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My passion

Media and sharing voices drive me.

By Chauntelle APublished 3 years ago 5 min read

I have several passions in my life. The principal thing that I can truly say is that I love the media and people. My love of media began very young in my life. It started with a love of music and grew from there to enjoying videos and studying videos. Then studying film and studying different mediums and just enjoying that arena is my second passion or love Is being able to hear people's voices.

For three years, I worked for a non-profit within this nonprofit. I worked in the emergency assistance area where I was the intake person. I got to truly hear people's stories and hear their journey of some hardships and things that they went through and it just really unveiled to me the true resilience of many people that are overlooked every day. From that experience I realized my love of people and love of sharing different people's voices. Which is what I strive to achieve in all the different areas of media I've been in my career. I started in the media industry at sixteen. I worked with some people in our audio-visual department at my high school. We would make highlight rails for boys wanting to be collegiate athletes.

My life required me to take a few years off while I pursued other avenues in terms of my career. I went through a lot of hardships, but that love of media stayed in me. When I came backed to it, I came back with a vengeance. I ended up going back to school in my mid twenties to study media studies and business. While studying media, I could adapt and enjoy all major forms of mass media. The experience of being an assistant producer of three different TV show areas, I got to do interviews focused on the issues addressing the African American community, also I worked on a cooking show, I worked on a show about beauty and highlighting one's natural beauty and being able to shop on a budget. In these I was revealing a different aspect of life as we knew it.

After these experiences, it ignited something in me. I wanted to study more, and I really wanted to engulf myself in the medium of media. I ended up studying the art of film and making movies and I worked with people on a Web series. So I did that for a while eventually coming full circle and now I'm going to school to learn about broadcasting and audio production. It’s now in audio production I have found my niche and realized I wanted to have a Podcast. I have three Podcasts. I entitled the first one Poetic Fortuity. I get to highlight not only my poetry in my expression but also my love of poetry. I get to take my listeners on a journey, hearing both poets of our past and highlighting some of the current poets. I'm relating their poetry to current events going on now. I perform this Podcast with my son. We try to give our different generational point of views on the topics that we discuss.

I entitled my second podcast 3 Minutes in Faith. This. Podcast began from my love of empowering others and inspiring others. I tried to dive into the spiritual arena. I realize my strong suit, so what I ended up doing is I've recently revamped this podcast so that I am finding different Pastors and Evangelists and giving them a quick moment to expose them to different audiences. This is a daily Podcast, I try to give people a quick shot of faith within a 3 minute forum. I meant it to be a quick highlight in your day to start your day the right way.

My last Podcast is still in the works, I am literally highlighting the journey of people and their stories. This will take me back to my roots, my love. I am literally going to show the strength within us all. I will connect people through their struggle, because we have a lot more in common than we have differences. I meant my content to showcase how similar we are so that we will be better not only as a community but as a society and come together more.

My love of poetry actually began in 2nd grade, it didn't actually begin with a love of poetry; it began with a love of music. I wanted to write songs when I was in the 2nd grade and I didn't realize that it was more about poetry for me. My love of poetry actually began in 2nd grade and it didn't actually begin as a love of poetry. I began with my love of music. I wanted to write songs when I was in second grade and I didn't realize that birthed my love of poetry. But that love went away for a little, I ignited it when I was in high school in about 10th grade. I had a friend that was submitting poetry online. She was just the mid porch on A-line to get people to feed back and stuff and I was like a little more to try that so I went and I submitted something online ended up getting contacted because someone wanted to publish my work so I ended up going through that experience again when I was younger.

But my love went away for a while, but has been reignited when I was in high school. In the 10th grade I had a friend that was doing poetry online. She submitted her work for people to give her feedback and I submitted my work. And start doing poetry off and on. For a long time I enjoyed reading and started actually writing poetry in recent years. I realized that it's a different way to express myself so I've definitely grown a passion for poetry.

Some people know me for either my poetry which I highlight not only in my Podcast but I like in different areas like on different social media platforms, They also couldn't know me for my behind the scene work in my production work. Or lastly, they could know me for how I've always had that drive to help others, and just share their voices. They could know me for giving them the opportunity to share their voice sometimes privately and in recent years have started to become more pronounced.




About the Creator

Chauntelle A

Poet and podcaster for Poetic fortuity about current events and poetry. I have a 3-minute faith collection of mini messages. Attested resilience tells the comeback story after a setback.

My poetry book:

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