often in secret), it's a bad situation.

It means that more underperforming Employees (or negatively performing Employees) are staying at Organizations for as long as they are able.

This will act like a festering wound for most organizations, decimating Resources, Productivity, and Culture.

The World Problem

I wrote another article about how Employees are becoming more attracted to Organizations that are actively creating a Regenerative Legacy.

I said how most businesses are seeking only to "Reduce" their footprints, but that isn't enough and employees are seeking organizations that are doing more.

But are Leaders even Focused on that?

Only about 18% - 19% of businesses are investing in "Decarbonising" their Business Model or are adopting Alternative Energy Sources, to Reinvent themselves for the Future.

But again, this isn't enough for a Regenerative Legacy.

This shows over 80% of businesses are Failing to do anything with this, and even more are not doing enough.

This lack of effort is a deterrent for most of the workforce, and it will only get worse as these world problems continue to grow.

Wishful Thinking

Here's a fun one.

85% of the CEOs in the survey believe that the behaviors of employees are aligned with their company's values and direction.

Yet 80% of employees are going through Burnout?

How many organizations are completely failing in their "Return-To-Office" Mandates?

How many organizations believe that Productivity is not where it should be and that their Employees are contributing enough to the Culture and are being Innovative?

I'm sorry to break this to you, but this number indicates most Leaders have no clue what their Employees are feeling about the Organization.

What you are seeing with this number is Employees who are quietly doing only what is the absolute minimum required.

These employees are not aligned with these companies' Values and directions.

They are either Quietly Quitting or are secretly Actively Disengaged.

In Business, if things aren't where they should be, but you're not seeing any problems from your Employees, you have major problems that are being kept from you.

That's the Reality for most Leaders.

Failing Leadership

There are more Statistics in this report showing major Failures in other Leadership as well.

Over 40% of Leaders discourage dissent and debate.

Over 50% of Leaders cannot tolerate small-scale failures and fail to meet their performance goals.

Over 75% of Leaders are unable to make strategic decisions for their function or division without consulting higher.

No wonder Employees don't appear to be saying anything!

All of these are showing horrible failures in Leadership across the organization.

Without dissent and debate, you cannot find the best ideas or innovations.

If you cannot tolerate small-scale failures then you will quickly create a toxic work environment that leads to larger problems.

If most Leaders fail to meet their goals regularly, then either expectations are wrong, people are not getting the resources they need, or employees have given up trying.

If Leaders are not able to perform THEIR function without consulting first, they are not Leading!

All of these spell disaster for Organizations over the next year, not even looking at the long-term problems these cause over multiple years.

What Is Needed

Forget the next 10 years.

These Statistics indicate that the vast majority of Organizations will not last the next 5 years.

These trends need to change.

If Organizations are to last any meaningful amount of time, then Leaders must act now.

Waiting 1 year could spell doom.

Waiting to change in 5 years will not be an option.

Leaders need a new strategy NOW if they Hope to make it.

Organizations need a Leadership Cultivation program that understands Leadership Psychophysiology (such as Legendary Leadership) and produces a Regenerative Legacy.

Fixing Burnout should be the Top priority around the Employee Experience.

Specifically fixing Stress Damage, which most Wellness programs fail to accomplish.

If you don't fix that, your workforce will continue to be a Problem instead of the Solution they should be!

Plus, Leaders need to rally Employees around something meaningful.

There are many ways to accomplish this, but few organizations are doing anything about it.

The Organizations that start designing a Regenerative Legacy will be the ones that get the best talent.

This is where the Future is headed.

You can fall into Oblivion as most of these Organizations will.

Or you can make the necessary changes now to be the type of Organization most Employees are already seeking.

Make the choice quickly before it is too late.

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About the Creator

Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.

Creator of the Multi-Award-Winning Category "Legendary Leadership" | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | The Legendary Leadership Coach, Digital Writer (500+ Articles), & Speaker


[email protected]

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  • Test8 months ago

    Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C. It is clear that you have a talent for storytelling.

Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.Written by Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.

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