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Music and Mindfulness

Being aware of yourself through music

By ~ AnonymousPublished 7 months ago 4 min read

Music, a word we all relate to, have a relationship with and, somewhat, define in our own, unique and special way. It is vocal, instrumental, a combination that is produced to evoke the beauty of a form of harmony and emotion that comes from within us. It is plentiful, yet, specific to each of us and at the same time, a connecting force that gives us the opportunity to know, understand and feel for one another in a way we otherwise would not. It is complex with depths that build labyrinths in our worlds and simple enough to be deciphered scientifically. It is a true element of how society operates, with a complex science of humans with mathematics to back it up.

What’s the point I am making? To remember the root of what we are doing in order to attain the most from something we spend so much time on. Something we do not spend a lot of time dissecting but something we give a lot of our attention to. To make it less scary of a thought to speak out loud about how music can touch you and make you feel deeply. To speak openly about these feelings, triggers and engage in emotions with out own selves in order to present a more authentic version of ourselves to the reality we set out to each day.

Music transcends all restrictions that proliferate negativity within individual minds', bodies and souls within our structured societies. It is one aspect of our existence that allows self-growth: an opportunity to be aware of our mental health. It is the shining light on our personal experiences without having to acknowledge the semantics of them.

• Have you ever sat up all day and/or night listening to music?

• -Whether it is reflective of your current life or not, the lyrics apply to every relationship or experience you have ever had?

• -What are some artists, songs or compositions that come to mind that are connected to your spirit?

When Ashanti describes what it is to be 'Foolish' in a romantic relation - I relate to the multiple arguments I had and will continue having with my family. All the things you accept, turn out to be the things that you regret.

Listen to your gut. The producers and lyricists of the music we connect to have been through the same predicaments as us, played out in different scenarios. We can heal our own dilemmas, learning through them. Despite whether the premise of their music is describing a break-up or how happy their new love is making them feel - we can all find what relations make us feel different emotions and what that experience means to us.

Failing to acknowledge your experience can lead to actions outside of your own consciousness. When we fail to pay attention to ourselves things can turn negative, we may hear an artist talk about their experience with drugs and want to follow them; however, is that truly the experience your person is craving or does such reflection of the artists experience make you feel like spending time with your friends and family? Although the topics and experiences are vastly different does not mean they do not relate.

When listening to music that stimulates you, being aware of the emotions that come to the forefront of your mind will help you better understand your own consciousness. What may be a happy relation for one, may make you sad as it reminds you of a particular experience that is unique to you. It is important to appreciate the differences that present themselves in the passing moments we spend absorbing music. It helps to build your preferences and overall identity, teaching us so much about who we are as people and what we want to represent.

They say music can alter moods and talk to you, making it worth while to be mindful of how certain sounds and words impact your actions. Words can be great, or they can degrade, or even worse, they can teach hate. Listen to understand your respective experiences and not to follow a reflection of self that simply is not who you are. Feel free to speak about what music means to you with others, to have listening sessions, discuss differences and allow that to connect to the world in a way that makes you the best version of yourself.

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~ Anonymous

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