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A Work Equation That Has Helped Me Stand Out In An Oversaturated Market

Where Most Leaders And Entrepreneurs Go COMPLETELY Wrong

By Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.Published 4 months ago 5 min read

I recently became the #1 Creator on Typeshare - The Digital Writing Platform.

I never had the intention to accomplish this.

In fact, it's a brand-new feature that I didn't even know was being designed!

I simply love using the Platform because it helps me write significantly better content.*

Now, just today I was looking at the Creator Leaderboard and noticed something that disheartened me a little bit.

One of the other Creators who was #2, right behind me, was no longer there.

They were a Creator whose work I really enjoyed too.

It's a testament to how quickly things can change.

It also reminded me of a Work Equation that I learned from one of my Mentors that has improved my Business Significantly.*

I'll write out the Equation, then put it into a sentence to remember it more easily.

Genius Work = Time x (Focus x Energy x W.I.N.)^Consistency


Genius Work is created based on the Time that F.E.W. Consistently do.

Let me explain this equation further.

Genius comes from Latin and essentially means "That which comes from the Soul/Spirit".

In this sense, "Genius Work" is that work which expresses the Best of who and what we are.

Now, if we are to express that fully, there are necessary components.

The first is Time.

It is an inescapable fact that we must put Time into everything.

There is a season for Sowing and a season for Reaping.

Too often we try to Reap without Sowing, and it doesn't work.

So, what helps us know when the Genius Work can be Reaped?

That's where the next part of the equation comes in.

Focus is the first aspect.

What is important with Focus from the Psychophysiological standpoint is that you NEED it to get to Flow States.

Focus drives Flow.

Flow is where we do our best work, and feel our best.

If you don't have Focus, you can't have Flow.

No Flow, you'll never achieve your Potential.

Then you have Energy.

This refers to the LITERAL Energy that our bodies use for Fuel.


The quality of your Work is going to be dictated by the Quality of your Energy.

If you lack Energy, your Work Quality will be diminished.

This is also important because Flow States are High-Energy states.

If you don't have enough Energy, you will be Blocked from Flow.

Plus, there is research that shows that our EQ and IQ are both dramatically impacted by our Energy.

That is why I have spoken about how VQ is more important to Success than both EQ and IQ.

Improve your VQ, improve your Energy, and you will Improve your Work.

Then, the third component of this is W.I.N. which stands for What's Important Now?

See, Focus and Energy need to be directed AT what will create the Largest Impact toward your Goals.

If they aren't, then the Focus and Energy become wasted.

So, direct them at the ONE Thing that is Important NOW!

Entrepreneurs and Leaders so often get distracted by all forms of different things, never Focusing their Energy or Time on ANYTHING!

It leads them to waste so much Energy, so much Time, and at the end of the day so much Money!

I've been there myself, so I understand it!

However, when I put ALL of my Focus, Time, and Energy into Writing (What is Important NOW for me), I got SIGNIFICANTLY better Results!

Now, there is one last INCREDIBLY Important component to Genius Work.


Now, this is perhaps the BIGGEST Contributor to Success that most people take for granted.

But it pays EXTREME Dividends if you keep it going.

Think of it like this, from the equation.

Let's say that 2 different people put the same amount of Time into their work, and the same amount of F.E.W. into their work.

For simplicity in math, we'll say that Time=1, and F.E.W.=2

The only difference between the 2 people is that one does the work 5 days per week, while the other does 7.

It doesn't "sound" like much of a difference, but let's look at how things change.

After 1 week, this is what you see.

Person 1 Genius Work = 1 x (2)^5 = 32

Person 2 Genius Work = 1 x (2)^7 = 128


Fairly noticeable difference.

In Practice, it may not be quite that noticeable after 1 week, but what about after 1 year?

Person 1 Genius Work = 1 x (2)^260 = 1.85 E 78

Person 2 Genius Work = 1 x (2)^365 = 7.52 E 109

(E means x 10^#, so we are looking at 185 with 76 Zeroes after it, and 752 with 107 Zeroes after it).

That is a 40 Nonillion difference!

The Longer and More Consistent you are, the larger the gap becomes, and the more noticeable it is.

This difference in Consistency is what led Michael Phelps to become the most decorated Olympian of all time (28 Medals, 23 of which are Gold).

He chose to practice 7 days a week when others practiced only 5 days.

It is also one of the largest reasons I have received 19 Nominations and Awards this year alone, where most Coaches Struggle to be recognized for anything in their career.

Looking at Typeshare, I have written 354 Days Straight (with publishing this Article), while the next nearest Creator is at 162 Days Straight.

Consistency is BY FAR the Largest Differentiator in Business.

The Reality is that there are FEW People who ever stay Consistent with anything, which is why Consistency Stands Out.

So, what are YOU willing to do for your Genius Work?

Will you put in the Time that F.E.W. Consistently do?


*Marked Links contain Affiliate Offers. I ONLY Affiliate with businesses I use and who I firmly believe are beneficial for others.

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About the Creator

Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.

Creator of the Multi-Award-Winning Category "Legendary Leadership" | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | The Legendary Leadership Coach, Digital Writer (450+ Articles), & Speaker


[email protected]

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