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Nigerians No Longer Being Blamed For All of Ghana's Issues Black Americans Are & Another Black American Murdered in Ghana

Ghanaians are once again playing the blame game & Black Americans are the new target

By IwriteMywrongsPublished 11 days ago 9 min read
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Thursday, 25 April 2024

By: TB Obwoge

I remember telling my Kenyan friend about not being able to go any where in the country for longer distances without a heavily armed Ghana police officer on the bus. He said to me, "that's so 1980's, in Kenya we no longer need that!" I laughed because having lived in Kenya it was never something I saw or experienced.

I remember being on a bus in Kenya for around 26 to 27 hours. We had gotten on the bus in Kisii Town, which is in Kisii Kenya, some 9-11 hours from Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. We were going all the way to Mombasa. Which to me was like heaven on earth.

Kenya even had rest stops with actual toilets to use, Ghana you have to urinate or poop on the side of the roads. Going to Tumu its 20-24 hours, going to Wa, Ghana is like 15 hours, sometimes longer.

Kisii had some moments of peace, I even remember getting a flat tire on the way from my husband's village to Kisii Town. I had never felt such complete and total peace in all my life. I felt some what at peace in places like Ho, Ghana and Tumu, Ghana.

Tumu taught me that I could live and die in Burkina Faso, where I want to land next.

However in Ghana highway robbery is very common. Why don't you hear about it? Because Ghana journalists aren't allowed to freely write about what they want to write about.

Here is an example, when I arrived in Ghana in October of 2020, a month early a Ghana Army soldier died in a horrible accent. He was 1 of 5 men in a military vehicle. Back then I searched for the article after my ex who is an active member of the Ghana Army told me about this accident. It was one of the only times I heard him drunk before. He doesn't drink alcohol and that conversation broke my heart.

Screenshot from YouTube Comments

This person said that Black Americans are no one in America and not even wanted in America. Black Americans who make up the NBA and NFL, Black Americans who are some wealthier than most of Sub-Saharan Africa totaled? Is this the Black Americans this person is talking about?

Though we were early in our relationship, he was so hurt and lost, he really considered this man a friend. Which he rarely considers anyone, even me at times and I still speak with him and love him immensely. However he was the one that taught me that the Ghana military are the ones that keep things from going all out insane in Ghana.

Screenshot from Google Results

So, NO these things aren't made public or news in Ghana, the Ghana Army handles some pretty horrible things and you never hear about it. These men and women are policing their own, then for that they're hated very much by a large number of Ghanaians.

I have never felt welcomed in Ghana, my light skin would never allow me to be considered a Black person. However now that might be a good thing as many Ghanaians are sick of Black Americans and claiming that the “bad ones” are the ones moving to Ghana.

Screenshot of Ghana Street Trash Every where

Several Ghanaian men were arrested for killing an American citizen in Cape Coast Ghana.

A few days ago a Black American woman was beaten to death and killed in Cape Coast Ghana. I’ve written several times about the bullying culture in Ghana, especially after I filed my police report with multiple Ghanaian suspects. My life was threatened, I have a 13 minute recording of my Ghanaian ex’s brother telling me that it will be a “blood bath!”

Screenshot from YouTube Comments

Below is one of the many videos of Ghanaians claiming Black Americans are ruining Ghana. The same Ghana that Ghanaians are shitting in the gutters, the streets and beaches of, this is the Ghana he is claiming that Black Americans are destroying.

This is why so many foreigners live segregated from Ghanaians, the Lebanese, the Chinese, everyone lives in their on segregated communities.

He said this stone cold to my face, I have no one in Ghana and my ex is one of 5 siblings, with multiple women and several baby mommas and at least 4–7 children.

Yes the blood bath would have been mine, however I left and I am trying to pursue other legal avenues to take several issues to the court system in Ghana.

However on looking for a video about the bullying of overweight women in Ghana, they make up 50% of the female population by the way. This is according to the recent statistics released from the Ghana government.

While I was searching for this video, I found several videos of Ghanaians claiming that Black Americans are ruining Ghana. I had already seen several like this, blaming Black Americans for the rising cost of living and housing prices. However there is a new drug problem in Ghana, they are now blaming all the influx of Blacks from America for this.

Mind you, I was seated in a cafe in Ghana, I was with a New Yorker, when we heard a familiar accent, loud and rowdy. There were what sounded like loud, sterotypical mob men seated at the table next to us.

Screenshot from YouTube

Black Americans are not getting banned all over, this person is talking about the Passport Bros, which I've written about before. This is about men being predators in other countries. Last I checked men in Ghana are still murdering and raping women and children. So therefore they're also not safe. Just like the 2 Ghanaian men in early 2024 in USA that killed their lovers.

