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Habit Hacks: How successful people keep winning

10 habits that set the successful apart from the rest

By Ryan McNultyPublished about a year ago 11 min read

Have you ever marveled at how successful individuals always seem to accomplish their goals with ease? Well, it's not a stroke of luck, but a result of their daily habits. Habits are the small actions we repeat over time that lead to significant outcomes. Accomplished professionals know this and use it to their advantage. They have mastered the art of forming positive habits that keep them on track and productive toward their goals. In this article, we'll delve into 10 "habit hacks" that successful people use to achieve their goals, and how you can use them to attain success in your own life.

Habit 1: Wake up EARLY.

Waking up early is a habit that many successful people swear by. They understand that time is a precious resource and don't want to waste a single moment of it. By starting their day early, they gain an advantage in tackling their long to-do lists and achieving their goals.

Plus, there's something undeniably empowering about being up and productive while the rest of the world is still asleep. Early mornings offer a chance for quiet reflection, creative thinking, and strategic planning, all of which can set the tone for a productive and successful day.

Because they are aware of how they can affect the rest of the day, top performers make the most of the mornings. They have more uninterrupted time to organize their day, work out, practice meditation, or finish other tasks when they get up early.

Another benefit of waking up early is the increased ability to focus and concentrate. Studies have shown that the brain is more alert and focused in the morning, which means that waking up early can improve cognitive performance and productivity. Successful people know this, and they use their early morning hours to tackle their most important tasks when their brains are at their sharpest.

But the benefits don't stop there. Waking up early also sets the tone for a positive and motivated attitude. And don't worry, they're not sacrificing their precious sleep for productivity - successful individuals prioritize their rest and adjust their schedules accordingly to ensure they get the recommended amount of sleep per night.

Habit 2: EXERCISE.

In order to succeed and be happy in life, it's important to take care of oneself. Exercise should therefore be an essential component of your daily schedule. It has advantages for your physical health as well as your mental health and general well-being.

The increase in energy and productivity that comes with regular exercise is among its greatest advantages. Your body releases endorphins when you exercise, which can lift your spirits, sharpen your focus, and give you the vigor you need to get through the day. And the more you work out, the more your energy levels will rise over time, enabling you to accomplish even more in a day than you ever imagined.

Photo Credit: Victor Freitas

Success often comes with demanding schedules and high levels of stress, which can take a toll on mental health. Regular exercise can help alleviate stress and anxiety while promoting a more positive mindset. It has been shown to release neurotransmitters that can improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Regular exercise can also lead to improved physical health, including better heart health, increased strength and endurance, and reduced risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. High achievers know that taking care of themselves is essential to reaching their goals. They prioritize their physical health as a non-negotiable part of their daily routine because they understand that without a healthy body, they can't perform at their best.

So whether it's hitting the gym, going for a run, or doing yoga, they make time for exercise every day to keep their bodies in top condition. This allows them to stay focused, productive, and energized to tackle whatever challenges come their way.

Habit 3: Setting DAILY goals.

This means breaking down those big, audacious goals into bite-sized daily tasks that are actually doable. Think of it like chopping up a giant pizza into smaller, more manageable slices - it's much easier to tackle one slice at a time than to try and take down the whole thing in one go.

When it comes to reaching your goals, it's all about working smarter, not harder. By prioritizing your important tasks, you can make sure your time and energy are well-spent. Take a few minutes each day to identify what really matters and make it your top priority. And if you're feeling swamped, don't be afraid to delegate or outsource some tasks so you can focus on what you do best.

Want to make the most of your time and achieve your goals more efficiently? Celebrate every little win along the way, and track your progress regularly to stay motivated and adjust your approach as needed.

To really take control of your schedule, you need structure and organization. Consider using a productivity app such as Nifty or a time-tracking software like Clockify in order to prioritize the tasks that will have the greatest impact on your goals.

But don't just set any old goals – make them specific, measurable, and achievable. Jot them down and keep them in sight throughout the day so you never lose sight of what you're working towards.

Habit 4: Read, CONSISTENTLY.

There's nothing quite like getting lost in a good book. Not only is it a fantastic way to relax and unwind, but it can also broaden your horizons and help you grow as a person. Those who have found great success know this all too well. They understand that reading is a key component of personal development and knowledge acquisition.

Think about it - every time you pick up a book, you're embarking on a journey of self-discovery and growth. By immersing yourself in new perspectives, ideas, and cultures, you expand your horizons and gain fresh insights into the world around you. It's like taking a mental vacation, without ever leaving your comfy armchair!

And the benefits don't stop there. When you make reading a habit, you're also sharpening your decision-making skills and firing up your creativity. By exposing yourself to a diverse range of viewpoints and experiences, you're equipping yourself with the tools to approach problems from new angles and come up with innovative solutions.

Your cognitive abilities can also be enhanced by reading frequently. It can enhance memory recall, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. Furthermore, it can ease tension and encourage rest. Reading a book before bed can help you relax and get a better night's sleep, which can result in better productivity and general well-being.

Photo Credit: Taryn Elliot

When was the last time you lost yourself in a good book? Regular reading can do wonders for your communication skills, inspiration, and motivation. It's like having a personal mentor or cheerleader, encouraging you to push through your own challenges and achieve your goals by learning from the struggles and successes of others.

Not only that, reading can help you sharpen your ability to express yourself effectively in writing and speech. By exposing yourself to various writing styles, you'll expand your vocabulary and improve your communication skills.

Habit 5: LEARN from your mistakes.

Success isn't just about nailing it on the first try - it's about learning from your mistakes and shortcomings. After all, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? Failure is simply a stepping stone to success, and mistakes should be used as a launching pad for achieving your goals. So instead of beating themselves up over their errors, top earners take them in stride and use them to fuel their drive toward greatness.

Mistakes can be a valuable source of insight and inspiration. By embracing them and looking for creative solutions, we can turn our missteps into moments of innovation. Sometimes it takes a fresh perspective to see the potential in a problem, and mistakes can provide just the spark we need to find new solutions.

Let's face it, life can be a rollercoaster of ups and downs. But the real champions are those who can handle the dips and come out even stronger on the other side. Overcoming failures and setbacks isn't just about proving your resilience - it's about learning from your mistakes and coming out with a better understanding of who you are. After all, what better way to learn about yourself than by screwing up? So embrace those slip-ups and setbacks, my friend - they just might be the key to unlocking your full potential.

Habit 6: Surround yourself with POSITIVE People

Top performers surround themselves with like-minded individuals who support them, motivate them, and inspire them to be their best selves. This can have a significant impact on your success and overall well-being. Having positive people around can also provide emotional support during difficult times and offer a fresh perspective on challenges you may be facing.

Successful individuals understand the power of positive thinking and surround themselves with people who share that mindset, as they tend to have a more optimistic outlook on life and are more likely to see opportunities instead of obstacles. They can help you stay focused on your goals and maintain a positive attitude, even in the face of adversity.

Have you ever noticed how being around positive people just makes you feel good? That's because positivity is contagious! When you surround yourself with upbeat, optimistic individuals, their good vibes can rub off on you, giving you a much-needed boost in self-confidence and problem-solving skills. Plus, positive relationships can improve your mental and emotional well-being, leading to a happier and more fulfilling life.

On the other hand, negativity can be a real downer. Negative people have a way of sucking the life out of any situation, making it hard to stay motivated and focused on your goals. Surrounding yourself with pessimistic, defeatist individuals can drag you down and drain your energy. That's why successful people know to steer clear of negative influences and instead seek out positive people who lift them up and inspire them to greatness.

Habit 7: TIME Management

Let's talk about the superpower of successful people: time management. These wizards of productivity know that time is precious and use it to their advantage. They don't waste a second and always have their priorities straight.

But wait, effective time management is not about burning the midnight oil or working yourself to exhaustion. With great time management skills, you can do more in less time, stress less, and have more time for the things that make life worth living.