It was comical at the time as Malik said, “damn everybody is coming to Ghana these days!” That was 2-years ago and Malik was right. Within a year later the Ghana police were claiming that cocaine was being sold in popular Ghana night spots and they were now going into clubs undercover.

Photo of Ghana

There are articles from decades ago up to 2024 about Ghanaians shitting on beaches and in gutters. Getting in the waters of any beach in Ghana is risking your life and very disgusting. A lesson I had to learn several times from my beach trips.

Who wants to go to a hot ass beach and be unable to cool off in the water?

In 2019, when Ghana's Akufo-Addo figured he would use Black Americans to build the failed Ghana tourism industry. That he did and Ghanaians all over used this as a way to scam and defraud on a large scale.

Just recently Ghana Immigration directed immigration officers to stop walking tourist through immigration. This common practice of finding anyone who had an issue with over-staying their tourist visa, or even being lied to about their visa status. Immigration officers were scamming any where from 100-250 GHS from unknowing tourists.

This is the reason that when you are leaving Ghana immigration officers stand near the boarding area and check your passport.

Notice most times this doesn't seem to happen to certain Big Men, (meaning Africans who appear wealthy or powerful) only to people who look like tourists or in my case my light skin, which is considered white by most Africans, I was always pulled aside.

Screenshot from YouTube Comments

My last return trip from Ghana, 4 immigration officers stopped me, I had everything I needed, they started asking questions and I lost my shit. I told them all about my 2-years in Ghana, the scamming, the calling me white, fat, the changing the prices of everything. Being stopped by Ghana police, immigration and even being sexually assaulted.

When I was finished 3 out of the 4 looked so sad, I was so sad, I was leaving with nothing, returning to nothing, I was all alone in life and Ghana stole even my joy.

I've met others that now hate all Africans because of the scamming in Ghana. One woman lost more than $80,000 USD, she now has no trust for any Africans and that is sad because she has never been to any other parts of Africa.

She thinks that every country and every African is a scammer. She started a Facebook group for people that are or were married to Africans. Surely in her group she bashes Africans.

This is sad that people are thinking that all Africans or all Ghanaians are horrible humans and they are not!

Even this Ghanaian living in Maryland in the United States, who bashed all Black Americans, he claimed all Black Americans were raised with their parents in jail.

He, himself was abandoned by his father who left his mother to live in the US. He also left his 3 children and often ignored their mothers plea for money.

April 2024 Accra Ghana

He was scammed by Ghanaians, every time he tried to build a house in Ghana. We shared a mutual friend, this friend was my friend, he told me all about this man being scammed.

However he hates Black Americans and lives in America. This is so common for many Africans.

Ghanaians have been ruining Ghana for centuries, the economy, the streets, the crime, the scamming and fraud. But you rarely hear about any of this. There are no creditable police records in all of Ghana and there won't be because they police won't be able to collect their bribery money for selling paper police reports back to the criminals.

Ghana is a lawless country and every Ghanaian knows this.

A new home for the African diaspora in Ghana stirs tensions

They’re among the latest in a rich history, where many thousands of foreigners of African heritage have made Ghana their home — a proud legacy championed by independence leader Kwame Nkrumah, and his vision of Ghana as a beacon of African unity. Many are drawn to Ghana as a country cast abroad as a prosperous African nation on the rise. But a wave of returning diaspora, while welcomed, has become more contentious during some of the most trying economic times in decades.

And in Pan-African Village, brewing tensions over ownership and privileged access to the land threaten to unravel its promise. “I was the first to arrive here,” Skiers says, beaming. “And many more are coming behind me.” He was born in Jamaica but spent most of his life in Canada. He lived there for almost forty years, mainly working in a shipping factory, but it was never his home. “Canada is a country built by white people. And we as blacks and native people are regarded as second-class citizens.” When he retired, he was set on leaving and envisioned a life elsewhere.

Source NPR News

They will continue to blame anyone and everyone for their failures as humans and as a country.

Not enough of the good people in Ghana are stepping up to put the assholes in their place. This is why they American police are the way they are as well. There are not enough good police to put the bad ones out of work.

This is Ghana, when it comes to crime, romance scams, murder and rape and everything. Ghanaians will stick with Ghanaians even if they are horrible humans, this is why Ghana isn't safe for anyone who isn't a filthy rich and connected person.

©️TB Obwoge 2023 All Rights Reserved


About the Creator


I'm the president of a nonprofit. I've lived in 3 countries, I love to travel, take photos and help children and women around the world! One day I pray an end to Child Marriages, Rape and a start to equal Education for ALL children 🙏🏽

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