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Have you ever found yourself scrolling through social media or checking your email repeatedly instead of focusing on your work? Successful people know how easy it is to get distracted, which is why they make a conscious effort to eliminate them. They turn off notifications, close unnecessary tabs and apps, and set aside specific times to check email or social media. By doing so, they stay focused and productive, which allows them to accomplish their goals in less time. So, the next time you feel yourself getting distracted, take a page out of their book and eliminate those distractions.

Habit 8: Taking BREAKS.

That's right, breaks aren't just for lazy folks - they're crucial for your physical and mental well-being, as well as your productivity. Think of breaks as your power-ups: they give you a chance to recharge, refocus, and come back stronger than before. Taking regular breaks throughout the day can prevent burnout, boost creativity, and increase productivity.

The top 1% understand the importance of taking breaks. It's not just about physical and mental health; it's also about achieving a healthy work-life balance and improving productivity. Taking breaks allows individuals to step away from work and focus on other aspects of their lives, reducing stress and improving overall well-being. In addition, breaks can boost creativity and problem-solving skills by providing new perspectives and ideas. By taking regular breaks, you can recharge, refocus, and approach tasks with renewed energy and clarity.

So, don't feel guilty about taking a breather! You're doing yourself a favor by reducing stress and improving mental clarity, which will help you tackle tasks with renewed energy and fresh perspectives. Trust me, your body and brain will thank you for it.

Habit 9: Practice GRATITUDE.

Practicing gratitude is a simple yet powerful habit that highly successful individuals often incorporate into their daily lives. They recognize that gratitude helps shift their focus from what they lack to what they have, fostering a positive attitude and improving their overall well-being.

Incorporating gratitude into your daily routine can have numerous benefits, including increased happiness, positivity, and resilience. Simply taking a moment to reflect on the good things in your life or expressing thanks to others can make a significant impact on your mindset and outlook.

Photo Credit: Karolina Grabowska

Gratitude isn't just a feel-good attitude, it can be a game-changer for your success. When you cultivate a grateful mindset, you attract positive people and experiences into your life, opening up a world of opportunities and achievements. And that's not all - expressing gratitude can also strengthen your relationships and social connections, providing the support you need to achieve your goals and overcome obstacles.

It's no wonder that successful people often make gratitude a daily practice. By focusing on what they have instead of what they lack, they experience greater happiness, positivity, and resilience - qualities that are essential for achieving success in any area of life. So why not adopt this powerful habit for yourself and see the difference it can make?

If you are interested in a journal, I actually made a gratitude and goal-setting journal geared towards men who strive for success which you can purchase here.

Habit 10: Stay focused on the BIG PICTURE.

You know that feeling when you're trying to find your way in the dark, blindfolded, and stumbling around like a clumsy toddler? Yeah, not a great feeling, right? Well, the same goes for achieving your goals without a clear vision of where you're headed. Having a long-term vision is crucial in helping to stay motivated and committed, even when things get tough. Think of it like a marathon runner who keeps their eyes fixed on the finish line, ignoring the snack table along the way (as delicious as those energy bars may be).

But it's not just about focus, it's also about smart decision-making. Successful people know how to prioritize their time and resources, avoiding time-wasting activities that won't contribute to their long-term success.

So, if you're ready to level up and join the ranks of the successful, keep your eye on the prize and stay focused on the big picture. Not only will it help you make better decisions, but it'll also keep you motivated and on track, even during those tough times.

Well, there you have it, friends - the top 10 habits of highly successful people. But don't be fooled by their simplicity - these habits pack a punch when it comes to achieving success. By incorporating these habits into your daily routine, you'll find yourself becoming more productive, focused, and making progress toward your goals at lightning speed. And who knows, with a little consistency and effort, you might just find yourself joining the ranks of the highly successful!


About the Creator

Ryan McNulty

Dad-Husband 👨‍👩‍👦 Realtor-Renovations 🏡 💰Content Creator 💻 📲 Mixologist 🍹Drummer 🥁

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    Ryan McNultyWritten by Ryan McNulty

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